
Since Feb 20th I've lost 24 pounds. In the last wk in a half I've not lost anything at all. I count calories I try and stay around 900 and I work out 45 mins of cardio everyday and 30 mins of strength training. I've know increased my workout to twice a day doing same thing and still nothing Helppp


  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    First off, the first thing everyone will tell you is that you're not eating enough. They're right. You shouldn't eat below 1200 calories. You need to calculate your BMR and TDEE and go from there. Second, weight loss isn't linear. Your weight fluctuates and some weeks there will be no progress, while other weeks you may see more progress. Be patient and give it time.
  • Murphy0126
    Murphy0126 Posts: 84 Member
    Obvious troll, or uneducated individual desperate to lose weight.

    You lost 24 pounds in a little over 5 weeks. The majority of this is water, mixed with a good portion of muscle since you are not providing your body enough calories, and perhaps a little bit of fat.

    Up your calories, learn the proper way to eat, and calm the hell down on your exercise.

    One step at a time! YOU CAN DO IT!

  • tasha251983
    tasha251983 Posts: 48 Member
    Not a troll or uneducated thanks for your input tho!
  • tasha251983
    tasha251983 Posts: 48 Member
    Can someone explain without jumping down my throat why its OK for some doctors to put people on 500 cal diets and how they still loose?
  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    First off, the first thing everyone will tell you is that you're not eating enough. They're right. You shouldn't eat below 1200 calories. You need to calculate your BMR and TDEE and go from there. Second, weight loss isn't linear. Your weight fluctuates and some weeks there will be no progress, while other weeks you may see more progress. Be patient and give it time.

  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    Obvious troll, or uneducated individual desperate to lose weight.

    You lost 24 pounds in a little over 5 weeks. The majority of this is water, mixed with a good portion of muscle since you are not providing your body enough calories, and perhaps a little bit of fat.

    Up your calories, learn the proper way to eat, and calm the hell down on your exercise.

    One step at a time! YOU CAN DO IT!


  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    Can someone explain without jumping down my throat why its OK for some doctors to put people on 500 cal diets and how they still loose?

    Because those people are morbidly obese, and it's more important for them to get the weight off to reduce the severe health issues that come with being morbidly obese. As they lose weight, their calories are raised. Also, they have so much fat that their body doesn't consume a large percentage of muscle. Your profile pic suggests you're in the weight range where on a VLCD a lot of your weight loss is coming from lean body mass rather than fat.

    Read the link I posted above, and apply it - you'll be much happier with the end results.
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    Can someone explain without jumping down my throat why its OK for some doctors to put people on 500 cal diets and how they still loose?

    Oh, you'll lose weight on 900 calories. Never said that. "Starvation mode" as we fling it around is a myth, and consuming less calories will result in weight loss. Will you also become very unhealthy and incapable of doing everyday thins? Probably. Doctors put people on VLCDs if they need to lose weight urgently, which I assume you do not, and I also assume you are not doing this under doctor's supervision.
  • Murphy0126
    Murphy0126 Posts: 84 Member
    Can someone explain without jumping down my throat why its OK for some doctors to put people on 500 cal diets and how they still loose?

    I'm not jumping down your throat. I'm pointing out the obvious flaw in your weight loss journey and trying to help you.

    900 calories is not sustainable nor healthy for a lifelong lifestyle change.

    Super morbidly obese patients may be placed temporarily on a nutrient controlled VLCD under medical supervision BEFORE surgery.

  • dmenchac
    dmenchac Posts: 447 Member
    Not a troll or uneducated thanks for your input tho!

    Well you are uneducated in a weight loss sense considering you are eating 300 calories below the bare minimum.

    I have never seen a doctor put someone on a 500 calorie diet, but if they have I am sure it was for serious health problems.

    However, if I had to guess, a Doctor didn't put you on a 900 calorie diet, so that is pretty much irrelevant.

    Eat right, exercise, and track and you will lose the lbs. There is no need to starve your body while losing weight.
  • tasha251983
    tasha251983 Posts: 48 Member
    Your not very nice people to go to for advice. I don't understand why I need to eat more than 900 if I'm eating all day long and I'm full I'm never hungry or starving my body I'm just eating a lot of raw vegetable. I usually eat grilled chicken once a day but I've never been a big meat, chicken or fish eater
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    Your not very nice people to go to for advice. I don't understand why I need to eat more than 900 if I'm eating all day long and I'm full I'm never hungry or starving my body I'm just eating a lot of raw vegetable. I usually eat grilled chicken once a day but I've never been a big meat, chicken or fish eater

    Well, YOU'RE going to need professional help for your potential eating disorder.
  • tasha251983
    tasha251983 Posts: 48 Member
    I do not have an eating disorder
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    I do not have an eating disorder

    If you didn't you'd be eating over 1200 calories a day, troll.
  • juicymisslucy
    juicymisslucy Posts: 72 Member
    I understand where you are coming from. I lost very rapidly at a very low calorie diet with exercise and lost a ton of weight. That was 2 years ago and I gained it allll back. Honestly, you need to eat more than that. I eat anywhere from 1400 to 1600 a day and I am losing, slowly but surely. You have to ask yourself, "Do I want to be skinnier right now, and gain it all back, or do I want to be healthy and fit in the long run?" :) We can do this :)
  • tasha251983
    tasha251983 Posts: 48 Member
    OK you guys are pointless to talk to never mind. I need to talk to someone who can actually help me instead of be little me, make fun and say stupid stuff. So like I said I'm at 900 cals and I'm not hungry I'm not going to force myself to eat just to get to more calories. So thus being why I ask for advice in the first place I need to know if maybe there's some kind of protein shake I could/should make to get my cals higher. But thanks for being a bunch or rude A holes
  • dmenchac
    dmenchac Posts: 447 Member
    Not a troll or uneducated thanks for your input tho!

    Well you are uneducated in a weight loss sense considering you are eating 300 calories below the bare minimum.

    I have never seen a doctor put someone on a 500 calorie diet, but if they have I am sure it was for serious health problems.

    However, if I had to guess, a Doctor didn't put you on a 900 calorie diet, so that is pretty much irrelevant.

    Eat right, exercise, and track and you will lose the lbs. There is no need to starve your body while losing weight.

    Just got a very nice personal message from the OP.

    "Your not nice" with the subject of "Advice"

    I wish to amend my statement and include uneducated in more than one way.
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    OK you guys are pointless to talk to never mind. I need to talk to someone who can actually help me instead of be little me, make fun and say stupid stuff. So like I said I'm at 900 cals and I'm not hungry I'm not going to force myself to eat just to get to more calories. So thus being why I ask for advice in the first place I need to know if maybe there's some kind of protein shake I could/should make to get my cals higher. But thanks for being a bunch or rude A holes

    Don't like it ? Delete your account.

    ETA: Reported.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Your not very nice people to go to for advice. I don't understand why I need to eat more than 900 if I'm eating all day long and I'm full I'm never hungry or starving my body I'm just eating a lot of raw vegetable. I usually eat grilled chicken once a day but I've never been a big meat, chicken or fish eater

    Hunger is not always the best indicator of whether or not you're getting enough to eat. The hormones your body releases to signal hunger can be suppressed by too many things, including exercise and prolonged periods of undereating. Additionally, there are things that can happen with prolonged undereating that hunger will not warn you about, including vitamin deficiencies, muscle loss, bone density loss, etc. You have to look at the big picture. Look at things like gym performance, mood, concentration, healthy skin and nails along with hunger.
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