Looking For Advice on Losing 100+ Pounds :)

Hi I am kind of new to this. I am usually the person who vows to lose weight and then falls off the wagon a week later when I see someone else eating something that looks "worth" gaining back everything I lost the entire last week. I am trying like crazy this time though. My heaviest weight was 265lbs. I am now down to 248lbs this morning. I am planning our wedding for next year and really want to be down to 130lbs by next summer. I would love advice or just to talk to people who know what I am going through :) Everyone in my family eats like garbage so I am doing this on my own. Thanks for the support!



  • mellyboobear
    mellyboobear Posts: 117 Member
    Loosing this much weight will take a lot of work. I have looked up a lot of stuff on serious weight loss, and I found that a lot more damage is done, the more we try to cram weight loss in such a short amount of time! Because our body just simply isn't used to working like this (I have been in this situation sadly Dx) Try setting goals per week, 1 pounds 2 pound etc, and if you reach that goal then increase SLOWLY! The last thing you need is to be harming your body for your wedding!! I am totally here for you, to listen to whatever is going on !!! we have something in common: our families habits. It's really hard to deal with, but we got this ! Ill support you if you support me ! :D I wish you the best of luck! Add me! ;) Stay in contact! :)
  • anng0905
    anng0905 Posts: 1 Member
    Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! Best advice I can offer is to set small goals for yourself. About 15 years ago, I made my yearly resolution to lose weight. But, instead of setting my goal to lose 100+ pounds, I aimed for losing 10 pounds per month. Some months I made my goal (and more)...sometimes, I fell short, but, I did manage to lose 100 lbs in 1 year and 2 days!! Setting smaller, more attainable goals made it doable! Good luck!
  • KeepGoingKylene
    KeepGoingKylene Posts: 432 Member
    Don't rush it, don't eat only 1200 calories, give yourself cheat days to keep yourself sane and then get right back on track.
    My suggestion is figure out your TDEE and eat 20% less of that. Best thing I ever did!
    Good luck on your journey!
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    I lost 100 pounds in a year - I'm now down 133ish and have been maintaining since September of 2012.

    My biggest tips:

    1) Commit now. The key to success is perseverance. Start, then don't stop. That means that if you have a bad meal, it does not become a bad day, bad days don't become bad weeks, etc. I worked this out by PROMISING myself that I could quit once I lost 40 pounds and not a pound before. That "permission" kept me going through the harder parts at the beginning and of course, once I hit 40, I had new habits, looked great, felt better, and had no desire to quit.

    For me, this also meant logging on EVERY SINGLE DAY even if it was a day I didn't log my food (yes, I took "cheat days" - they kept me sane and committed and because I was so diligent when I logged my food and exercised, NEVER halted my progress). Just checking in here every day helped me stay focused and committed. I'm now on my 1,020th+ consecutive log-in.

    2) Set smaller goals. 100 pounds is a lot. Start with 25. Then 50. Then 75. Chip away one pound at a time.

    3) Don't give yourself a timetable. A failure to meet a goal by a set date can derail you. Sure, you'd like to weigh 130 for your wedding...but even where you are now is better than where you were! And 200 is better still. ANY step you take toward better health will be worth it.

    4) Set a reasonable daily calorie goal. Starvation won't get you to your goal any faster because you WILL go off the deep end and drown your frustration in Oreos. But if you eat enough to support a healthy rate of loss, you're more likely to stick to your new plan and it won't suck every day. Add treats into your day so you don't go nuts. Cake is not the enemy; binging on cake is.

    Along these same lines, a $20 food scale is the best investment.

    5) Exercise. I don't care if you hate it; find something you love. Exercise because it will make you happy and make it easier to stick to your plan. Don't exercise just to "earn calories"...exercise is the glue that holds my **** together, and the added calorie burn (and food I get to eat) is just a bonus.

    My blog has a lot more tips:

    Best of luck! Post pics on your wedding day :)
  • pawnstarNate
    pawnstarNate Posts: 1,728 Member
    I lost 125lbs in 1999....but, it was a pretty simple divorce...no kids involved. :laugh:

    Seriously though...stick to your calorie goals and burn baby burn. it will come off. Maybe not that quickly but, by next summer, you'll still be amazed at the results!!!
  • Congrats on your upcoming wedding! I have a friend on my women's kickball team who just referred me to boot camp that works out 5x a week. She has lost 96 lbs in 17 months and I believe her beginning weight was around 265 lbs so just know you goal is achievable! I am starting my diet with her now because of her great results. Just keep in mind that real results take months not days. Good luck!
  • bootsiejayne
    bootsiejayne Posts: 151 Member
    I lost 100 pounds in a year - I'm now down 133ish and have been maintaining since September of 2012.

    My biggest tips:

    1) Commit now. The key to success is perseverance. Start, then don't stop. That means that if you have a bad meal, it does not become a bad day, bad days don't become bad weeks, etc. I worked this out by PROMISING myself that I could quit once I lost 40 pounds and not a pound before. That "permission" kept me going through the harder parts at the beginning and of course, once I hit 40, I had new habits, looked great, felt better, and had no desire to quit.

    For me, this also meant logging on EVERY SINGLE DAY even if it was a day I didn't log my food (yes, I took "cheat days" - they kept me sane and committed and because I was so diligent when I logged my food and exercised, NEVER halted my progress). Just checking in here every day helped me stay focused and committed. I'm now on my 1,020th+ consecutive log-in.

    2) Set smaller goals. 100 pounds is a lot. Start with 25. Then 50. Then 75. Chip away one pound at a time.

    3) Don't give yourself a timetable. A failure to meet a goal by a set date can derail you. Sure, you'd like to weigh 130 for your wedding...but even where you are now is better than where you were! And 200 is better still. ANY step you take toward better health will be worth it.

    4) Set a reasonable daily calorie goal. Starvation won't get you to your goal any faster because you WILL go off the deep end and drown your frustration in Oreos. But if you eat enough to support a healthy rate of loss, you're more likely to stick to your new plan and it won't suck every day. Add treats into your day so you don't go nuts. Cake is not the enemy; binging on cake is.

    Along these same lines, a $20 food scale is the best investment.

    5) Exercise. I don't care if you hate it; find something you love. Exercise because it will make you happy and make it easier to stick to your plan. Don't exercise just to "earn calories"...exercise is the glue that holds my **** together, and the added calorie burn (and food I get to eat) is just a bonus.

    My blog has a lot more tips:

    Best of luck! Post pics on your wedding day :)

    Excellent advice and so inspirational. I lost 84 lbs between Jan and Sept last year. I've gained 24 lbs back, but I'm back to losing and will lose the rest of my weight this year and I'm never going back to where I was.