Acne Breakouts?

So, 3 weeks I've been at it this time. It's great for the most part! But ever since I've started eating better and exercising, I've been breaking out terribly!

I'm not the type of person that sweats easy, I've gotta dig in for the drip.

Even tho I am sweating and pushing with my exercises after cool down and eating I go straight to the shower.
One the first things I do is wash my face!

So, is there a reason I've been breaking out so "badly"!
And suggestions on what to do different or more?

Thank You :heart:


  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    It will pass. It's your body ridding itself of toxins. make sure you're washing your face twice a day and moisturizing. If it does not clear up in a few weeks visit your doctor or dermatologist.
  • Courtney066
    Yeah what Pirate_chick said. Toxins come out of people in different ways, and yours just happens to be acne. But don't worry, once your body gets use to the changes then your breakouts with clear up. Just drink lots of water and keep washing your face. Hope this helps!
  • Fit_Fox88
    Fit_Fox88 Posts: 410 Member
    I had/have this problem, too. TOM doesn't help either. Like Courtney066 said, lots of water, use a mild face wash and also a good moisturizer so your face doesn't dry out. I'm using Neutrogena oil free sensitive and it's working really well for me.
  • loubidy
    loubidy Posts: 440 Member
    You're not alone. My face is a mess.
  • Meliikinz
    Meliikinz Posts: 66
    Thanks everyone!
    I drink mostly water, So thats good.
    And I suppose I should up my, face cleaning, game xD

    Is Johnson & Johnson baby lotion too oily for the face?
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    use a mild cleanser
    gently exfoliate once a week
    use a moisturizer

    and if it does not clear up in a couple weeks go to the doctor
  • DrFlave
    DrFlave Posts: 59 Member
    Sweating does not remove toxins from your body. That is a silly myth.
  • xmichaelyx
    xmichaelyx Posts: 883 Member
    Sweating does not remove toxins from your body. That is a silly myth.

    This. This has nothing at all to do with whatever fake "toxins" people think are leaking out of them.

    Your body responds to changes in different ways, and one of them is skin irritation. Some people get hives, some get hemorrhoids, and some get acne.

    If you're lucky, it will go away. For me, it doesn't. The more I work out and eat well, the worse my acne gets (I've had it since I was 10, and am now 42). I take an antibiotic pill every day of my life, and probably will forever because of this problem.
  • loubidy
    loubidy Posts: 440 Member
    Use oil free face products. I use the clean and clear moisturiser.
  • klyn7788
    klyn7788 Posts: 52 Member
    I would not use baby lotion on your face ... generally, any non-facial moisturizer is a nightmare for my skin though. Cetaphil has a really mild lotion that you can buy at the grocery or drug store that is great.
  • bex4health
    bex4health Posts: 45 Member
    I am having this problem too. I haven't had acne since high school (I'm 31 now), and its back!!! Ahhhh so annoying!! I went to the dermatologist for the first time and they gave me some cream. Guess what??? It made it worst!!! Ugh! I stopped the cream and now I am clearing up and find that I am just more prone to have a break out during TOM. I wash my face after exercise.
  • pickered
    pickered Posts: 36
    there are some smart people here! Yes, it is pretty certain that the problem is being caused by toxins being purged. If you want to hurry up the process, you can consider doing a 4-7 day cleanse (the GNC version works pretty good and is affordable). And take a look around for things that may be adding toxins faster than you can get rid of them...
  • loriemn
    loriemn Posts: 292 Member
    if your getting acne later in life,,after puberty,it is usually hormonal caused..I never had any in high school..I had beautiful clear skin until about age 30,,then it started,,I have been useing Proactive for about 10 years,,it does keep it at bay, I might get one or two at that TOM,but otherwise clear skin.
  • Courtney066
    Sweating does not remove toxins from your body. That is a silly myth.

    Since when did this become a myth? I'm in college taking a nutrition class and we just talked about how sweating helps remove a lot of toxins from your body.
  • Roz2889
    Roz2889 Posts: 71 Member
    I noticed I starting breaking out really bad when I started insanity. I also started eating new foods. Couldn't figure out what was causing it then thought the main thing I had introduced was peanut butter. Read up on it and turns out a lot of of other people have found it causes acne. Stopped eating it and instantly skin improved. Are you eating a lot of peanut butter? Or for some people dairy can cause it
  • smelius22
    smelius22 Posts: 334 Member
    Thanks everyone!
    I drink mostly water, So thats good.
    And I suppose I should up my, face cleaning, game xD

    Is Johnson & Johnson baby lotion too oily for the face?

    I would only use products specifically for your face. I use Olay all day moisturizer. They have is for normal skin or combinatin/oily and they're both great.
  • MystikPixie
    MystikPixie Posts: 342 Member
    I'm having the same problem and it's just getting worse. The more water I drink the more Acne I get. Face, back, and chest. I even had a huge one on my stomach which I have never had. At first I thought it was a boil but when I got it checked it was just normal every day acne. Lame. Why bother drinking water and washing properly if it makes you look worse. Didnt have this problem when I was drinking 10 20oz cokes a day and only washing every other day as opposed to every day after a workout.
  • melissawith3sons
    melissawith3sons Posts: 20 Member
    I had this same problem! Continue washing your fave after workouts as soon as u can . But also try eliminating all dairy products...switch to almond or rice or coconut milk and do not eat yogurt unless it is made with the milks I mentioned. I did this and totally cleared up my skin.
  • tinypastels
    tinypastels Posts: 32 Member
    I always break out when losing weight. I figure its toxins. I disagree with the "oil free" acne wash, because oils don't really matter here, you want something with drawing power, to get the oils out and away. Oil free just means its packed with chemicals and you don't want any more toxins! I recommend bentonite clay masks, and charcoal face wash. I know it sounds scary, but my favorite one is gentle and balances my combination oily skin.

    Copy and pasted ingredients: "coconut oil, olive oil, organic sustainable palm oil, grapeseed oil, shea butter, castor oil, jojoba oil, cocoa butter, evening primrose oil, eucalyptus essential oil, rosemary essential oil, vitamin e, activated charcoal"

    This was made my a lady on easy who doesn't make it anymore. But I also love Lush's exfoliating version of this. Just be gentle.

    *Basically* get your toxins and oils out of your face by using an OIL face wash with drawing power. You're welcome :-)
  • washingtonred
    So, 3 weeks I've been at it this time. It's great for the most part! But ever since I've started eating better and exercising, I've been breaking out terribly!

    I'm not the type of person that sweats easy, I've gotta dig in for the drip.

    Even tho I am sweating and pushing with my exercises after cool down and eating I go straight to the shower.
    One the first things I do is wash my face!

    So, is there a reason I've been breaking out so "badly"!
    And suggestions on what to do different or more?

    Thank You :heart:

    Could your body ridding itself of impurities or you might be having an allergic reaction to some thing. Did you change makeup or cleansers or moisturizers lately? Also food could be to blame as well.

    I stopped using all commercial cleansers and moisturizers. Now I just use coconut oil to take my makeup off (works like a charm) and I use as it a moisturizer as well.

    I have oily skin, but the coconut oil doesn't make my face any more oilier than the other stuff. And I rarely break out now only during my cycle and then it's usually just a minor break out.

    Hope you find a solution!!!