weight loss plan- help!

Hey! So I'm finally after a long time of preparing embarking on my weight loss journey. Im a 18 year old girl, 169 cm who weighs 70kg and would like to (ideally!!) weigh 59-60 kg. I was wondering whether I could get some advice on fitness and eating? I am planning to cut out refined carbs.. so bread, pasta, etc. and eat mainly vegetables and fruit. I also plan on having a cheat meal once a week, to keep me sane ;) I was also planning on running 4 times a week for 20 mins (getting started to run with the couch to 5k running plan and after that will up it to 30 mins each time) and the gym until my membership runs out in June when I finish school for the summer. Then in the summer I plan to just run and do yoga, which I will also start sometime soon.

Is this a good plan for weight loss? Because I've heard running isn't an ideal form? How much can I lose in 3-4 months (want to be in shape for the new school year).



I live at boarding school, so I don't cook any of my own food and therefore can't weigh or meal prep… but the food they make is extremely healthy, its 70-90% organic with gluten free and vegetarian options available, they always prepare really nice vegetables and balanced meals, so it shouldn't be a problem so long as I portion control! :)


  • cnhamilton12
    cnhamilton12 Posts: 45 Member
    I think this sounds really good. It sounds like the food you will be eating won't be an issue so just watch portions! I know a ton of people who have had success with the couch to 5k program so best of luck to you!
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    You lose weight by eating at a deficit. Log everything you eat accurately & honestly. Ask your boarding school administration if they can provide nutritional information.

    Read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants
  • Kreepie11
    Kreepie11 Posts: 76
    Hmm. Ok, I'll start off by saying I'm new to this as well and not by any means an expert, so if someone feels the need to correct me, go right ahead.

    How much you loose by the school year depends on how much effort you put in. Everything sounds really awesome right now (you have a plan! I love plans.), but it comes down to how much motivation you'll have a month or two from now. It is risky (at best) to loose more than 1lb per month, but overall that isn't what you should be worried about anyway. Goal weights are awesome, but if you want to get into working out, you should focus on increasing your stamina and strength - if you do this, the results you're after will follow.

    I hope this was in some way helpful to you, and that you have an exciting summer! Best of luck; stay stoked! (^^)
  • kuolo
    kuolo Posts: 251 Member
    Hi there, with not much to lose you don't want to be losing more than 0.5lb or 0.2kg per week max, so in 16 weeks that would be 3kg or 8lb or so.
    This might not sound like much but it will be noticeable as you are already a healthy weight for your height, so even a small loss will make a difference to how you look, especially if you are exercising too and toning up.
    But it is really important to take it slow at your starting age and weight. Eat at a very small e.g. 250 cal per day deficit and eat back your exercise calories, or eat 250 below your TDEE.
    Your brain and body are still in a critical stage of development so please be gentle with them! And whatever you do don't eat below your BMR.
    For example, I am the same height as you and a only few kg heavier but much older and I can eat over 2000 and still lose if I am active.
    Think of it as a lifestyle not as a diet! Good luck!