haven't lost any weight in a month suggestions please!!!

I started my diet (juice diet) beginning of this year and I have lost about 25 pounds. In march I started to eat again and stopped the juice diet. I started exercising more and started tracking my food, but no matter how much I exercise the scale is just not budging. I been stuck on the same weight for about a month now. I have made my profile and diary public if someone can take a look at it and give me advise I would appreciate it a lot. Thank you.


  • CSlupe11
    CSlupe11 Posts: 31 Member
    I will look.
  • LAHWF818
    LAHWF818 Posts: 3
    thank you so much @CSlupe11
  • MyPureSteez
    MyPureSteez Posts: 265 Member
    Eat less workout more
  • LAHWF818
    LAHWF818 Posts: 3
    You think so? I been reading a few different posts on here and from what I understand I'm not eating enough and my body is in "starvation" mode. I feel fine though I'm not hungry all the time or anything.
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    I looked at your diary, and you're not eating good quality calories. If you're logging accurately, there aren't any fruits or vegetables. A lot of calories one day come from a Starbucks drink, for instance. I know they say "a calorie is a calorie", but if you're working out, you need some high quality protein and carbs.
  • morethenjustmum
    morethenjustmum Posts: 170 Member
    A lot of really helpful people will show up soon with lots of links that will help. You may not like the perceived tone of every answer , but do yourself a favour and save your self months of guess work and read what they offer and take their advice.

    good luck

    edit - for being on my stupid phone and not spelling anything properly
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    So you lost 25 lbs in 2 months on a juice diet. That leads me to believe it was very low calorie. That's an average caloric deficit of about 1500 calories daily. That's huge. Your body has probably adjusted to it somewhat. It's only been 1 month back on food. Hold tight. You will need to get your body used to burning more again, since you gave it so little for 2 months. You don't need anywhere near as much as you did to maintain your weight before 2 months of juicing.
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    There's only a few days of meals-and most days you skip a meal or two
    very low in vegetables and fruit and low in healthy choices.
    Try a protein and veggie or fruit 3x a day.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Okay wait... I just went in to your diary...

    Aside from a few recent days of tracking terribly - including a 1500 calorie quick-add, you didn't track for many days before that. In order for weight loss to work you have to track every day. Everything.

    If you almost follow the program, you'll almost lose weight.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    Are you eating back exercise cals? Looking at your diary, if you're working out 1,300 calories one day, and only taking in 1,100, there's a pretty big deficit. From what I've seen in your diary, your plan is not the healthiest; you are eating a very low amount, and working off a very large amount. Sustainable weight loss and maintenance is not gained through starvation or wearing your body out from a dangerously low calorie/high impact workout routine.
  • marcellomoo
    marcellomoo Posts: 107 Member
    Eat less workout more

    OP's already in negative/ low nets for the lone week logged in this month of no weight loss, assuming that logging was accurate.
  • krennie8
    krennie8 Posts: 301 Member
    i would suggest logging everything and buying a food scale.

    Also, don't use quick add unless it's either for small amounts or known quantities.

    One more thing, unless you created "generic philly cheesesteak" from a recipe, I'd be suspect of that calorie amount. Even Subway's 6" philly cheesesteak has 500 calories. I mean, it could be right but from what I've seen many MFP recipes underestimate the actual number of calories in food like that.
  • Mr_AH
    Mr_AH Posts: 32
    That juice diet was bad because it was something you had to eventually get off. A 'diet' is bad because people see it as something they do for a few months, at most, and then go back to what they were doing previously. Thus yoyo dieting.

    You have to change your lifestyle, forever. No, you need not give up the foods you like, but you most certainly should not be eating out everyday.

    You put that you burn an awful lot of calories, where did you get those amounts from? Myfitnesspal exaggerates the calorie burn from exercise quite a bit so there is a good chance you are eating much more than you think you are because you may not be burning off as much as you think you are.
  • suboh
    suboh Posts: 1 Member
    Ditch fruits and veggies and eat lots of meat and eggs. If you do cardio and lift weights, ditch the cardio completely and kick up your weight lifting intensity and volume but leave frequency to 2-3x a week. If you only do cardio, only walk and do HIIT - do not bother with steady state if fat loss is your top priority. If your log is accurate, you are starving yourself and just cranking your metabolism down more and more. Have a couple of days of very high calorie with some balance between carbs, fats, and proteins then a few more days of calorie overload with very low carbs (less than 30g total a day including veggies, fruits, fiber, sugar alcohols, and whatever) then slow restrict calories to 250 below maintenance. Every now and then (once or twice a month) binge on junk.
  • RamonaFr
    RamonaFr Posts: 112
    Get accustomed to the idea that healthy weight loss takes time.

    A calorie is a calorie, yes, but eating more healthy stuff will be good for you in the long run. It took me a while to convert willingly to salad instead of pasta, for instance, but now that I'm used to it, I enjoy it.

    And, in my own opinion, recording every bite regularly is the most important thing. It's very easy to overeat and underestimate calories unless you actually measure all your food and record it. I'd say you should keep exercising, start faithfully recording everything you eat, and start trying to make better choices when you eat.

    These are ideas that helped me.
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    Okay, I'm going to post several links. Read them and all the links that are attached to them at the bottom.

    Bottom line: 1. You need a food scale, 2. You need to eat a balanced diet, 3. You need to eat at a reasonable deficit to lose around 1-1.5 lbs per week but you also need to eat enough to fuel your workouts.

    Here are the most common mistakes people make. They do not weigh and measure all of their food and thus underestimate intake and also they overestimate their calorie burns.

    These links should really help you a lot:

    Or another way of looking at things


    Good luck and you can feel free to ask me questions

    Edited for typos
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    Ditch fruits and veggies and eat lots of meat and eggs. If you do cardio and lift weights, ditch the cardio completely and kick up your weight lifting intensity and volume but leave frequency to 2-3x a week. If you only do cardio, only walk and do HIIT - do not bother with steady state if fat loss is your top priority. If your log is accurate, you are starving yourself and just cranking your metabolism down more and more. Have a couple of days of very high calorie with some balance between carbs, fats, and proteins then a few more days of calorie overload with very low carbs (less than 30g total a day including veggies, fruits, fiber, sugar alcohols, and whatever) then slow restrict calories to 250 below maintenance. Every now and then (once or twice a month) binge on junk.

    No need for those kind of extremes OP.
  • francsull
    francsull Posts: 3 Member
    That happened to me and on fitness pal it calculates for you how many calories to lose how much weight per week. I lowered my calorie count by 200 a day and then I started to lose. I also track every little morsel and use measuring spoons and a weight scale to make sure I am not eating more than the calories I am supposed to. I neve did juicing I think I would starve if I did that. I basically eat whatever I want within the calorie range. Years ago i was in weight watcher's and their pholosophy back then is if you never eat what you like you will binge more because it is harder not to give in to cravings after depriving yourself so much. I believe in nutrition but allow myself some treats. On the weeks when I was not diligent about measuring and tracking my food I did not lose and even gained. It is a pain to do this but it is the only thing that works. That is why I love fitness pal because it is faster for me to input it into the computer then to write it down. Drinking a lot of water helps me also. Good luck and I know it is not easy but you will do it. My sister's sister in' law said to me once think of the clothes and it is true clothes are so much nicer in small sizes. Again, I wish you the best of luck.