How much do I look like I weigh? Help a college student !

Hey guys. I've been struggling with my weight since I was young. I get really disappointed by the number on the scales, even though I have lost a lot of inches since I've began working on losing weight. I'm a sophomore in college, and unhealthy food (and even drinking, I'm not perfect lol) have gotten to me. First, I wanted to know if anyone had any tips that they could lend me. Secondly, I was curious to see how much you guys think I weigh? I'll post a picture below, but I am a 20 year old, 5'4 tall . I really appreciate all the help and advice you would all be willing to give! Thank you !! :)


  • Mr_AH
    Mr_AH Posts: 32
    I would be loathe to give an answer because imagine if I were way off and it really hurt your feelings? Let's deal with actual numbers here so we can really help you.

    Having said that you don't have much to lose. Honeslty around 22-33 pounds at the very most, more closer to 22 pounds. You have very nice legs so you do have some idea what your body will look like when you start to get healthier.

    That should really be your goal. You don't have much weight to lose so I think you should focus upon eating healthier as opposed to 'I want to lose weight". If you focus on eating healthier, and staying healthier, you'll never get into the position some of us have gotten into which necessitated those loss of 80 + pounds.

    You can find low calorie alcoholic beverages (there's actually quite a lot) and if you cook your own food there's always things like rice which you can uy in bulk and which are cheap.
  • Keeganatorx3
    Keeganatorx3 Posts: 5 Member
    Ah thank you ! and trust me, I would never be offended by honest!
  • Krueger92
    Krueger92 Posts: 109 Member
    I'm a junior in college, and I know how hard it is to avoid that life, you should enjoy your self but keep your eye on the prize. I only allow myself 1 night out with dorm mates, the more I diet and see changes the more I really don't want to go out an drink haha. But its college so you should have fun. As far as a guess weight I would say around 140-150?
  • Mr_AH
    Mr_AH Posts: 32
    Well I think you need to be honest with us, really.

    How much are you eating? Do you work out a lot? Many people here, especially ladies, still buy into the belief that the smallest amount they eat is best. That's not quite true, though.

    Read through this thread and get yourself someone that can help you. I did that last night and wrote quite long messages to the guys I messaged. They have been damn nice with their replies so don't be afraid.

    Do you weigh your food? Count your calories?
  • Keeganatorx3
    Keeganatorx3 Posts: 5 Member
    I do eat 3 large meals and 2 snack in between. I dont drink Soda like I used to. I do count calories but dont really 'weigh' the food due to most of it is prepared by the school. I will deff. check out the thread though! Thankyou !
  • Keeganatorx3
    Keeganatorx3 Posts: 5 Member
    Yeah its such a struggle. I try to get out to buy as much healthy things as I can, but you know financially it sucks lol and the food here isnt the best either. And not too far off so that's good for me then lol.
  • Krueger92
    Krueger92 Posts: 109 Member
    Yea its tough buying off campus, I do my best though. And the food they offer nutritionally is usually garbage lol,
  • ezloshead
    ezloshead Posts: 167 Member
    I'm gonna guess 180? Sorry if I'm weigh off (see what I did thar.) It's a hard thing to guess because everyone is so different. Anyways, you're rocking that dress.
  • Keeganatorx3
    Keeganatorx3 Posts: 5 Member
    Damn you're right on the money hah no worries ! and thanks ! haha I went to a dinner for my major lol
  • i'm a sophomore too! I've actually lost weight since college (after the initial freshmen gain) because I live on my own now, and make my own food. For me, when I cook, I can control the calories better than always eating out, so I eat a lot healthier.