Berry's bare belly challenge - March 2014



  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    Ugh, March is kicking my bum and I'm exactly where I was at the start.
    Trying hard not to get completely derailed, but the lack of movement on the scale, and my bike dying and the hideousness that is work at the moment are certainly not helping!

    Trying to not lose any ground now, and hopefully I'll see some progress in April!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Yikes, all of a sudden there's just a week to go! I fear I've gone backwards this month, but I shall use bare belly terror to keep me motivated and work extra hard for these final seven days.
  • stormbornkraken
    stormbornkraken Posts: 303 Member
    I have been keeping this in the back of my head and I fear I may not see any change. I shall celebrate the end of the month (also my birthday) by biting the bullet and comparing the pics. Even if there is no visible difference I feel different. Getting pumped up for it!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Morning belly busters.

    <--- I took these beauties out for a trot last night, a total 30 minutes run/walk with a solid mile in the middle. A mile on the dreadmill is so much harder than a mile outside - even pushing myself I was a good 10 second slower than the Comic Relief mile I did on Sunday, and I was having a fully-blown asthma attack then!

    If I don't get time for a full workout tonight, I'll do my 8-minute HIIT resistance circuit:

    As many as you can do in/hold for 30 seconds with 10 seconds between each:

    Jumping jacks
    Abdominal crunches
    Step-ups on a step or chair
    Triceps dips
    High-knee running
    Press-up with rotation to arm-up side plank
    Side plank (each side)

    Optional extras

    Planks with leg raise
    Side plank with reach-around
    Reverse curl
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Ugh, it's not pretty. Been over on calories the majority of days and lazy of workouts and I've put on weight. It's a case of failing to plan meant planning to fail. Still, I have these lardies (fat belly selfise) to spur me on next month.

    Here I am all sweaty after running back from taking the car in for its MOT and doing two back-to-back Davina 15-minute workouts:

  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member

    Here's my before taken this morning.

    Hopefully I'll see more difference by the end of the month. It actually surprised me how much difference there was in Feb!

    Maybe by the summer if I keep at this I'll even feel comfortable getting my tummy out around the pool (if I work out where I can go on holiday!)

    And here my no progress end of March "after"... And on to the next month...