Health- Anxiety and food

JaysWays Posts: 77 Member
Hey everyone,
I just wanted to share my story. About a month ago I was dealing with the worst anxiety. I love talking to people. I help people reach there goals. I do hair too. I wanted to hide. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I was getting anxiety about every little thing. I told myself should I go to the doctor. I prayed about it. Then I saw someone post about a book. Its called "IT Starts With food" I have not finished it yet but getting there. God answered me. I love to workout. My struggle is not eating enough, and not drinking enough water. I started to learn about how foods affect us. How they affect our body, that leads to our mind, our brain. I told myself no more. Yet I'm still not perfect but I make sure I eat my small meals through out the day. Some days I go still to long without eating. I notice how crappy I feel. Water is so important too. Always stay hydrated. We all get a little anxiety, just because of the crazy world we live in. It was so bad, where I didn't want to do my true passion. I didn't want to do anything. I started taking my vitamin again. I started taking Iodine. People don't know that you need Iodine in your body to support your thyroid. A lot of people that get cancers have barley any Iodine in there body. Learn and educate people. Don't just track your calories. Read! Its crazy what I Have been learning. I have learned a lot. I just wanted to share my story. I know we all have different issues. Have you ever thought it might because what your putting in our mouth? Feel free to add me! Good luck to everyone. By the way my anxiety is way better!!! Just giving myself 5 days with a clean diet and lots of water!


  • Well, the first time I had a major panic attack and anxiety attack the doctor put me on xanax but it messed with my head really badly and I had memory issues. My discharge papers noted that while medicated by it I had little to no acknowledgement of externally inflicted bodily harm/pain. What I do remember is waking up the next day with a swollen ankle and multiple bruises that hurry like hell from walking into things or just letting the car door close on me.
    Later, someone recommended me this treatment, and I’m very grateful with it, i can go anywhere i want without problem, no anxiety, no panic attacks, i'm a new person. Read this article, it helped me a lot :
  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member
    Anxiety sucks. Consider therapy. Something emotional and/or psychological often stirs the biochemistry of the brain and endocrine system to respond outside the normal equilibrium. That causes stress which starts a rough cycle.

    Exercise, proper diet, talking about it with trusted people will help.

    I had to stay away from all alcohol, caffeine, refined sugars and fatty foods to get some relief but it did help.

    Good luck to you. You'll get better.
  • Tacticalmedic13
    Tacticalmedic13 Posts: 26 Member

    This chart displays common treatment for PTSD (a type of anxiety disorder). Generally these treatments can also be applied to all anxiety conditions. You will see that diet scores high for effectiveness but exercise is even higher. (Exercise is even more effective than Medical Marijuana, let that just sink in...)
  • Doesnt iodine have to be prescribed and monitored by a dr.
  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member

    This chart displays common treatment for PTSD (a type of anxiety disorder). Generally these treatments can also be applied to all anxiety conditions. You will see that diet scores high for effectiveness but exercise is even higher. (Exercise is even more effective than Medical Marijuana, let that just sink in...)

    [ img] link [ /img] No space in the brackets though. :wink:
  • Kearsed
    Kearsed Posts: 70 Member
    I deal with stuttering which leads to major anxiety, especially in social situations. I have been seeing a Psychologist about it, and recently started to write my own personal journal/blog.

    Anxiety is very underestimating.

    I wish you lots of luck.
  • mspoopoo
    mspoopoo Posts: 500 Member
    Some of those things on the chart make no sense.

    xanax is an anti anxiety medication

    clear shower curtain?

    would like to see the source of their chart.
  • KateV888
    KateV888 Posts: 20 Member
    I agree the chart makes no sense. Avoiding things is effective and exposure therapy is ineffective?

    More like the opposite - exposure therapy is one of the most effective ways to recover from anxiety and avoidance is a great way to perpetuate anxiety.