Its a long long road.....

Hi everyone.

As this is the introduce yourself board, I thought I'd introduce myself!

I'm a 6'1 male from the midlands (UK) who had a wake up call at the end of February when I caught sight of myself in the mirror when I was putting my contact lenses in.

The next day I signed up to a local gym - £44 per month with a 12 month contract (hoping that this monthly extortion would drive me to lose weight and become a little healthier - its basically my Chinese take away money anyway!)

So my first official weigh in was on the 1st April where I was 226lbs.

I've just completed my first month and I am now down to 213lbs.

My routine is generally 50 minutes of cardio a day with some weight training 5 days a week.

My weight loss has stalled a little so I signed up to MFP a couple of days ago which has highlighted a problem with my calorie intake. I am in a massive deficit at present. Yesterday following exercise I still had 1,175 calories to consume to reach my calculated goal of 1,440.

I know I need to increase my calories however psychologically I'm struggling to come to terms with this!

If you're in the same boat as me or would just like someone else to offer some support then feel free to add me as a friend!


  • jennbuck22
    jennbuck22 Posts: 17 Member
    I am at almost the same place as you are. 5 weeks in!

    Some days I too have a problem eating all my calories. In my head I'm thinking sweet I've only eaten 1,000 calories I'm going to lose soo fast. But then my smarts come back to me - I cannot maintain a 1,000 calories per day lifestyle, so why would I want my body to get used to that!

    So I've been eating healthy, high calorie foods to end my day if I am in a big deficit come 7:00p. Last night I was at 1,000 so I ate an avocado and red peppers, 300 extra "good" calories. And when I woke up and weighed myself I was down a pound from 2 days prior:)

    So I'm no pro, but I think being a little under(100-200) is fine, however once it hits 300+ try and add on some healthy calories!
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Yesterday following exercise I still had 1,175 calories to consume to reach my calculated goal of 1,440.
    You're a 6'1" guy with 33 lb. to go. Set your goal no higher than 1 lb. per week. After another 8 lb., set your goal to .5 lb. per week. The smaller deficit will help you transition to maintenance.

    Your MFP calorie goal has your deficit built in, so you must eat back at least half your exercise calories.

    Read this:
  • Int3rceptor
    Int3rceptor Posts: 45 Member
    Yesterday following exercise I still had 1,175 calories to consume to reach my calculated goal of 1,440.
    You're a 6'1" guy with 33 lb. to go. Set your goal no higher than 1 lb. per week. After another 8 lb., set your goal to .5 lb. per week. The smaller deficit will help you transition to maintenance.

    Your MFP calorie goal has your deficit built in, so you must eat back at least half your exercise calories.

    Read this:

    Thanks for the advice and it makes perfect sense!
    I just need to remember its a long term thing and that I shouldn't get too down hearted if the scales don't show big changes week on week.
  • Int3rceptor
    Int3rceptor Posts: 45 Member
    I am at almost the same place as you are. 5 weeks in!

    Some days I too have a problem eating all my calories. In my head I'm thinking sweet I've only eaten 1,000 calories I'm going to lose soo fast. But then my smarts come back to me - I cannot maintain a 1,000 calories per day lifestyle, so why would I want my body to get used to that!

    So I've been eating healthy, high calorie foods to end my day if I am in a big deficit come 7:00p. Last night I was at 1,000 so I ate an avocado and red peppers, 300 extra "good" calories. And when I woke up and weighed myself I was down a pound from 2 days prior:)

    So I'm no pro, but I think being a little under(100-200) is fine, however once it hits 300+ try and add on some healthy calories!

    It really is a mental battle isn't it!

    Now I've done a bit more research I understand the logic and hopefully if I follow editorgrrls advice I will be able to maintain the weight loss rather than putting it all back on later!
  • AmbitionPerfection
    It's indeed frightening when you want to lose weight and you see your calories going higher - you feel like you're hindering your progress but you're not! Your body really needs these calories anyways, and staying healthy through your weight loss is very important.

    I'm currently at 218lbs and I have 75lbs, I'm adding you - accept the friendship if you'd like !
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I just need to remember its a long term thing and that I shouldn't get too down hearted if the scales don't show big changes week on week.
    Weight loss is not linear. Some weeks you'll do everything right but not lose. Others you'll lose a lot for no good reason. I believe the technical term for the latter is "whoosh."

    All that matters is a downward trend. Keep up the great work, and be patient.
  • Int3rceptor
    Int3rceptor Posts: 45 Member
    It's indeed frightening when you want to lose weight and you see your calories going higher - you feel like you're hindering your progress but you're not! Your body really needs these calories anyways, and staying healthy through your weight loss is very important.

    I'm currently at 218lbs and I have 75lbs, I'm adding you - accept the friendship if you'd like !

    I wish you all the best with your journey - I'll be here to try and offer support when you need it!
    Friendship accepted!

    (I'll also get a profile picture sorted asap!)