Why?^#%& Ugh... So Frustrated!

I'm just having a rough day in general, so I'm sure that's part of the reason for this rant. Basically... I got on the scale today and I gained weight. I'm so frustrated with everything lately. I eat very healthy during the week and pretty much always stay within my calorie intake goals. I know that I don't eat as healthy on the weekends and I go over my daily goals then, but I don't usually go crazy, so why am I gaining weight?!

I've been attempting the go to the gym more often as well too. I don't weight lift a ton... maybe once a week, so I doubt that I'm really gaining weight from muscle. I literally don't get it. Does anyone have any advice? :( I'm just bummed with all of this weight gain. I'd love to lose the last ten pounds but I've been on this plateau for months and keep gaining and losing the same 3-4 pounds. What do I do?!

I just wish I could get to where I want to be. I want to be happy and I should be. I've lost a ton of weight, but I still see so many issues. I have a lot of loose skin from the weight lose and I can't magically make that go away. I want to feel confident and believe that I look good naked (as superficial as that sounds), but I don't. I've started taking MSM and Biotin to help my skin. Also, I've started applying Nivea Skin Firming Lotion at least once a day.

I guess I just need some moral support right now. I'm trying to stay positive and not complain, but it's so hard :( Help!


  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    I can relate somewhat, I have lost weight but have slowed down considerably over the past few months. I have two thoughts:

    1. Exercise excruciating patience - you will eventually get there!

    2. Get back to fundamentals - log everything, measure everything, so on and so forth.

    Good luck!
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    I certainly see and understand your frustrations. Let me start by congratulating you on your major success to this point. That's amazing! If you've been stuck in a plateau for a period of time, then it's time to change something up.

    Your nutrition - When you lose a lot of weight and improve your fitness, you will find that you actually need to start eating more, so maybe 1200-1400 calories/day is not enough. I had this happen to me when I got under 10% body fat. I was losing 2-3 lbs/week eating 1800 cal/day and exercising 6 days/week (mix of cardio, yoga, intervals, and a lot of strength training). When I got below 10% body fay, I plateaued. I broke it by increasing my calories to 2000/day. Boom, the scale starting moving again.

    Your exercise - Try to work more strength training into your routines. They are great for boosting your metabolism and improving fitness. Also, if you add some muscle, that can help fill out some of that lose skin with tone and firm shape.

    Here is a blog that a buddy of mine wrote about breaking plateaus. Check it out and let me know if you have any questions about it.


  • KatelinHaglund
    Congratulations on the succes you've had so far!
  • BillRicks1
    BillRicks1 Posts: 473 Member
    A lot of people go through this. The last few pounds seem to be the hardest because your goal is so close. As stated above, go back to the fundamentals. Log what you eat and eat what you log. Step up the gym routine and burn some more kcals. The winter months are a difficult time to loose weight anyway. Stay strong and continue your plan with your goal insight.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Weight loss is not linear, and mine fluctuates like crazy as I approached maintenance. Set your goal to .5 lb. per week, and be patient.

    Read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants
  • oOoNICKIoOo
    oOoNICKIoOo Posts: 107 Member
    I certainly see and understand your frustrations. Let me start by congratulating you on your major success to this point. That's amazing! If you've been stuck in a plateau for a period of time, then it's time to change something up.

    Your nutrition - When you lose a lot of weight and improve your fitness, you will find that you actually need to start eating more, so maybe 1200-1400 calories/day is not enough. I had this happen to me when I got under 10% body fat. I was losing 2-3 lbs/week eating 1800 cal/day and exercising 6 days/week (mix of cardio, yoga, intervals, and a lot of strength training). When I got below 10% body fay, I plateaued. I broke it by increasing my calories to 2000/day. Boom, the scale starting moving again.

    Your exercise - Try to work more strength training into your routines. They are great for boosting your metabolism and improving fitness. Also, if you add some muscle, that can help fill out some of that lose skin with tone and firm shape.

    Here is a blog that a buddy of mine wrote about breaking plateaus. Check it out and let me know if you have any questions about it.



    Yeah, I've tried changing it up a little bit, but nothing too drastic. I originally had my profile set to lose 1 pounds a week, but I wasn't working out. I was eating 1,200 calories a day, so when I changed it to 0.5 pounds a week my total calorie intake for the day increased for 1,420 which is what I've been eating now. I'm glad I get to eat more, but it seems like it's making it harder for me to lose the weight.

    I'm just not sure how to get through this plateau, so we'll see I guess. I'm not going to throw in the towel or anything. I'm just at a rough patch right now and I don't know what else to try. I'll definitely give the strength training a go though. Last time I checked my body fat percentage I was at about 26%, so I'm no where near 10% lol :)