Tampons for running?

Okay, so I've never worn a tampon before but me and my friend have started running and I got my period yesterday. We are supposed to be going again tonight and I don't think I will be very comfortable in a pad especially seen as all together we'll be out for around 2 hours! Also, does it hurt to put them in and take them out?? Would I feel it when running??


  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    If you do it right, it won't hurt at all and you shouldn't feel it while running either! Sometimes it can take a few tries to get used to it but you'll be fine! :)

    Happy running!
  • Seoul11
    Seoul11 Posts: 138 Member
    Never worn a tampon before?! Darling, your life is about to change.
    No, they do not hurt going in or coming out. No you will not feel it while running.

    I do remember the first time using one it took me a good 20 minutes to figure it out. :tongue:
    Go with those tiny little nose bleed ones for a first effort. They come with instructions (complete with diagram) in the box.
    Since the first time I used one I have never gone back to pads. Cannot imagine wearing a pad now. :noway:
  • chichi2130
    chichi2130 Posts: 65 Member
    Never worn a tampon before?! Darling, your life is about to change.


    Since you've never use one before, it could take you a while to get it in... and you may go through a few of them before you get it right (if you can feel it, you most likely need to get it further in there), but once you use one, I can't see how you would ever want to go back to pads. The first time I used one, I wondered why I hadn't started using them sooner. I will never go back to pads.
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    Yes, make the switch! I am a distance runner (sometimes running for 4 hours) and I can't imagine running in a pad. You will be so much happier~! Good luck!