Weight Gain and Vitamin D Deficiency



  • aprilyankee
    aprilyankee Posts: 345 Member
    I was diagnosed as vitamin D deficient by an endocrinologist. I thought I was fine because I was taking a multi vitamin and thought my hypothyroidism was causing my symptoms. My doc told me this:

    1. For the vitamin D to be absorbed by the body in the over the counter vitamin form, take it with food and no other vitamins. Something about it bonds with the vitamin calcium and the body is unable to use it. Any sort of multi vitamin or something that also has calcium, the D will not be absorbed by the body. However I can take my vitamin D with milk or yogurt with no issues. I use 5000 iu of D3 in cholecalciferol form.
    2. While a D deficiency does not cause weight gain, it will prevent weight loss even though all the proper weight loss steps have been taken.
    3. The normal D range is wide, I would have to take 50,000 iu daily for 5 years to get "too" much D.
    4. I will have to take my D for several months before I start feeling better. Even longer to start losing weight.

    I take my D3 every morn with breakfast and still take my multi vitamin every eve. I think my deficiency is related to my thyroid as I have noticed many people with thyroid issues have similar D problems. I have been taking it for 6 months now and started losing weight about 3 months ago. Very slow and steady, but progress.
  • Skinny_Mocha
    Skinny_Mocha Posts: 208 Member
    I just started taking 4,000 IU of Vitamin D, and am finding myself endlessly SLEEPY.

    Has anyone else experienced initial fatigue? If so, does it go away after awhile, or am I broken? Thanks!
  • I just found out my vitamin d level is excessively low. I have gained weight over the last few months despite the fact that I have been exercising and some what eating right (had real bad sugar cravings). I have started taking 2000IU a day for the last two weeks along with getting outside in the sun and I have started feeling better. I am no where near 100% but I no longer have to force myself to work out nor am I aching and tired all the time. I am hoping that as my levels become normal then I will begin to lose weight again.
  • I have actually read a few studies (actual medical studies) suggesting that it may be linked - not necessarily to weight gain, but difficulty with weight loss. I am not a doctor and don't pretend to be, but how it was explained to me was that vitamin D is what tells your body to store fat or get rid of it. If you don't have enough, then it doesn't know to get rid of it. Again, I don't pretend to be an expert, but it is interesting nonetheless. I have found that I am severely deficient in vitamin D and have been prescribed a pretty hefty dose, so I guess we will see. Good luck!
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    When I was diagnosed with a thyroid condition (Hashi's) and insulin resistance, my doctor also found severe deficiencies in vitamin D and magnesium. He told me that both could have contributed to the difficulty I was having losing weight (as well as Hashi's and insulin resistance). I got both my deficiencies on track along with medication for Hashi's and insulin resistance (Nature-throid and metformin), and I've finally been able to lose weight like a "normal" person. I can't say what part the vitamin D specifically played in my issues, but it was definitely part of the overall equation.
  • nerual13
    nerual13 Posts: 39 Member
    posting to keep track of this thread, I'm on week 6 of an 8 week Vitamin D regimen and will then be on a daily supplement. I will say that I have felt so much better and more energized since I started talking it. BUT, this was exactly the same time that I started eating good food and walking more, so hard to say! Still, if its helping, I'm all about it!
  • ALNoog
    ALNoog Posts: 413 Member
    I have a major deficiency so I take supplements and have to spend a considerable amount of time outside when ether permits or moderate time in a tanning bed to supplement.
  • wozkaa
    wozkaa Posts: 224 Member
    This is a really interesting post to read through.
    My husband was diagnosed with very very low D last year aroud May. He has been taking supplements as advised and in 6mths the number barely moved up on his bllod test. 2nd doctor said he should be taking Magnesium with it to help absorption.
    He was also complaining of joint pains, fatigue, dizziness, insomnia etc. He also had a blood test come up with excessive iron and was tested for Haemochromatosis.
    Most recently, he has been referred to a Rheumatologist as his Dr suspects Rheumatoid Arthritis. To date his Vit D remains low, and the Rheumy has no idea why (but it's early days yet with a swag more tests to be had.)
    He has always been out on in the sun for periods during the day.
  • I do not know much about this. All I do know is that about a year ago I started getting very tired, muscle cramps and aces in joints. gained 25 lbs in a year. I am now to the point that it is keeping me from enjoying life! I am always extremely fatigue and want to sleep when ever I can. I feel like my legs have weights on them when I am at work. I have been through cardiac tests, sleep study everything. finally they found the my vitamin D is very low. I do not know it the fatigue cancause your high sex drive to come to an hault, but i have no sex drive anymore. I am only 36yrs old. i am to take 50,000 a week for 12 weeks then take 2,000 a day after.
  • I was diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency in 2009. Was probably earlier than that had they checked it. I just kind of blew it off thinking it wasn't a big deal. I gained 70 lbs, had so much pain in my legs that I couldn't straighten them out, my feet felt like I was walking on rocks, and so much fatigue and depression I couldn't smile if you paid me. I used to be in the sun everyday until I started going to college and then retained employment afterward. I went from athletic and resilient to weak and sensitive. My level as of this moment is 8.9.....I'm taking 50,000 units a week. I don't know if low D is the cause of my problems but I've been on everything from chemo to Tylenol and none of it worked,,,,praying the supplement helps...so fed up...
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    I was diagnosed with Vitamin D deficiency as well. lol... Kind of funny considering where I live.

    But also the reason why I have no wrinkles at my age. Don't partake in sun activities even though I live in southern CA. lololol

    Anyhoo, my last check up, which was a week ago doc said I was deficient. Wrote a prescription for Vitamin D supplement. Didn't even know she prescribed it until yesterday's call from pharmacy. Told me to come get the supplement tomorrow.

    Thought I'd share. lol

    Edit: No, haven't gained any weight due to a vitamin D deficiency. Do not think that has anything to do with it... at least not this way.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    you can take as many vitamin d supplements as you want, but it isn't absorbed / activated unless you get daily sun exposure..

    False. However one important thing to note when taking Vitamin D supplements is that Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin and to get good absorption you should take it along with a meal that has at least a little fat in it.
  • Mich4871
    Mich4871 Posts: 143 Member
    you can take as many vitamin d supplements as you want, but it isn't absorbed / activated unless you get daily sun exposure..

    Not completely accurate...I have small kids who always want to be outside, I'm active outside (running, etc...), and it didn't make a difference one way or the other.

    Mine was depleted...there was no measurable counts. My Endo put me on 2x week 50,000 units, plus 5,000 units on the other 5 days. Within 3 months, I was back to a "normal" level of 50 and now I range in the 70-80.

    I was having issues with weight gain even on a good diet, daily excercise, once my D levels returned, the weight started to slowly come off again. I'm having other metabolic issues, but the extreme fatigue and overall blah feelings disapated.
  • janel814
    janel814 Posts: 88
    At least now I really know that I am not alone in this Vit D deficiency issue. I was just diagnosed and now my doc has me on a once a week 50,000IU for the next 12 wks. Then I will retest to see if my levels have come up. I will say that it is not just simply about getting more sun because that is all I heard from friends and family once I got the diagnoses.

    About 2 years ago I lost 70 pounds and then my living circumstances changed to the point that I couldn't get in my normal routine and even when I found time I just didn't have the motivation to get it done so needless to say I gained that weight back. The extra problems that went along with the Vit D deficiency (for me) are that I get really tired ALL day long, no motivation, mild depression, weight gain, loss of appitite and a few other things but the doc says that the deficiency can closely tie into these other problems.

    Something that I didn't catch in the discussion was that if you think that this is an issue for you not to just start taking Vit D consult your doctor first. I say that because my doctor stated that to much Vit D can cause just as many problems as the deficiency. They have to watch your kidneys, liver and thyroid balances as well especially if you are placed in the high dose Vit D.

    Good luck!
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    you can take as many vitamin d supplements as you want, but it isn't absorbed / activated unless you get daily sun exposure..

    Nope not true
  • Stephanie_skinny
    Stephanie_skinny Posts: 106 Member
    you can take as many vitamin d supplements as you want, but it isn't absorbed / activated unless you get daily sun exposure..

    Not true.

    From what I have learned in biochemistry, vitamin D helps the body to absorb calcium. The body makes Vitamin D when the skin is exposed to the sun, there is a chemical reaction with the body fat cells exposed to the sun's rays synthesizing it. But this is not the only source, also food, supplements and others can contribute to our Vitamin D levels.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    you can take as many vitamin d supplements as you want, but it isn't absorbed / activated unless you get daily sun exposure..

    Not true.

    From what I have learned in biochemistry, vitamin D helps the body to absorb calcium. The body makes Vitamin D when the skin is exposed to the sun, there is a chemical reaction with the body fat cells exposed to the sun's rays synthesizing it. But this is not the only source, also food, supplements and others can contribute to our Vitamin D levels.

    That is true
  • I, too, was just diagnosed with low vitamin D. I am grateful for a doctor who listens! I complained of not having energy and gaining weight despite not eating much. I had others say its my age and I should just accept it but she decided to check me. I assumed it would be low B and my anemia acting up but it was D. Now that I have done some reading it makes more sense. It's also helpful to see others here dealing with the same issues. I wouldn't blame my weight gain only on the D deficiency but it is a factor. I hope to return to my normal hyper active self soon!!

    Best to all!
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Nope - Vitamin D deficiency doesn't cause weight gain. The vitamin really doesn't have any metabolic function to it at all. It's primary function is to help calcium get in to your bones, and it also aids in coronary health. A deficiency can change your mood (slightly) which may make you more predisposed to binge eating, or making unhealthy choices, though.

    I've been taking 5,000 IUs per day for about 6 months (finally getting my levels checked this summer so I can stop). It's more a correlation, than a causative relationship. Like...I got fat because I was eating crappy food with very low nutrient density - which also happened to cause a Vitamin D deficiency. But I didn't get fat BECAUSE of that deficiency, they just went hand-in-hand.

    Quite wrong.
    June 25, 2012 -- Older women with low blood levels of vitamin D may be more prone to pack on the pounds, when compared with women who have adequate vitamin D levels.

    Of more than 4,600 women aged 65 and older, those with insufficient levels of vitamin D in their blood gained about two pounds more than those who had adequate levels of the vitamin during a five-year study.

    The women with insufficient levels of vitamin D also weighed more when the study began than women with normal vitamin D levels.

    "Lower vitamin D levels are associated with more weight gain in older women, but the weight gain was relatively small," says researcher Erin LeBlanc, MD. She is an endocrinologist and researcher at the Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research in Portland, Ore.

    The findings appear in the Journal of Women's Health.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I, too, was just diagnosed with low vitamin D. I am grateful for a doctor who listens! I complained of not having energy and gaining weight despite not eating much. I had others say its my age and I should just accept it but she decided to check me. I assumed it would be low B and my anemia acting up but it was D. Now that I have done some reading it makes more sense. It's also helpful to see others here dealing with the same issues. I wouldn't blame my weight gain only on the D deficiency but it is a factor. I hope to return to my normal hyper active self soon!!

    Best to all!

    Vitamin D isn't the sole factor of your weight gain, but it is sure a contributing factor.

    I suffer from low Vitamin D also and find when I did a combination of Light therapy (tanning bed) and the Oral Vitamin D I am able to lose weight with the way I eat effortlessly.

    I did only the oral Vitamin D supplement this past winter and have bounced the same 10 pounds back and forth for months, pretty much stuck.

    My endocrinologist has stated this to many many times.