Low fats high protein

So... I use tumblr, and I follow this one blog because of my fashion preferences. However, I seen the girl post a post about her weight loss and diet. she was a little lighter than me when she started and well, she's shorter, but eitherways, I'm wondering what do you think of what she suggests?
here's a link to the post http://nanakorobii.tumblr.com/diet
I'm thinking perhaps this would be a good try? it would also teach me a good lesson on veggies, I don't eat those whatsoever, no idea why do I dislike them so much...
So uhh.. thoughts?


  • KMiYong
    KMiYong Posts: 130 Member
    I'd really like an answer ^^"
  • HerpDerp745
    HerpDerp745 Posts: 223 Member
    I would try the proven diet of 'Eat less, move more' instead.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    From the link you gave:

    For this you will need to have high protein and low carb and eat under 30g of fat a day.

    Absolutely stupid diet plan, she's way off and completely wrong. She has the one of the poorest understandings of weight loss and nutrition that I've seen. Steer clear of her plan.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    You don't have to go low fat to eat more vegetables. You'll probably find the vegetables more palatable if you add fat to them. Stir fry, sautee in olive or butter (or both), dress your salads with an olive oil based dressing, toss vegetables in fat and spices and roast them, etc.

    Low fat diets can make weight loss faster, since fat is higher calorie, but they are not as healthy as moderate fat diets. Many nutrients are fat soluable, meaning your body can't absorb them without fat. And many find low fat diets unsustainable because fat is very tasty.
  • spal930
    spal930 Posts: 1 Member
    Try roasting your veggies in the oven with a bit of salt, pepper and oil (olive or coconut). You will find that they take on a completely different flavor than just steaming or boiling which leave them bland. Carrots and grape tomatoes become so sweet. For tomatoes, I like to also add some balsamic vinegar which makes them like candy when they are done. Broccoli and tomatoes are my staple veggies and they are always roasted.
  • JulieE1002
    JulieE1002 Posts: 162 Member
    I eat very low fat (not to exceed 30 gr per day), high protein/fiber - but with the supervision of a dietician, at the request of my doctor. I have had two major gut surgeries (removing a large portion of my small bowel) that requires a diet very low in fat. I am doing well in my weight loss, but I would caution anyone that is trying to lose weight to eat too few fat grams. I do this because of medical issues, and have been successful and truthfully am free of chronic gut pain that I was in before changing my diet. Again - I would caution anyone that does not have a medical reason or is not being monitored by a doctor to drop their fat as low as I have.