Can someone please tell me what I a doing wrong?

I'm 5'9 and 242lbs. I have my calorie goal set based on MFP at 1800 calories/day. I work out on the TM every day but Sunday approximately an hour (some days only 30-45min). I do eat back my exercise calories most days as I thought that was what I was supposed to be doing. But now I am thinking maybe I am eating too many calories by doing so? I also recently started doing a challenge that includes planks, squats, pushups, and climbers but I do not log that (I don't know how). I do not work out on Sunday unless it is for fun.

I do drink water (and very rarely anything else) but I tend to not track it. Maybe I should? I don't expect to lose a lot of weight all at once. I'd be happy with 1lb a week. I am not losing weight or inches and I am getting very frustrated! I don't know if I am doing something wrong or if I need to give it more time.

Please be honest with me as I know that is what I need. I do try to weigh my food but often times I go by the measurement (ex cup, tbs, etc.) out of ease. Again, maybe this is wrong?

A couple of little side notes;
I used MFP a year ago and lost 20lbs in two months by watching my calories alone. I feel that since I am also working out now, the weight should be falling off like it was then.
I have three kids that take up a lot of my time (no excuse) and energy. I try to keep the meals quick and easy and as cheap as possible because of this. There are a lot of packaged foods on here for that reason. I am willing to change :)

Thanks for all the help in advance!


  • mollybuck
    mollybuck Posts: 64 Member
    Maybe you should not eat back so many of your exercise calories. I am 5'10 and very active to begin with. My calorie goal is a little over 2000 calories. I don't count my exercise calories, sometimes I don't even log them. My weight loss so far has been slow and steady and I haven't been hungry either.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Are you weighing your food? If not you could be eating more than you think.

    So my immediate response would be to invest in a food scale (they're like $20 or less), weigh your food, log it. Looking at your diary, it looks like this is the issue.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    Every day I looked at was in the red. If you're eating more than you burn you're not going to lose weight. Your sodium is off the charts too, normally I don't care so much about sodium, but when it is in such high numbers it can be an issue.
  • I've just flicked through some of your diarys and it seems you have been over your recommended cals regularly and you are choosing processed foods a lot, do you enjoy cooking? Maybe try some home cooked from scratch meals so you can pack them full of veg? I'm not sure the McDs helped...?! Getting creative with cooking would be my advice.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    It doesn't matter what you eat, it matters how much you eat. It's likely that you aren't logging accurately and eating more than you think.
  • melissarmonroe
    melissarmonroe Posts: 30 Member
    Look at your Wed. That is a huge problem right there. You have a very high calorie goal to begin with so I would suggest NOT eating back exercise calories. I'm at 180 and my goal is to lose 1.0 a week and my calorie goal is 1320 (so I generally do eat back my exercise) Your goal without exercise is 1800 so that seems very high. Maybe try to recalculate your goal. But at any rate, 1,000 calories for breakfast is going to sink you! Even exercising that day really did you no good as you consumed more than you burned even with the exercise.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    I am also a mum of has nothing to do with how many calories I eat.

    If you're not losing you're eating more than you're burning.

    ETA: Also just looked at your really don't know why you're not losing???? Well you're over everyday, 1,000 cal breakfasts and 1,500 calorie dinners? Come on!
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I just looked at your diary, and you do tend to go over. And it looks like you're not measuring or weighing food. (not necessary for everyone, but if you aren't's the best place to start)

    Figure out how much you're actually eating.
    Start logging accurately, and stick to your calorie goal!
    Eat back only half of your exercise calories.
    Try adding some strength training to your workouts. (even if it's just body weight type stuff you can do at home)
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    Every day I looked at was in the red. If you're eating more than you burn you're not going to lose weight. Your sodium is off the charts too, normally I don't care so much about sodium, but when it is in such high numbers it can be an issue.


    1800 is reasonable for you (That was my NET also when I started at 228) but if you are in the red and not weighing you are definitely eating way more than 1800. Get a scale, weigh everything. Eat back HALF of your calories and commit to staying within 100 calories of your goal every day.
  • melissarmonroe
    melissarmonroe Posts: 30 Member
    Not sound mean...but on Sunday March 23rd, you were over your calorie limit by 3,000!! Another day over by 600!!! Even with exercise is a wonder you aren't gaining weight.

    850 calories for 5 cookies for breakfast??
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    Not going to judge what you are eating, but the advice you are getting is correct. You are overeating.

    Get a food scale, weigh everything with a gram weight on the label and measure everything that is a liquid. Be accurate.

    Calorie burns are often high, and the database has all sorts of ridiculous entries that overestimate calorie burns. You could walk 3 MPH, and depending on which entry you choose, it will tell you that you burned 300-1000 calories. Pick the lowest calorie burn.

    Go to and figure out your TDEE. Subract 20% from that and forget about calorie burns.
  • hig17
    hig17 Posts: 159 Member
    I'm 5'9 and 242lbs. I have my calorie goal set based on MFP at 1800 calories/day. I work out on the TM every day but Sunday approximately an hour (some days only 30-45min). I do eat back my exercise calories most days as I thought that was what I was supposed to be doing. But now I am thinking maybe I am eating too many calories by doing so? I also recently started doing a challenge that includes planks, squats, pushups, and climbers but I do not log that (I don't know how). I do not work out on Sunday unless it is for fun.

    I do drink water (and very rarely anything else) but I tend to not track it. Maybe I should? I don't expect to lose a lot of weight all at once. I'd be happy with 1lb a week. I am not losing weight or inches and I am getting very frustrated! I don't know if I am doing something wrong or if I need to give it more time.

    Please be honest with me as I know that is what I need. I do try to weigh my food but often times I go by the measurement (ex cup, tbs, etc.) out of ease. Again, maybe this is wrong?

    A couple of little side notes;
    I used MFP a year ago and lost 20lbs in two months by watching my calories alone. I feel that since I am also working out now, the weight should be falling off like it was then.
    I have three kids that take up a lot of my time (no excuse) and energy. I try to keep the meals quick and easy and as cheap as possible because of this. There are a lot of packaged foods on here for that reason. I am willing to change :)

    Thanks for all the help in advance!

    I am the same height 5'9" and weight (I am 246 actually) and my daily calorie goal is 1630, that is with a sedentary life (desk job) and working out at least 3 times a week. Maybe your calorie goal is too high?
  • hitsnooze
    hitsnooze Posts: 79
    sweet jesus in jammies, i'm not one for going on about 'clean eating' because i think everyone can fit 'junk' and 'bad foods' into their life, but it's not reasonable to make up 90% of your diet on it.

    i'm not judging, hell i've been known to eat leftover cheesecake for breakfast, but consistently eating stuff like cake, onion rings, pizza ect as the first meal of the day is going to set you back

    i'm kind of confused as to how you don't KNOW what you're doing wrong, when you're often going over your goals.

    so basically what everyone else said, weigh your food, keep under your goals, don't take what mfp gives as your exercise calories as gospel. also, watch your sodium, not only because of bloating but for your heart and everything. some of your days are sky high on it
  • HanamiDango
    HanamiDango Posts: 456 Member
    Yes, you are going over in cals. You need to be in the green, every day. Eat back no more than 1/2 your exercise cals at first. Weight your food, even meals out. There is more than a serving size a lot of times there. You can try planning ahead for the next day too. Also, do not eat back exercise cals if you did not put your activity level on sedentary life.
    ETA: I am a mom of 3 too, and I hardly comment on most things, but looking at your food, you really need to make this a life change, not just for you but for your girls too. I am still trying really hard to improve my kid's diet and my diet. It is hard and a struggle but for them, I need to do better. I do not eat clean, but we are slowly working our way to cleaner and better.
  • Jenjenthejetplane1
    Jenjenthejetplane1 Posts: 130 Member
    Stay within your calories and you will lose weight, and watch the sodium intake because it looks like just about everyday you are OVER. Look up some healthy recipes to cut back on the calorie intake. I would suggest eating back on half of your exercise calories.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Awww, honey. On one hand, my hat is off to you for opening your diary and actually logging that food. That takes accountability and guts, so good on you. On the other hand, that is ummm....well.....not a good diary of food. None of it looks like the diet of someone trying to lose weight. Huge McDonald's breakfasts and lunches, regular sodas, cakes cookies and candy etc. And I'm guessing a lot of this is eyeballing/sorta it's going to be way over even what you are logging.

    I'm sort of confused as to how you don't know why it's not coming off? Also do you have a HRM?

    You are open to asking for help, and you are opening your diary, and you have logged some foods many would those are all good things. Time to get serious though and eat some actual food/ and watch portions. Good luck!!!:drinker:
  • MYhealthyjourney70
    MYhealthyjourney70 Posts: 276 Member
    in scanning through a few days of your dairy part of it is your not making wise choices... mcdonalds, pizza.. i like eating out as well and love pizza but you need to limit it... you need more fresh fruits and veges.. i understand you work and have children and pre packaged food is ok but it there is anyway to cook more from scratch i would do it.. the crock pot is my best friend.. make better choices when eating out. i know it's hard as i struggle as well but to lose you need to watch your calorie intake...

    another suggestion would be to to preplan your meals in advance. for example i spend time on sunday cutting fruits and veges and packaging them in ready to go bags/bowls.. i also will cook of meat and other items so all i have to do is reheat...

    feel free to friend me..

    good luck
  • 78pegasus
    78pegasus Posts: 4 Member
    I too lost weight really easy with mfp last year. Restarted about 6 weeks ago, was a little frustrated but continued, as nothing came off the scale (though I am lifting). yesterday dropped a pound and today too! I think just because science says it will go per week, reality works different. You just have to remember you are being truthful with yourself.
  • Pusheenthecat
    Pusheenthecat Posts: 20 Member
    I'm about the same size and weight as you and my calorie intake is 1800. I lose about 5-8 pounds a month. I work out 4 times a week for about 30-40 minutes.

    Try not eating back your calories

    I have a rule that if I go over on my calories I need to put in extra time working out the next day. It works for me!
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 683 Member
    Im a mum of 3 too, my youngest is 1 yr old and I know money is tight so this is what I do, I buy veggies I dice and sautee them in olive oil and then marinade in barbecue marinade or something like that and add rice you can make loads and freeze it and you can add meat or salad its really easy,
    Secondly measure your water , im amazed if you don't drink like a fish as sodium levels that high would dehydrate you
    Thirdly be truthful to yourself yeah we can all have an opinion but you have to be you and I cant believe you eat that amount and cant work out why your not losing weight.
    You need to sweat a lot more and eat a lot less and drink as much as you need , cheap meals especially pre-packed are generally high in sodium look up budget meals to cook from scratch its possible and youre worth so much more than whats going in right now, you owe it to yourself and your children to be healthy do it for you and if you cant for you do it for them.
    Feel free to add me I will do my upmost to motivate you support you and help anyway I can but its a whole life overhaul a little step at a time. Im not being mean im being real.