So it's about that time of week again...

So I feel proud of myself, since Sunday I have been eating super healthy, running for 30ish minutes every day and logging all of my foods on MFP. But my problem for the last, oh I'd say 4 months or so is that I cannot seem to stop going overboard on the weekends. Come Friday evening, my current mindset is "heck I've eaten so well, a brownie wouldn't hurt!" My problem is, once I've had a brownie, I don't seem to have the willpower to stop eating junk food until Sunday. Some people would say that over eating on those two days won't cause much damage, but at times I'll eat up to 3500 calories A DAY. My average intake on the week days is 1500 and I feel fine after so I know I'm not starving myself.

Although I am not gaining weight from my weekend binges, I am also not losing those 10 extra pounds that I would love to lose. I would LOVE some advice on how to control my urges to eat junk because I am currently just dreading the weekend! Tomorrow I am going out with some friends for a birthday celebration, uh oh!


  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 682 Member
    Oh im a self confessed junk-a-holic but what I do is say well done yes you can have chocolate brownie I cut a tiny bit off a corner that's my portion and its enough, or I have a chocolate bar or a small pack of crisps just 1 thing then I promise myself next weekend I can have something for being equally as good and when I struggle in the week I make that my focus, to not feel bad having a small treat as I did hugely well all week it works.
    Logging also makes me stay in control and resist a huge binge its about not restricting foods but limiting the amounts and keeping a balance. Find healthy foods that are sweet that will fix your sweet craving equally as good as cake that will help and also savoury. I find strawberries in yogurt are my fix
  • kitlynnJ
    kitlynnJ Posts: 78 Member
    What do you have your calorie deficit set to? If it is too aggressive maybe that is contributing to your binge on the weekends. You could try eating a bit more through the week, allowing for a few small treats so you don't feel the need to binge on the weekend. Or you could try prelogging your entire weekend on Friday, so you aren't as tempted to have that first brownie. If you hold off on your brownie treat until Sunday you might not overeat as much either, since you seem to 'reset' well on Monday morning.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I work in all the foods I want to eat into my calorie goal. Ice cream: every night, I make room for 1-2 servings.
    I think this kind of stuff happens most commonly when we 'restrict' ourselves a little too much. Work all your 'normal' foods into your day- just use moderation.