Looking for friends & support on my weightloss journey :)

Liv_7 Posts: 2 Member
Hello :smile:

I have been having a tough time trying to get on track. I have always been on the plus side and lost 60lbs back in 0'8. I got laid off and it all came back plus some. I am currently trying to lose 100lbs. I know its better to not look at the whole picture, do small goals but that's what my target is. I am overall a happy person but definitely not happy with my body.

I would love some support and of course new friends :)


  • _myrahhh
    _myrahhh Posts: 15
    I Lost the same amount between 2010 to 2012. I Gained 30 due to illness, but I'm slowly trying to get back to where I once was. You can add me if you'd like. :)
  • planetjk
    planetjk Posts: 7 Member

    I'm on a kick as well. Not going to talk overall goal numbers, I'm awesome at self-sabotage. Trade ya'll an add for an add.
  • Coach_LT
    Coach_LT Posts: 4

    I could sure use some more friends as well :) Feel free to add me & let's get this journey started!

    To your Success,

  • bm1409
    bm1409 Posts: 1,715 Member
    high five that your back on track! I added you as a friend! You might check out a group called Independence Challenge (I just joined). Its a challenge from april 4th to july 4th to get to your individual goal weight ( the amount you would like to lose in 3 months). You weigh in every week, and they have a spread sheet to show everyones progress. It will be great to see everyone making progress and will help motivate me to have progress too. You should check it out.
  • amycstreet
    Hi, my name is Amy! Id love to be a part of your weight loss process. I am also on the same journey. Im trying not to do the whole numbers thing. I have a pair of really cute jeans I would like to look hot in. When I say hot, I mean minus a muffin top. Im taking a new approach this time around with FitnessPal. I am really just trying to eat super healthy and maintain a lifestyle change. I am 37 want to make my up coming 40's AMAZING! I want to feel great and keep up with my kids and have a great time doing active things with my family. If you would like to team up with me, im here!
  • MaWeCkA
    MaWeCkA Posts: 1 Member
    I'm running out of motivation...
    Don't know what to do...
    But I could sure use some more friends :)
  • Wolfjam13
    Wolfjam13 Posts: 5 Member
    Feel free to add me. Getting back to working out after a 2-year break. Used to be a gym rat, then started working nights. This put a funk into my routine as I was only getting 4-5 hours of sleep a night. Working out, I would get less sleep. People I worked with did NOT eat clean, and although, I did my best to bring healthy foods to work, there was almost always a weekly slip up. Currently doing DailyBurn in addition to weights.
  • Hollywoodgoonette
    I need friends please can some people add me please
  • Lisala
    Lisala Posts: 3
    Hi! My name is Lisa. I've been on MyFitnessPal before but never consistently and not to any great success....my issues, not the website's.

    I am at my all time heaviest and really could use the support. My mother tells me to accept myself as heavy and realize that I have other assets, like pretty eyes! If that isn't reverse psychology to motivate me to get in shape, I don't know what is!

    Any way. I quit drinking alcohol, which was a major stumbling block for my weight loss, so now I should be able to see real results from real efforts not dampened by booze!

    I recently read an article in the Woman's World magazine about a woman who lost over 100 lbs by eating more food! She incorporated the principles of "clean eating" into her diet and kept it very simple. She ate from all the food groups and (wait for it!) COUNTED CALORIES!! At least MyFitnessPal can do that for us!

    I am looking for support as well. It looks like we have quite a group gathering here.

  • FatBlackUgly
    Good luck you can do it!
  • Adele790
    Adele790 Posts: 1
    Hi my name is Adele I am starting again too, I have recently signed up for Annette Sym's 28 day program and find that I need extra support as I can not do it alone so I would like to become friends with all of you so we can lose together. I am a mum of 4 and work at daycare so I need to lose weight to show the kids the right way. Thanks hope to hear from some of you.