drinking a veggie/fruit drink

Hi there - I am new to My Fitness Pal and forums in general. I started running 2 years ago 2 times a week and over the course of the 2 years would stop running for maybe a month at at time and then come back and start again. In January I changed my eating habits and focused on running 5 days a week. I feel really good with these changes and I have more energy than I have had in the past. My question is about what I eat.
I use my blender and make a drink with coconut water, kale, red cabbage, apple, blueberries and a banana. Each drinker makes 2 1/2 servings and it breaks down to about 136 calories. I have this drink for breakfast and lunch and then have dinner with my family. I have added more veggies to our evening meal, including salads and over all as I mentioned above I feel really good.
Does anyone have experience with drinking these types of drinks? I am not a big breakfast eater and my drink makes it super easy to get nutrients. If for some reason I get hungry throughout the day I will have a boiled egg or can of tuna/chicken with a small serving of mayo. I also am not opposed to going out for a breakfast with the family or lunch either. I am not starving myself but I have reduced what I eat again without feeling hungry.
Any thoughts? Thank you.


  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Fruit and veggie smoothies and juices are a great way to get a lot of micro-nutrients in an easily absorbable way. In my experience, they give you tons of extra energy and good feelings. The one thing i learned about eating a lot of fruits and vegies is that, because they are so low in calories, it takes A LOT to keep you satiated. If you are getting hungry during the day, try eating an extra piece of fruit or two. The not-chopped-up fiber and the extra calories should help you stay satiated until dinner without having to resort to tuna, eggs, or mayo.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    If you feel good, have a lot of energy, sleep well, and have an overall feeling of well being...............then just keep doing what your doing!!
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    Fruit and veggie smoothies and juices are a great way to get a lot of micro-nutrients in an easily absorbable way. In my experience, they give you tons of extra energy and good feelings. The one thing i learned about eating a lot of fruits and vegies is that, because they are so low in calories, it takes A LOT to keep you satiated. If you are getting hungry during the day, try eating an extra piece of fruit or two. The not-chopped-up fiber and the extra calories should help you stay satiated until dinner without having to resort to tuna, eggs, or mayo.

    Nothing wrong with eating tuna, eggs, or mayo!

    OP seems like you are doing things right
  • SKME2013
    SKME2013 Posts: 704 Member
    I do the same thing. I make myself a huge spinach smoothie in the morning with some blueberries, unsweetened vanilla almond milk and perhaps some leftover veggies and it lasts me the whole day. Buying a good blender was the best investment I did in a long time and I use it daily!
    I would NEVER eat THAT many veggies that I consume now in my smoothies. Just be careful with some fruits. They can contain a lot of sugar and calories. Berries are usually a safer bet particularly if your main ingredient are vegetables.

    Best of luck
  • sunnyskys2013
    sunnyskys2013 Posts: 159 Member
    Fruit and veggie smoothies and juices are a great way to get a lot of micro-nutrients in an easily absorbable way. In my experience, they give you tons of extra energy and good feelings. The one thing i learned about eating a lot of fruits and vegies is that, because they are so low in calories, it takes A LOT to keep you satiated. If you are getting hungry during the day, try eating an extra piece of fruit or two. The not-chopped-up fiber and the extra calories should help you stay satiated until dinner without having to resort to tuna, eggs, or mayo.

    Nothing wrong with eating tuna, eggs, or mayo!

    OP seems like you are doing things right

    I was thinking the same thing the protein in the afternoon is a good thing.
  • Wow! Thanks everyone for your input. I was worried about what kind of responses I would get and almost didn't come back. I have heard forums can be brutal places but after reading through other posts while taking a good look around and reading your replies I am excited.
    I forgot to add I have started adding 1 scoop of protein to my drink and as one person mentioned I do snack on an apple if I get hungry during the day, it's not always tuna I go too. I am doing pretty good though, I usually do not get hungry if I drink my juice. I also drink about 90 ounces of water a day and take a good multi vitamin and one for my joints.
    Thanks again. I am excited to come back with more questions and look at more posts to see how other people are making lifestyle changes.
  • illykins87
    illykins87 Posts: 18 Member
    Your smoothie sounds delicious I will have to try it! I have been doing some similar ones for breakfast everyday with kale, carrots, berries, spinach, yogurt and almond milk I always add whey or chai too. The problem I have found is to remember to stay hydrated with water too. Sometimes if you slam a smoothie on an empty stomach you will actually get a crash from it for it will just speed through your system and you will run of the sugars instead of soaking up the proper nutrients to keep going longer try to either drink a glass of water before or after your smoothie it keeps me fuller longer at least!

    Cheers! Illy.
  • enchantedgardener
    enchantedgardener Posts: 214 Member
    I usually don't have time to eat while at work, so I've started bringing in a drink as well. Usually frozen berries, parsley, spinach, low fat milk, protein powder, and Greens+. It keeps me full, it's full of nutrients, and it's easy to have even when busy.

    I think having a fruit/veggie smoothie like this is great, especially if you don't have the time for a proper meal.

    @OP I think you're doing great! I wouldn't change a thing. Feel free to change the types of fruit and veggies in your drink from time to time, if only to keep yourself from getting bored. That's the only suggestion I'd make.
  • lizzyb83
    lizzyb83 Posts: 107 Member
    There is a great website called Simple Green Smoothies. They post amazing recipes! Plus they have some with a little extra fat/protein to help keep you full a little longer.