Your tips and tricks! I need help.

lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
Hi all,

I'm a little over perfectionist. I like to do things well and I get anxious about it.

Anyway, I a mess in a kitchen. I am doing training programs that suggest eating 5 times a days. Meals and snacks. I have all the right food in the fridge. I have time. I have everything to make sure that I should be able to do this but... huh !?
I can't !! I panic !

It's the planning and organisation that I'm deeply lacking.

What are your tricks to make it simple, to succeed ? It's been 3 weeks I'm trying to figure out a way to be comfortable. To eat with a regular schedule. As I said, it should be easy for me, I have all the time in the world.

So any idea is welcome.


  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    I make my food ahead of time, and put it into serving sized containers (I weigh my food) and keep enough in the fridge to eat for a few days and freeze the rest.

    Now I can get up in the morning, grab the food I'll need for the day and hit the road. I normally spend one day cooking but eat well always.

    Good luck.
  • Ainar
    Ainar Posts: 858 Member
    Well first of all eating 5 times a day is not a must. If a program is saying it is a must then I would suggest you to go and find a program that is less outdated and is up to date with latest nutrition and exercise science. What matters is macros and calories. You can take them in 5 meals or in one meal. Of course 5 meals is easier for some cos 1 meal means you should ate the whole day's load in that one meal, what may be hard for some people.

    Personally what I do is ate one big meal of around 1500 cals at 6 PM and then at 7 PM another 1500 cals in shake. And that's it for a day. I fast rest 22h. Did this for almost a year and gained a lot of muscle and didn't went in a starvation mode or any other BS myth like that. It's calories what matters not meal timings so just do what is more convenient for you. Your program will give you exactly the same results as it would, assuming your cals and macros are met.
  • Health_Temple
    First off i thjnk you soud super cute haha, If your eating 1200 calories at 5 meals a day (ill use six cus that's easier) then that's 200 calories each meal. As suggested before make permafrost meals such as a big pot of soup and freeze serving sizes. Try to get carbs fats and protien in each meal/snack, it
    Will help you feel full immediately as well as over
    The next few hours, make a time schedule for wen you eat. You can find 200 calorie meals online google search. Change it up though dont eat the same old thing it doesn't just get boring but you are continuing to put the same nutrients in your body and may be lacking somewhere else. An easy 200 cals can come from a shake and you can keep it at work (non refrigerated!) and a
    Shaker and just add water! Mine is a vegan shake 135 calories and has probiotics and all sorts
    Of good stuff it's rather expensive compared to a plain whey with vitamins. Hope this helps!
  • lsabeIIe
    lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
    Yeah, I know, I'm cute right ?! Must be the accent! :tongue: But I just scramble my BFF !! :brokenheart:

    Thank you all for your answers. I'm certainly gonna try your suggestions.

    The schedule might be a good idea for me since I'm so disorganized.

    The programs don't say it's a MUST, (well I don't think so). I just looked the nutrition guides from Insanity and it suggest 5 meals a day, Turbo Fire and T25 suggest 3 meal 2 snacks and I just thought everything look delicious in theses damn booklets, so I might as well try it. I admit they are all from BeachBody (and they indeed mention starvation mode) so maybe I don't have all the information I could get and I will look for more since it's interesting to know.

    I also think everybody should do what's best for them. The reason I want to try it is mostly because I have been fat all my life and mostly all my life I wasn't eating enough and eating one meal a day. I think building muscles and eating more and more meals might help my case and wake my metabolism up.

    Thanks again all good luck in your journeys !
  • sshintaku
    sshintaku Posts: 228 Member
    I eat 5 times a day, mostly because if don't I feel sick. I'll eat three "meals" at around 300 cal each, and then a couple smaller snacks. Today I had:
    1. Toast and boiled egg
    2. Nuts and yogurt
    3. Leftover pork and green beans
    4. Strawberries
    5. Chipotle burrito bowl (600 cal, not 3)

    I make sure to pack my lunch and snacks the night before, and on a normal day I'll have something cooking in the crockpot for dinner, which I always make enough to take for lunch the next day. Not too hard, just plan it out.
  • Fitnesstracker2234
    I grocery shop on the weekend and prepare my food for the week on that day or the next day. For example, I was all my grapes, cut up my peppers, cook my meat and freeze it and try to plan what I'll make for the week so I can be organized. I have a pretty busy schedule, so I end up making dinners for several nights and freezing them. Even though time isn't an issue for you, I would still recommend planning what you're going to make.

    My trainer gave me guidelines for times to eat as follows: 7 am breakfast, 10:00 snack, 12:30 lunch, 4:00 snack, 7:00 dinner. I follow these times, but also listen to my body when it tells me I am hungry.

    Personally, I have found 3 breakfasts I like having and I alternate between them depending on what I feel like that morning. I also do the same with dinners and snacks. My advice would be to figure out what your favourite meals and lunches are and then alternate between them. I would recommend not stressing over it too much or you'll always be thinking about food! I find that eating regularly keeps me from being ravenously hungry at meal time and overeating. I listen to my body though.

    Here is an example of what I ate today (I'm not a medical professional and am not saying you should do this, but this is what works for me):

    7:30 breakfast
    1/2 cup of plain fat free greek yogurt
    1/3 cup of alpen plain meusli
    1 cup of mixed fruit (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries)
    coffee with skim milk
    *I also LOVE oatmeal for breakfast

    10:30 snack
    1 multi-grain rice cake with 1 tablespoon of unsalted natural peanut butter and banana slices
    decaf mint tea

    12:45 lunch
    chicken salad with veggies, avocado, and quinoa

    4:30 snack
    baby carrots and cucumber slices with light humus

    7:30 dinner
    chicken spaghetti squash "pasta" (I use the scraped out squash instead of noodles) with veggies and a home-made sauce
    chamomile tea

    I hope this helps! I think it is about listening to your body and figuring out which healthy foods you like.

    Good luck!!
  • lizzyb83
    lizzyb83 Posts: 107 Member
    The Beachbody meal plans are laid out pretty good once you get the hang of them. But prep really is key. I am so disorganized and all over the place, half my veggies go bad because I grab quick junk when I am in a hurry instead of that! So like the other posters suggested, I try to prep everything. Have everything cleaned and cut into single serving containers ready to go. I keep a list written out on my fridge, too. That was I can just mark it off as I go. It sounds like a lot of work, but it only takes about an hour or 2 once a week to get all set!
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Yeah, I know, I'm cute right ?! Must be the accent! :tongue: But I just scramble my BFF !! :brokenheart:

    Thank you all for your answers. I'm certainly gonna try your suggestions.

    The schedule might be a good idea for me since I'm so disorganized.

    The programs don't say it's a MUST, (well I don't think so). I just looked the nutrition guides from Insanity and it suggest 5 meals a day, Turbo Fire and T25 suggest 3 meal 2 snacks and I just thought everything look delicious in theses damn booklets, so I might as well try it. I admit they are all from BeachBody (and they indeed mention starvation mode) so maybe I don't have all the information I could get and I will look for more since it's interesting to know.

    I also think everybody should do what's best for them. The reason I want to try it is mostly because I have been fat all my life and mostly all my life I wasn't eating enough and eating one meal a day. I think building muscles and eating more and more meals might help my case and wake my metabolism up.

    Thanks again all good luck in your journeys !

    Barring some sort of health problem, it wasn't the one meal a day that contributed to weight gain or a higher than desirable weight but rather the sum total of calories consumed. Either you were eating something you didn't realize was high in calories when not eating enough, or your "occasional" "splurges" were just a tad too high. Going from one extreme to another that doesn't appear to work for you is likely not the solution. Eating multiple meals a day won't "stoke the metabolic flames" or otherwise "rev your metabolism". Eating overall less calories than you burn will help you lose weight. Do it however is most convenient for you.

    Read this:
  • lsabeIIe
    lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
    Again, thanks to all of you! It's great to have all that feedback and hints.

    I'm gonna relax a little bit, do my best, and yes of course I keep my calorie intake lower than what I spend.

    I appreciate you took the time to answer.
  • RoguePogue
    RoguePogue Posts: 1 Member
    My tip that works for me:

    1. Compete with some friends (safe). Nothing gets your program going like competition.
    2. I eat 1600 calories a day with a focus on High Protein breakfast (eggs, turkey sausage), Fruits for lunch, regular/portioned dinner. I eat what I want as long as I get 1600 or less. Being a planner helps.
    3. I work out 3 times per week. My goal is 400 calories of cardio and 20-30 minutes of weights.
    4. No liquids after last meal.
    5. Bonus tip, I gave up in between meal sweets for Lent. I have not craved a sweet in 2 weeks...

    I am down 7 pounds in 2 weeks, and I have 20 to go!