Hey everyone

Thought I should introduce myself after a few days on these boards!

I'm Emily, 26 years old from Melbourne, Australia. I have been using the MFP app since late October 2013.

I have struggled with my weight as long as I can remember. My main problem was emotional eating/binge eating. I used food as a comfort when I was growing up with a brother with severe Autism, as a way to cope with the stressful impact on my family. From then on I continued to use food in this way to cope with life's stresses, to commiserate and also to celebrate. I knew it was the reason I was a chubby kid, and overweight teenager, and in my 20s, severely obese. But it was like an addiction. I just felt I couldn't break out of it.

Last year though, I reached my heaviest and my Dr asked me to get a blood test. The results came back that I had high blood sugar levels and my Dr warned me that if I kept going the way I was going, there was a high chance I would develop type II diabetes. She sent me off for a Glucose Tolerance Test to make sure I didn't already have it.

Thankfully, the test came back negative, but it was a huge wakeup call. I knew I needed to change my eating habits and develop healthier ways of coping with stress than binge eating. I started seeing a dietitian as well as going to a support group for women with various mental health issues, where I learnt coping strategies, relaxation techniques, and had a supportive network of people to talk my issues through with.

During my first session with my dietitian, she showed me the MFP app on her phone and recommended I download it. She did also talk through portion sizes, exercise, etc with me but said the app would help me keep a track of what I was taking in and burning off each day.

Well, since starting with the app, I have lost 28kg (61.72lbs). I have done this through cutting down my portion sizes and exercising regularly. I walk for 45min-1 hour at a time 3-4 times per week as well as doing Zumba and Sh'Bam classes at a local gym. I still have a long way to go but I am seeing results I never dreamed possible, feeling fitter and more energised, and more in control of my eating. I never want to go back to where I was!

Thanks for reading this and I look forward to getting to know you all better!

Emily. :-)


  • EmilyL128
    EmilyL128 Posts: 38
    Oops I forgot...I have progress photos. Hopefully they'll show up ok here.


    I have lost around 2 more kg after that last photo but haven't done another progress photo yet.

    Also, I'd love to add more motivated and inspirational friends, so feel free to add me. :-)
  • Sweetie_darling
    Sweetie_darling Posts: 123 Member
    Wow, such incredible progress :)

    Amazingly motivating!

    I've lost 42kg since my heaviest, but sadly let 10 creep back on. My goal is to lose another 20 from where I'm at now.

    Hopefully we can motivate each other :)

  • EmilyL128
    EmilyL128 Posts: 38
    Wow, such incredible progress :)

    Amazingly motivating!

    I've lost 42kg since my heaviest, but sadly let 10 creep back on. My goal is to lose another 20 from where I'm at now.

    Hopefully we can motivate each other :)


    Aww thank you! Wow, 42kg, that's great! I'm sure the 10 kilos will come off again as you have already shown so much dedication.

    Yep I'm sure we'll motivate each other! :wink: