Hoping to find some like minded friends!

Hi everyone! I'm Rebecca. I'm 22 and live in North Carolina close to the coast on base with my husband who is a active duty Marine. In the past three years I had gained 25 or so lbs and I was already over weight before so it's got to go. I also have IBS and health issues anyway so I'm reinventing my life if you will into a new healthy and happy life. I've always been interested in health and I would sit down at the computer and research things and watch documentaries on it but yet I was still not active, and eating food nobody should be eating, if you can even call it food. I know some people totally jump in 100% and promise themselves they won't mess up and set time lines of when they want the weight lost, and I'm not going to do that. I've did that before and FOR ME at least it's setting myself up to fail because I know I will have mess up days and maybe even a mess up week and if I'm in the wrong mindset than those days or that week makes me fall off the wagon all together for a while. So my goal is simple. To be the healthiest and happiest me I can be and if anybody else with thoughts like this wants to be friends on here, please add me! I'd love some people to follow and talk to with goals like mine that don't care if they aren't perfect.


  • TheDutchCourage
  • slimmerang
    slimmerang Posts: 79 Member
    I will friend you. I am trying really hard but I am not even close to perfect. I really need to have some success soon and buddies always help!
  • Elizabeth_Darcy
    Elizabeth_Darcy Posts: 44 Member
    Me too. Perfection is overrated, and when I screw up, I do it rather spectacularly. But I'm always trying.
  • AshleyArleneNP
    AshleyArleneNP Posts: 77 Member
    Hey, at least you have a great attitude! No one is perfect. We are not dieting, we are making lifestyle changes. There are going to be some bumps in the road. When I mess up, I always say oh, well. I can make best choices with my next bite.
    Feel free to add me. I am very active on MFP.
    Thank you to you and your hubby for serving our country!
  • TheDutchCourage
    Thanks! I've got you all added! : )
  • TheDutchCourage
    Anybody else? : )