Thigh fats, help me :(

please check THIS.


I'm really struggling and losing my confidence with my thigh fats. they are really huge, and i don't look good on skirts and dresses. plus, i get insults from my peers. :(

now, i'm motivated to start a change in me. i want to be happy. is it possible for my legs to lose weight?

please refer to the link above.

in 2 months, will i get the legs i want? (not so thin, not so fat. average)


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    you can't specifically lose fat from your legs or anywhere else, but if you lose weight it will come off there at some point.

    Exercises like squats may build some muscle tone in that area and help make it look better.
  • Louise1583
    Louise1583 Posts: 97 Member
    Exercises like squats may build some muscle tone in that area and help make it look better.


    I recommend doing exercise that will build up your thigh muscles and give you a slender look, to improve the shape. Try kickboxing if you can find a class (it's AMAZING for building up thigh strength! I couldn't walk for 2 days after my first few classes!), or if not - cycling, walking, running, resistance exercises are all great. And squats. Always squats.
  • yumimumi
    yumimumi Posts: 3
    I can completely understand where you are coming from, I despise my thighs, I have done a lot of research, my business is in health and nutrition and a work with a personal trainer and unfortunately on us women the fat on our thighs and hips are the last to start disappearing. I recently did a kick start 9 day cleanse which enabled me to lose 3kg and my waist is now flat so if I keep being careful for a bit and continue exercising it's about to start coming off my legs. I have been doing a couch to 10k running app on my phone (super easy they tell you when to run and walk) and its interval training which means your body continues to burn fat for 48 hours afterwards and then I have been doing to strength exercises for my core, legs and back to create lean muscle. for lean muscle you need to be doing between 15-25 reps in sets of 3-4 and it needs to be an effort with a 30 second rest in between - do not worry about looking like a body builder we don't have enough testosterone in our bodies to bulk up. I have noticed some massive results as has my boyfriend. I have to warn you though that you may not lose weight immediately as you are building muscle but you are burning fat (muscle takes up less space than fat) keep at it for at least 6 weeks. and obviously eating healthily is very important. Hope this helps :smile:
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    in 2 months, will i get the legs i want? (not so thin, not so fat. average)

    I don't wish to be the bearer of bad news but unfortunately it does take a long time to see changes in specific body parts. As others have said, you cannot spot reduce. Two months is not giving yourself very long to change your body.

    Focus on losing overall body fat by eating at a small deficit and strength training. The size of your legs relative to the rest of your body is largely genetic so learn to love them and focus on eing strong and healthy.

    I can't see the picture, but the advice is the same as I'd give anyone who is unhappy with their legs.
  • princessnuriko
    princessnuriko Posts: 50 Member
    It looks like we have the same body shape especially thighs. My body fat is distributed evenly throughout my body. I started off at 168, and now I'm about 150. I started off in a size 14 now to a size 8 jeans with still another 10 pounds or so to go. Well unfortunately, my thighs are still "Big" just a smaller version of its former self. I still do alot of cardio, but now I'm doing more weight training (squats and lunges, ect.) to help shape my thighs. They'll always be thick...with no space in between them, I just want to look more shapely. Plus if I didn't start weight training, I'd probably be a size 10 instead of an 8. I've been this weight before but I didn't do as much weight training, and so I fit perfectly in a size 10. I like being an 8 and I think the weight training help me get there.
  • keniasam
    keniasam Posts: 6
    One plus is that your legs are cellulite free! They have great potential. Definitely do HIIT and strength training. I'm pear shaped myself.
  • you can't specifically lose fat from your legs or anywhere else, but if you lose weight it will come off there at some point.

    Exercises like squats may build some muscle tone in that area and help make it look better.

    Yes, i'm currently under jillian michael's buns and thighs workout program. Man, squats are like her thing.
  • One plus is that your legs are cellulite free! They have great potential. Definitely do HIIT and strength training. I'm pear shaped myself.

    I've heard of the HIIT. Thanks girl, definitely working out with this!! And yes, cellulite free. :)
  • You can't spot reduce fat. Eat well and hit that cardio to shift fat from all over, and work on building the muscle in your legs. With more muscle in your legs, and less fat all over, your legs will look more toned.
    Squats are your friend. They're amazing for your thighs and your bum! Do them all the time; waiting for the kettle to boil? Squats. Ad break on TV? Squats. Brushing your teeth? Squats.
    Running and walking are good for your lower body too; I run a couple of times a week, and walk everywhere and I am noticing a difference in my legs.
    I haven't tried it, but I've heard good things about spin classes too.
  • Siy4
    Siy4 Posts: 47

    i have same problem. i 1s reduced weight.. heres what i think (might not be 100% true). Its all about activating Muscles.

    When a body builder wants to build biceps, he eats a lot of protein & excersize his muscles, thus these muscles gets more active & become more hungry, so all that protein he is taking will go to his biceps & Muscles are build.

    On the contrary, if you want to reduce weight from some specific area, control your food calorie intake/ do cardio & work out muscles of that area, for example thighs, so that those muscles when hungry will eat the already stored food from that area (ie FAT), & they will be Toned & thin.

    But you'll face a big issue of Stretch marks with thighs like these, cz i am facing it too.
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    Lift Weights. How old are you that your peers are teasing you about your legs? Tell them to F off.
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    Eat at a deficit to lose a pound a week or less, do some strength training and do some cardio.

    It will take a bit of time, not 2 months, but 2 months from now, you will be lighter and feel better. 4 months from now, even more so.

    Don't wait to get started, and don't give yourself arbitrary deadlines.
  • Eat at a deficit to lose a pound a week or less, do some strength training and do some cardio.

    It will take a bit of time, not 2 months, but 2 months from now, you will be lighter and feel better. 4 months from now, even more so.

    Don't wait to get started, and don't give yourself arbitrary deadlines.

    Thank you for this, "don't give yourself arbitrary deadlines." i'll just stay consistent in everyt hing i do, i'm currently eating clean!
  • Lift Weights. How old are you that your peers are teasing you about your legs? Tell them to F off.

    i'm 19 years old. :( Yes, i want to prove them wrong. I want to make their jaws drop and eat their words.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member

    i have same problem. i 1s reduced weight.. heres what i think (might not be 100% true). Its all about activating Muscles.

    When a body builder wants to build biceps, he eats a lot of protein & excersize his muscles, thus these muscles gets more active & become more hungry, so all that protein he is taking will go to his biceps & Muscles are build.

    On the contrary, if you want to reduce weight from some specific area, control your food calorie intake/ do cardio & work out muscles of that area, for example thighs, so that those muscles when hungry will eat the already stored food from that area (ie FAT), & they will be Toned & thin.

    But you'll face a big issue of Stretch marks with thighs like these, cz i am facing it too.

    No, you can't spot reduce. When you eat at a calorie deficit you'll lose body fat all over, as predetermined by genes.

    If you lift weights in a deficit (or do some other resistance exercise) you'll maintain the muscle while you lose fat so you end up looking "toned."
  • mrshoneydew
    mrshoneydew Posts: 253
    I have the same problem. I lost about 60 pounds (90 pounds since High School) and am maintaining my weight. I speed walk miles and miles each week. I use the elliptical. I feel the muscles burn in my thighs when I work out and I know they are in there.
    But I still have these chubby thighs and I had hoped that after going down to single digit sizes that I wouldn't have to worry about chafing anymore, but sadly this is not the case.
    My thigh and upper arm flab just doesn't want to go anywhere yet I have the collarbones and sleek neck of Anne Hathaway and calves like Hercules. :grumble:

    My thoughts for myself, and maybe this would help you too is I was thinking of regularly using the machines at the gym where you push weight with your legs. I think this would help strengthen them and build muscle.
  • Kelly845
    Kelly845 Posts: 37 Member
    running and walking help me with this