Resetting your calorie tracker

After I recorded my weight this morning, I was asked to reset my calorie tracker. I did it before and I did notice that I was losing at a slower pace. I am currently set at 1710 calories and I am not hungry most days eating at a deficiency (roughly 1400 - 1600). I do not try to eat back my calories as well. I do have about 45 - 50 pounds to go. Any thoughts on staying what I am at versus resetting my calorie tracker ?


  • cg57076
    cg57076 Posts: 16 Member
  • cafwinjacks
    cafwinjacks Posts: 16 Member
    I am no expert but I was recently following MFP calories of 1200 and have now swithched to eating about 1500 and not eating back excercise.
    I was not losing at 1200 but I have hit 138lbs for first time by eating more. Hope this is helpful.
  • Murph1908
    Murph1908 Posts: 125 Member
    I am 34 pounds down. I think MFP asks to reset your calories every 10 pounds, as I seem to remember that, and I've been prompted to do it 2 or 3 times.

    When I started, my calories were 1790 something? Now they are 1610.

    You have to recalculate and go by the new number, or you will lose more slowly and stop losing all together at some point. That's what I think happened to me 10 years ago when I lost a bunch of weight. I plateued, even though I was still doing the same thing. It's because I was doing the same thing. I needed to eliminate or burn more calories to continue to lose.

    I'd say allow MFP to do the recalculation. How you approach that number is up to you as far as your intake and exercise, but at least you'll be looking at the correct number.
  • cg57076
    cg57076 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks for the input, I have noticed this week that i have not been losing much if any at all while staying on the old tracker (1710 daily). Going to reset and continue to drop this weight