Targeting a Fat Skirt...

Some of you guys probably have no idea what I am talking about. What I am referring to is a layer of fat and skin on my lower abdomen that has now folded over itself from carrying two children and having two C-sections. I was told by a nurse after the birth of my second child that it would always be around. So my question is for those who have lost a significant amount of weight (50+) or carried the majority of their weight in their stomach. What did you do to get it to go away? I really want to make it go away without needing to resort to surgery if at all possible. I am also really early in my weight loss journey (27 down, 79 more to go). Suggestions of any kind are welcome.


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    Since you're relatively young, most of the skin should snap back within a year or 2 of losing the weight. There's not much else you can do besides surgery. Fat and skin can't be targeted through exercise. And there's a myth circulating about losing weight slowly to somehow end up with less loose skin. The older you get, the less elasticity skin has, so lose the weight ASAP. And for that, of course "eat less, exercise more".
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    I have a bit of a fat skirt too :/ Completely agree with cherimoose's advices. It doesnt matter how fast or slow you lose it or what exercises you do. Your genetics will ultimately determine the outcome. Good luck.
  • ambience13
    ambience13 Posts: 23 Member
    Agree with the others. I'm 26 and needed surgery after losing 50kg, two cesareans etc. I had a massive apron, covered near half of my thighs, and to be just 25 and have that, it was disabling and depressing. So I had a tummy tuck a few months ago, and I still have another 10-15kg to lose to be where I want to be. But now my tummy is flat, and exercise is so much easier! Best money I've ever spent. But in saying that, my tummy really was disastrous, with muscle seperation galore!
  • Ecumft09
    Ecumft09 Posts: 16
    Okay, Good to know. Thanks for the help.