
Today I was working at the market at a thing selling fish for 3.5 hours (I work one day a week for a few hours), it was really tiring because I had to wash a lot of stuff. I felt dizzy afterwards, I usually start feeling dizzy after working for 2 hours.

Anyways then I took the train from my flat to my house. Then I did Insanity Plyometric Cardio thing or whatever it's called. I didn't stop, but during the 2nd or 3rd round of the second part where you do the basketball jumps, pushups, and ski abs, it got to the point where my knees were falling to the floor every 5 seconds.

Also I cannot do a proper pushup so I did the ones where your knees are on the ground. I don't know what would be more effective: stopping the video and starting when I've had some rest and can follow the exercises without my knees falling down or just doing them as is. I was sweating like a pig at the end. My dog was sleeping on the sofa.

Soon I'm going to do the 30 day shred level 1 because I am afraid Insanity doesn't hae the full effect because of the stuff I mentioned above.

Tomorrow my friend Anting is coming to my house but I should be able to at least do the 30 day shred before she comes and then do Insanity at night. Or the other way around, depends what time I wake up in the morning. I usually pause the 30 day shred a few times anyways.

I do fear that this won't work. What if Insanity's photos are just photoshopped and people don't actually lose ewight? What if I don't lose weight? What if I don't have any difference? But it would be great if it worked because then Kazik and I would be friends again, even if I don't have a way to contact him I would know that we are friends and that he will help me in the future and protect me if it's necessary.

In other news I'm also trying to decide what perfume to get for my birthday on August 9. I'm not an impulsive shopper at all; I pl an things out in advance and keep my eyes on what is new in the fashion world so I'm exploring my options. Some fragrances I am interested in (I love me some gorgeous packaging):

Balenciaga Paris
Dolce from D&G (kinda leaning towards this one since I actually buy their clothes, but I am open minded)


  • SuMcP
    SuMcP Posts: 244 Member
    What on earth are you trying to do to yourself? Stop over-exercising and get some balance. Feeling dizzy and as if you are going to pass out is not healthy.
  • MayaDyra
    MayaDyra Posts: 90
    Thank You for Your concern, Rick.

    So I just did the 30 Day Shred level 1 sans weights as I don't have weights at home...ugh I realised I was doing the pushups with the knees on floor wrong in Insanity...I did them with my butt sticking up so it didn't spend too much effort to push myself up and down. Argh. Well now I know. I'll probably have to pause the Insanity a lot in future because those "push-ups" take a lot of exertion *.*