Advice For my BF

My boyfriend and I have started trying to eat healthier and lose weight... He hasn't really lost anything and he's baffled as to why.

Let me tell you, he's not eating... He may eat one meal/day. I'm at a loss as to what to tell him. I know he drinks a lot of his calories (energy drinks, soda, etc), but he's recently cut back on the sugary stuff.

He's not eating. I know it's not healthy and I don't know what to tell him. (I know I can't make him change, he has to do it on his own, etc... but he's asking me for advice)



  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    If he's not tracking, there's not a whole lot of help we can provide. If he wants an easy way to lose weight, he should start using MFP.
  • mrsfyredude
    mrsfyredude Posts: 177 Member
    My boyfriend and I have started trying to eat healthier and lose weight... He hasn't really lost anything and he's baffled as to why.

    Let me tell you, he's not eating... He may eat one meal/day. I'm at a loss as to what to tell him. I know he drinks a lot of his calories (energy drinks, soda, etc), but he's recently cut back on the sugary stuff.

    He's not eating. I know it's not healthy and I don't know what to tell him. (I know I can't make him change, he has to do it on his own, etc... but he's asking me for advice)


    How about just that? "hey, I know we've been trying to eat healthier lately, but in order to do that you have to EAT!" But take it from me, an old married woman of 18 yrs with a stubborn former Marine husband, they never listen. He'll just have to find out the hard way.
  • sarainiowa
    sarainiowa Posts: 287 Member
    He is most likely putting his body in starvation mode. He must eat to lose weight. I suggest start by logging food and go from there.
  • hitsnooze
    hitsnooze Posts: 79
    i'm pretty sure he's eating in secret without telling you. that's the only reason he wouldn't be losing.

    he probably feels ashamed that he's finding it hard, especially if you're doing well or pressuring him when he eats junk

    it's so common and often happens in the car on the way to work/while you're out etc. it's the only plausible explanation unless he is drinking way more sugar than he thinks
  • LVCeltGirl
    LVCeltGirl Posts: 473
    He's asking for advice, then give it. Something along the lines of "what's working for me is logging everything in. I've learned from the forums that I need to hit my daily goals, meaning calories, carbs, fat, protein, etc. And that if I exercise, I get to eat back 1/2 of the calories I burn during my exercise." Don't make it about eating healthier or even just plain eating. Keep it non-judgmental so you're not lecturing. Or even just suggest because everyone is different, how about he post a forum topic about needing help.

    Also realize, that like others (myself included), he may ask for advice but not take it. We all have to learn in our own way.
  • SbetaK
    SbetaK Posts: 381 Member
    Show him the "success stories" threads on this site, and bring up some of the flagged links for him to read on the "getting started"threads. Perhaps he won't read them but if you leave them up on your computer they may randomly attract his attention when you are not around. i agree with an above poster that he may be eating on the sly or embarassed/ashamed......perhaps if you are successful your example can motivate him. No one else can MAKE, threaten, deride or shame you to lose weight, you have to decide one day that it is important enough to yourself to start taking charge of your health. Don't pressure him, just gently encourage by example. Good luck.
  • Supertact
    Supertact Posts: 466 Member
    He's clearly eating tons of calories at this 'one meal' along with all the calories he's drinking.
  • dramallamaduck
    dramallamaduck Posts: 97 Member
    Is starvation mode even a real thing?

    He has a MFP account and he logs, but I'm not 100% sure it's accurate and he's not consistent with it.

    I know that I have to eat. I love food and refuse to starve myself. I know it's not good for me, so I just started modifying what I eat. Cutting out the Sonic breakfast helped a ton.

    I'm going to try and get him to post here.
  • BekaBooluvsu
    BekaBooluvsu Posts: 470 Member
    Is starvation mode even a real thing?

    He has a MFP account and he logs, but I'm not 100% sure it's accurate and he's not consistent with it.

    I know that I have to eat. I love food and refuse to starve myself. I know it's not good for me, so I just started modifying what I eat. Cutting out the Sonic breakfast helped a ton.

    I'm going to try and get him to post here.
    Metabolic adaptation is a real thing.
    Starvation mode is not.

  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    I would wager he is taking in way more calories then you think he is -- and probably more calories than he thinks he is.

    If he is only eating one "meal" per day he could be drinking calories (three sodas would not be unreasonable and thats 800-900 calories alone) as well as snacks he is thinking won't add up. Of course, I have no idea.

    Just a thought.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    He has an MFP account, but he doesn't log consistently or accurately, and he's not losing weight.

    Did you set up his account for him? Just a shot in the dark ...

    Sounds to me like he's not mentally in a place where he's ready to do this, so my advice is for you, not him: Let it go. Do your thing, set an example, and when he's ready, you can put on your best supportive girlfriend hat.
  • The_1_Who_Knocks
    The_1_Who_Knocks Posts: 343 Member
    If he's drinking lots of soda and energy drinks, that is probably the reason he isn't losing.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    the sugary drinks plus whatever he eats a day might be a lot of calories.. or he is binging at work or during lunch away from you.. or on the weekends..
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    I had this same problem wiht my husband. He'd eat one meal a day, usually dinner, and he'd eat at least two helpings. He'd only frink diet soda and refused to drink water. You just gotta come out and be blunt and honest. "Hey honey, guess what? You're killing yourself slowly." Take him to the doctors and I get he'll be told he's on the verge of diabetes. That's what it took to get my husband to finally do something about his weight. I said, "See, now will you let me save your life since you onviously don't care about it?" Now he does what I tell him when it comes to eating healthy and weight loss.
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    Do you find cookie crumbs under his pillow in the morning? If so then it may be a case of the magical calorie fairy coming at night when he is asleep. She's such a *****.
  • dramallamaduck
    dramallamaduck Posts: 97 Member
    He has an MFP account, but he doesn't log consistently or accurately, and he's not losing weight.

    Did you set up his account for him? Just a shot in the dark ...

    Sounds to me like he's not mentally in a place where he's ready to do this, so my advice is for you, not him: Let it go. Do your thing, set an example, and when he's ready, you can put on your best supportive girlfriend hat.

    Nope... He's actually the one that suggested we start using MFP again. I used it last year with success, but I fell back on logging and gained some of the weight back.

    I think I will just let his go and do his own thing. He will come around, or he won't. I will just keep doing me and let him do him. If and when he's ready, I'm here.
  • beckytcy
    beckytcy Posts: 135 Member
    I totally agree that he's probably eating in secret and not telling you. My boyfriend's friend used to say, "Why am I gaining weight when I only eat a ham sandwich for lunch and nothing else?" It turned out that he was eating *an entire box of pasta* at night. We found out when he left it boiling on the stove and woke us up with the smoke alarm. Simply put: if your BF were taking in fewer calories than he was expending, he would lose weight. Think about how you could lose 5 pounds just from having the flu for a couple of days. Starvation mode is not a thing.
  • sianquin
    sianquin Posts: 86 Member
    Chances are his meal is alot worse for him than he thinks, Its easy to get 1000calories in a dinner if you don't think it threw. Then energy drinks/soda at 200cal a pop, plus then maybe the odd cookie or tub of ice cream. It soon add's up.