figured out where im going wrong..ohh the confusion!!



  • flowersofhelady
    flowersofhelady Posts: 35 Member
    I'm pretty new here and haven't figured it all out, but I'm thinking the walking and gardening are not new activities for you, so I probably wouldn't log them. They're things you were doing before you started tracking, so not really new exercise. They should be accounted for when setting up your goals...i.e. you should be choosing the appropriate activity level when you set your goals that would reflect all those activities Someone with more experience with this will correct me if I'm wrong, I'm sure.

    I choose to do these activities as a form of exercise. instead of driving or sending my kids in a free taxi offered by the council i walk across open countryside up 2 epic hills pushing a pram. if i dont view this as extra exercise and log it then wheres my motivation to to the harsh journey instead of jumping in the car. im not being a wimp we live on a farm and i walk into nearest town for school.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    but i thought burning calories through exercise was good!? lol. if i walk 4 miles a day for the school run and spend 2 hours gardening (which i do a lot because i grow our own veg and am digging a new huge beg patch) thats 1384 cal burned according to MFP added to my 1500 that im eating =2884 thats a lot.

    I would not use the 1384. Maybe eat back 500 or so. The 4 mile walk is maybe 350-400 cals. The gArdening is not even close to 1000 cal burn.
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    The way I understand it is you have two options:

    1) you choose sedentary and let MFP set your calorie goals then add in all exercise which gives you additional calories -- but MFP may tell you that you've burned more than in fact you have so you might not want to eat back ALL your earned calories, or

    2) you choose lightly active so the calories set by MFP are higher to begin with, then only add in the exercises you do that are above and beyond your everyday lifestyle.
  • SpicesOfLife
    SpicesOfLife Posts: 290 Member
    The way I understand it is you have two options:

    1) you choose sedentary and let MFP set your calorie goals then add in all exercise which gives you additional calories -- but MFP may tell you that you've burned more than in fact you have so you might not want to eat back ALL your earned calories, or

    2) you choose lightly active so the calories set by MFP are higher to begin with, then only add in the exercises you do that are above and beyond your everyday lifestyle.

    that. :)
  • flowersofhelady
    flowersofhelady Posts: 35 Member
    depends what kind of gardening your doing..wouldnt burn that from watering and deadheading lol. but when your keeping an allotmeny sometimes you wake up the next day and cant even move youve worked so hard.
    but im just going by what the mfp thingie told me.

    having thought about it all i think i now understand how it works and what to do. thank you very much for your comments and help.
  • SpicesOfLife
    SpicesOfLife Posts: 290 Member
    yay! good luck ;)
  • flowersofhelady
    flowersofhelady Posts: 35 Member
    The way I understand it is you have two options:

    1) you choose sedentary and let MFP set your calorie goals then add in all exercise which gives you additional calories -- but MFP may tell you that you've burned more than in fact you have so you might not want to eat back ALL your earned calories, or

    2) you choose lightly active so the calories set by MFP are higher to begin with, then only add in the exercises you do that are above and beyond your everyday lifestyle.

    i went with number 2
  • SpicesOfLife
    SpicesOfLife Posts: 290 Member
    let us know how it works out for you :)
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    depends what kind of gardening your doing..wouldnt burn that from watering and deadheading lol. but when your keeping an allotmeny sometimes you wake up the next day and cant even move youve worked so hard.
    but im just going by what the mfp thingie told me.

    having thought about it all i think i now understand how it works and what to do. thank you very much for your comments and help.

    Well I don't know how hard you are gardening but I can run 10 miles and not burn that much.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    great idea im so going to do that!!!

    :happy: You'll feel like a bada$$ strongwoman in no time