Need support to get on track

Well... hi, I'm 23. I don't really know what to say here but I'm hoping that joining this community will help keep me on the right track with losing weight and controlling my eating. A very sad thing... I don't know how to cook or prepare my own meals, which makes this harder for me. Cake is my frenemy. And everytime I overeat which is most days, I feel like throwing it up afterwards. I feel like I always need to snack, but I guess I need healthier things to snack on that will still satisfy my chocolate or cake cravings.

As far as exercise goes... well... it's doesn't. If I do exercise, I rely on workout DVDs since I prefer the comfort of my own home.

I hate the way I look. I'm going away in the summer so that is my motivation right now to get everything right.

As I type this, I'm really just tempted to go throw up what I've eaten but I won't. I don't really know what else to put... but I could really do with some support. :ohwell:


  • xsryman
    xsryman Posts: 3
    welcome to MFP. I am trying to get back on track my self to get in to shape for a mud run in may. It can be tough but the key is to eat more natural foods and go for a walk here and there. I have found that eating healthy if done right is actually pretty easy. Try introducing some chicken and fish into your diet along with a few steamed veggies that you like. I personally like steamed asparagus, broccoli, zucchini, or squash. Fresh cucumbers carrot sticks and celery are great to snack on. Chicken is really pretty easy to do because you can back 5 days worth in the over and just put it in baggies for each day. Then steam up a serving of veggies and bam you've got dinner. Lunch is usually a salad or some soup and breakfast is a protein shake. A handfull of raw almonds through out the day to snack on is okay too. There are lots of possibilities, just remember to try and eat natural foods. If it comes in a box or can it is probably loaded with junk. good luck and kudos to you for taking that first step.
  • xsryman
    xsryman Posts: 3
    oh and also dont be so hard on your self...just try remember how you feel like throwing up before you over eat. Then ask your self "do I want to feel like that here in a bit ?" if then answer is no then just have a little snack, maybe an apple. If the answer is yes then engourge your belly with garbage and throw it up. lol
  • amethyst7986
    amethyst7986 Posts: 223 Member
    Hey there....I know your pain and feelings of self disgust, I feel the same way. I started off slowly, set daily goals to help achieve the healthier life style. I worked with a trainer last year and these are some of the tips she gave me.....

    1) Daily goals (more water, less carbs, veggies, etc)
    2) Be patient, it took a while to get the way you are, so it will take a while to get it off
    3) Plan your meals
    4) Don't weight yourself everyday, it fluctuates daily, try every 2-3 days ( I would do that and get discouraged very easily)
    5) Don't be too hard on yourself, it will happen with time and hard work

    Feel free to add me if you would like, I think we could all use support in getting healthier! Good luck!
  • WickedPineapple
    WickedPineapple Posts: 698 Member
    You sound like me when I was your age. I had a major sweet tooth and couldn't do much more than boil pasta. I agree with all the other posters and have a few more suggestions:

    1) Start slow. Make small diet changes, don't try anything drastic.
    2) Learn to cook. Again, start easy. I'd highly suggest getting a crockpot. I can't believe how much easier cooking is with it!
    3) Take an active interest in nutrition and exercise. Research! You'll get a good feeling for all your options and what works for people similar to yourself.
    4) As for exercise, anything goes. Whatever you can get yourself to actually do. (Again, start small... don't go from sedentary to trying to run 2 miles).
    5) Take baseline measurements and pictures. (I wish I had taken pictures!) Redo your measurements monthly and take pictures every few months.

    As you change and improve your diet, the cravings greatly decrease. I swear!