whats the best exercise ....

faithNlove212 Posts: 203 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
I always had thin toned legs. I loved my legs. Wasnt shy to wear skirts & was able to wear cute heel boots. Now I cant even get the boots to zip up! Ever since I gained weight my legs are thick & I hate it!

What are the best exercises to help thin out & tone my legs again? I know loosing weight has a lot to do with it which im working on. I use the tredmill 5 days a week for 45 minutes. Will this help my legs?


  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 504 Member
    You may not want to hear this but squats & lunges are really good!
    If you have access to step classes they work wonders on the legs too.
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    Some good leg stretching along with the cardio should really help. I'll add my voice to the recommendation for squats and lunges to tone up your legs too. It could also be that you've come into your 'adult' body that is just more curvy than your 'teen-age' body.
  • If you had naturally thin legs when you were slim, Im pretty sure you will find those legs back when you reach your goal weight ! :)
    So just focus on weight loss (food intake, calories burned...). ;)
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    the treadmill will help alot but also running, biking, squats, lunges, all of these are really good for toning up the legs
  • My FAVE to get the legs toned is a cross-training elliptical. It has the running motion of a treadmill, and the adjustable incline, but it's way easier on the joints. (Wow, I sound old!) Also, like people have mentioned, step class rocks. Our instructor says it's like climbing the great wall of China for an hour: awesome on the butt & legs. And for me personally, I like lunges better than squats. And if you hold a couple weights while you lunge and to bicep lifts, you're working your arms and core too, so it's a win-win. Good luck!
  • Add incline on the treadmill and resistance on the eliptical/crossramp. But squats and lunges are the best!
  • alesha20
    alesha20 Posts: 3 Member
    Jump rope!
  • markpetty
    markpetty Posts: 4 Member
    I like incline presses, sqauts and leg extensions for my qaudricep and lying leg curls and light dead lifts for my hamstrings. For your calves you can do calve raises, I like to get a good stretch at the top and bottom. just remember to go slow and use good form.
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