New and looking for some friends :)

Helloo. My name is Kat, I'm 20 years old, I weigh around 200 pounds. I'm not happy with that, at all. I've been pretty upset with myself for letting myself go but now it's time to do something about it.

About 6 months ago I tried to start working out and losing weight, I got a little obsessive and was working out like an hour a day for months. It was working, but I got a blood clot in my right lung (pulmonary embolism) it wasn't related to the activity, it was my birth control. Anyway, I had to stop working out for a while, and with the exercise, the diet went straight out the window. At 19 years old, no one was expecting me to get a blood clot and it was really scary.

This past week I've been logging all my food on here, just to see where my regular eating habits leave me on the calorie scale. Now I'm ready to get started eating right :)

I'm on a pretty tight budget, so any advice about buying healthy foods or eating healthy on a budget will help a lot.
I'm really just looking for some friends though, if I have buddies on here then I won't get tired of this and drop it. :) I'm open to talking to everyone, any age, any weight.


  • bigtummymommy
    Welcome Kat! Sorry to hear of your PE. I also had a PE pretty much right after joining MFP, around 7 weeks ago. How are you with exercise now? I'm just doing fast walking, too scared to try anything more! I am 33 and live in the UK. Hope your weight loss goes well.
  • DoubleR_Boss
    A lot to go through. You are free to add me. I always help friends!
  • MadhviBasnet
    MadhviBasnet Posts: 1 Member

    I am Madhvi, also new and trying to loose weight.....u r such a pretty girl....don't be upset..things will be better :-)
  • karencercone1
    karencercone1 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi feel free to add me, always looking for positive encouragement and new MFP friends. :)
  • devawning
    devawning Posts: 3 Member
    Hello! So sorry to hear all you went through with the blood clot--that is so scary!!

    I'm 22 and also weigh about 200lbs and am just starting out on here. My long term goal is about 50lbs, but really just staying active and eating less in general is the most important thing to me. I need MFP friends and I don't really know anyone irl who uses MFP, so if you're active and looking to get healthy please add me! :)
  • RTrigger91
    RTrigger91 Posts: 18 Member
    hey well done you for not giving up and coming back to keep changing in to who you want to be. Im always here and happy to shout encouragement and advice to any one that needs.
  • Sunshine2plus2
    Sunshine2plus2 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Hello and Welcome! Good luck, you got this!
  • Hiker_Rob
    Hiker_Rob Posts: 5,547 Member
    Hi, welcome to MFP and all the best reaching your goals! If i might make a few suggestions, set some goals, long, short and mid term ones, these things will be your motivation as time goes on. Put them on your profile as well so others can use them to help you refocus if they need to. Refer back to them often, particularly when you feel like you are losing interest. Others can help inspire you and encourage you, but only you can motivate you!

    If fresh foods are not always an option for you as you mention you are on a limited budget then take the time to really look at product labels, look particularly at sugar content, salt content and fat. Watch out too for 'low fat' foods as they often add extra salt to flavor it up. Where ever you can work in natural foods, farmers markets in the summer can have some great produce deals! Everything is good in moderation, that includes exercise, take it easy, enjoy what you are doing and build up slowly - don't try and do everything at once.

    Good luck and all the best in reaching your goals!!
  • PatheticNoetic
    PatheticNoetic Posts: 905 Member
    Great username. :smile:
  • Mindfreak1999
    Hi Kat
    You have chosen the right site, I have a an awesome team who have supported me all the way. Stick at it and you will do good. Here is to you working at becoming a healthier you :smile:
  • Pookey14102
    Pookey14102 Posts: 7 Member
    wow that's crazy well my names Chrissy im a mom of 3 boys and im still trying to lose weight add me
  • sforsuccess1
    sforsuccess1 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey Kat,
    I'm sorry to hear of your PE, I myself am on a tight budget and just had my first PE episode. From my budgeting experience I recommend grocery shopping at a farmers market, coupons, inquire about price matching, or grocery shopping the day the circulars are updated. From a PE perspective, I'm still learning and listening to your body is key. Be well and resilient : )