Xmas 20lb Challenge P2!!!



  • Hi guys!

    Will post the list tomorrow evening as I am a little tied up with some uni work today!

    Hope all is well!

  • Opps, gained 2lbs this week. No surprise really as I have been in England for my Nans funeral and Mum insisted on feeding me!
  • Hi guys,

    Noone got back to me about weight lost this week, and not many people have lost anything from what I can see from the board so I have not compiled a list.

    If you want to check how others have done then scroll back a day and the people that are still taking part in the challenge have posted.

    I hope all is well, and hope we have some great results for the next weigh in!

    Good Luck!
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    Thought I'd add this, hope you don't mind cataclysm. It's hard to keep the running tally because everyone seems to weigh in on different days. Cataclysm last posted a list on December 6th. Since that list, up to and including last weekend I think this is our list. If I forgot you, I apologize ahead of time. Feel free to copy and past the list and add your name.:smile:

    jippygirl~ DOWN 1.6 lbs
    Heidi716~ DOWN 1 lb
    ley ~ DOWN 1 lb
    ickybella ~ DOWN 2 lbs
    ferff3 ~ DOWN 1 lb
    twilightteamedward ~ DOWN 4lbs!!!! (WOW!!)
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Thanks for that list, ferff. Congratulations to everyone who lost weight. That being said, I am going to be waiting until next week to weigh in. I have given myself a no-scales challenge and will only be weighing in one more time this month, at the end of this challenge. Good luck this week, everyone!
  • Heidi716
    Heidi716 Posts: 135
    I did it y'all! I met the 20lb Christmas challenge! I'm filled with glee! And even better than that...yesterday I not only put on my size 10's that I haven't been able to get over my rear end in over a year and a half, I also zipped them up and wore them to work! Slight muffin top, but easily disguised! This is only the beginning, soon I'll be able to wear all the clothes in my closet. Yay me!
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    I did it y'all! I met the 20lb Christmas challenge! I'm filled with glee! And even better than that...yesterday I not only put on my size 10's that I haven't been able to get over my rear end in over a year and a half, I also zipped them up and wore them to work! Slight muffin top, but easily disguised! This is only the beginning, soon I'll be able to wear all the clothes in my closet. Yay me!

    That is so freakin awesome! You must be so proud of yourself! Way to go!!! You keep that up and you'll be at your goal weight before you know it!!! Congrats!!!!!!!
  • I did it y'all! I met the 20lb Christmas challenge! I'm filled with glee! And even better than that...yesterday I not only put on my size 10's that I haven't been able to get over my rear end in over a year and a half, I also zipped them up and wore them to work! Slight muffin top, but easily disguised! This is only the beginning, soon I'll be able to wear all the clothes in my closet. Yay me!

    Congrats to you on reaching your goal!! I still have 5 more lbs to go! Hopefully I can reach my goal, if not hopefully I can reach it by New Year's!! : ) Good luck everyone
  • ley1
    ley1 Posts: 115
    I did it y'all! I met the 20lb Christmas challenge! I'm filled with glee! And even better than that...yesterday I not only put on my size 10's that I haven't been able to get over my rear end in over a year and a half, I also zipped them up and wore them to work! Slight muffin top, but easily disguised! This is only the beginning, soon I'll be able to wear all the clothes in my closet. Yay me!

    well done!!

    lost 3lbs this week not going to get the full 20 off but wont be far off anyway :)
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    DOWN 2 pounds this week!!
  • I'm down 2lbs too. Minus 17lbs on the challenge. Might just make it if I try really hard next week but the chocs have arrived!!!
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    So...Who's sticking it out for this last week???? How did you do for this particular challenge?? Are you feeling good with your progress thus far??
    MY PROGRESS: I started this challenge with a goal of losing 10 lbs by Christmas and have surpassed that goal and lost 15lbs!!! I'm overjoyed!! I walked on my lunch breaks almost everyday for 40 minutes until the snow and ice arrived. Now, I've pushed myself to go the extra mile and started to do a slow jog on the treadmill for 20 minutes!! I started this challenge off wearing a size 12 pants and now I'm wearing a size 10 that are loose! YAy!!!
    MY GOAL FOR THIS LAST WEEK : I want to get on the treadmill everyday! I'd love to see another loss for this last week. I know th rest of CHristmas will be a challenge with all the desserts and chocolates coming this way. So even a 1 lb loss will be awesome! and that will get me out of the 140's and into the 130's!!


    SHOUT OUT TO CATACLYSM: Thanks for getting this challenge going and keeping us motivated!!!

    p.s. I can't believe there is only one week left!!!! Where did the time go???
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Well, I haven't weighed myself this week, but the last time I did, I was 15 pounds down for the challenge. I don't think I'll make it to my goal of 20, but my original goal for Christmas was 170 and because of the motivation this challenge gave me, I was at 162 at my last weigh-in. I've been doing pretty well in the exercise department, doing c25k three days a week and weights three days a week. I am actually getting muscles.

    To be honest, I'll be pretty upset if I don't start the new year out at a healthy weight, especially since I am so close, but I had some dairy issues and it actually looks like I've developed a sudden, severe dairy allergy, so that stalled my weight loss, and I am only 22 pounds away from my goal weight, so it was bound to happen anyway. I have re-evaluated and changed my MFP goals to 1 pound a week and have stopped weighing myself daily, which has been really difficult for me. If I don't make it to a healthy weight by the end of this challenge, I'm going to try to be ok with it and not beat myself up too much, because I know I have been working very hard, but I can't say I won't be disappointed.

    I have signed up for a 5k at the end of January and am going to sign up for the Windsor half marathon for next year as soon as I am able. I don't think it opens until January, so I'm just going to keep checking. I plan on running a couple more 5ks and at least one 10k before then, and am trying to focus more on exercise and getting fit than the scale, because the scale has run my life for a long time now, and I'm done measuring my worth with those three numbers. All in all, this challenge has taught me a lot about myself and what I'll do to accomplish something I want. I will still weigh in on Christmas Eve and report back here, so we can all compare notes. I wish everyone the best of luck with the rest of this challenge and the rest of their lives, and thank you, Cataclysm, for this challenge! I have really pushed myself because of this and found out I am capable of more and stronger than I ever thought.
  • O lbs. down for the week, and 9 lbs. down for the challenge.

    At least I'm checking in!.....which helps to remember I promised myself to cut out the excess food. But I'm just not focusing and need to keep my goal in mind at all times. Holiday foods haven't actually been a problem; I am just having a hard time emotionally and so often eat to divert my attention from what's causing me discomfort. Happy to have you guys for support and to be able to check in though.
  • No loss this week, total for challenge is 11lbs, I will do a final weigh in on Friday.
  • jippygirl
    jippygirl Posts: 14 Member
    Down .4 pounds for the week. Better than nothing! Being careful of choices and portion size even with holiday goodies and trying to increase the excercising has helped so much.
  • Heidi716
    Heidi716 Posts: 135
    Even though we still have a few days left in this challenge, I just want to send a big hug and a Thank You to all of you who participated and helped encourage and motivate me through my first MFP challenge! You've all been a blessing and I couldn't have done it without you! Keep at it for these last few and I look forward to the next weight loss goal! What is it by the way? Merry Christmas everyone! :drinker:
  • ley1
    ley1 Posts: 115
    well today was my last Weigh in and i've lkost a further 2lbs so total for the challenge is 18lbs
  • Hello!

    First of all I would like to apologise for my absence over the last week! I have had flu :(

    I am really thankfull to all who have taken the time to participate in this challenge with me! The response was massive and I am amazed at the difference it has made to my weight loss! I havent hit 20lbs, but a whole stone has fallen off, and a lot of it is down to the motivation of you guys!

    Well done to everyone that has taken part, we have had some huge losses!

    Bring on the new year..!

    As for next challenges, I personally would like to get christmas out of the way...I was thinking of valentines day challenge? Its around 6 weeks and personally, I do much better with short term goals. I am going to post it in a sec. So keep an eye out and join in if you like!

    Have an amazing christmas, and a happy new year! Thanks again!

    Melissa xxxxxxxxxx
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Well, I weighed in today and am down 2 more pounds, for a challenge total of 18. Great job everyone who's weighed in already!
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