I'm 19 and I'm starting my weight loss journey

czodiac Posts: 18 Member
Hi, my names is Edgar. I am 19 years old and doing my second semester of college. I've been fat as long as I can remember. Recent events have led me to absolutely hate myself and so I started my weight loss journey in December of 2013. Over the months I have repeatedly fallen of track. I have NO support system and it is very hard for me to find motivation. I have gained so much weight and lost so many friends. I really want the opposite of that to happen. I need help and support and I need advice. I need to start all over, but where do I start? I have not weighed myself because I'm too scared to see the number on the scale but I think I might hovering right over 400 lbs. I'm 6'1. I need help!


  • russellafortner
    russellafortner Posts: 7 Member
    I hear you man. I'm 6' 4" and was 385 at max. You can do it.
  • czodiac
    czodiac Posts: 18 Member
    Hi, thanks for your reply. I need to some advice on workout regimens and dieting. What exercises do you and what does your diet consist of?
  • Meliikinz
    Meliikinz Posts: 66
    Stick it all out there.
    Weigh yourself.
    As long as you're willing to start again, you ca do this!
    But, make sure you do it for you! :]
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    I'm copying/pasting this from something I responded to an hour ago. Hope it helps.

    If you can, plan ahead. Plan on 3 fruits and 4 vegetables throughout the day. Then look at protein goals. The breads/grains will fall into place then.

    Here's my intake:

    1.5 cups unsweetened 30 cal almond milk
    1 pkg of any brand healthy oatmeal mixed with 1/3 cup quinoa
    or 2 hardboiled eggs with mustard.

    400 cal salad made with fresh spinach, tomatoes, mushrooms, chicken, ham, feta, green peppers, cucumber, Garlic Expressions dressing.

    Today is leftovers from last night; Chicken Marsala (about 450 cals)

    Snacks: grapes, apple, mango, orange (pick 2-3)

    I'm 5'8" and 137 lbs and at maintenance for about a year now. I burn 1550 cals daily.

    If you shop weekly and buy all the fixings for salads, it's not too hard. Fresh vegetables are very important to your cells. I'm not against cooking them but there's something to be said about live. Vegetables are very low in calories and you can't very easily overeat them.

    Watch your grain intake. It's very easy to abuse. Make fruits and vegetables your priority.
  • Motivate yourself on progression, not perfection.

    Once you get into the swing of things, you will get your confidence back in no time.

    Try cutting sugar down in your diet, switch unhealthy snacks to healthier cereal bars / fruit / low fat yoghurts / smoothies, anything that hasn't got high saturated fats.

    As for meals, eat more protein and less fat. Eat carbs only before 6pm. Make lunch your main meal of the day followed by a lighter dinner. Switch to brown rice, bread etc. You will get used to the taste.

    Exercise 3/4 times a week. Start with cardio (interval training worked for me) for 20 mins followed by weight training. Increase intensity/workout length once you feel ready.

    If you stick to this, you will see results in a matter of weeks. This will encourage you to keep going. More importantly, it will make you smile.

    It's ok to have a cheat day, as long as you're prepared to go back to your routine the following week, it will not affect your weight loss.

    Enjoy the transformation journey you're about to encounter x
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    Something else that'll help you to see the error of your eating is a British TV show called "Secret Eaters." You can catch episodes on youtube. I love them.
  • Mygsds
    Mygsds Posts: 1,564 Member
    First of all, welcome and know this will work for you. People here are so helpful and have tons of ideas for you. I knew NOTHING when I came here and first thing get yourself a good food scale. Weigh all your food and be honest when you log your food. Once you get into it, it's kind of fun. Don't look at yesterday, focus on today. Keep coming here everyday and you will learn so much. I go to the recipe message board a lot because some great ideas there. So best to you . You can so do this.........
  • getfitmxndy
    getfitmxndy Posts: 4 Member
    Moderation is key! That's what I have learned through my process, I haven't lost much weight(5 pounds) but I feel great about myself because I don't deprive myself from foods I want. If I want chips, I'll eat a small bag and things like that. I hope you achieve your goals! :)
  • KMasz
    KMasz Posts: 2,701 Member
    Read the forum post below. It's really solid advice from a guy who knows what he's talking about! It'll help you figure out a calorie goal that fits for YOU.


    If it all seems really over welming, start out small. Make small goals to walk for 15 minutes every day, and increase as it becomes easier. Instead of restricting your diet and cutting certain food items or food groups out, try to work in healthier options while still eating what you enjoy in moderation. Try replacing some high calorie drinks with water, so on and so forth. It's a big lifestyle change, so take baby steps and you will succeed. Good Luck!
  • JoshTheGiant
    JoshTheGiant Posts: 176 Member
    6'6 got up to 315, down to 295 now. As big guys (over 6') its tough because have such a big appetite.

    You can do it though. Believe in yourself. Nothing will ever taste good enough to feel unhealthy.
  • pierremignon
    pierremignon Posts: 172 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Now I don't want to overwhelm you by bombarding you with a bajillion of do's and don'ts, but the one thing that you should keep in mind as you start is TAKE IT SLOWLY. It's gonna take a while for you to fully adjust to this new lifestyle, and I'd be lying if I say this is going to be easy.

    So since you're just about to begin your amazing journey, here's a few tips that might help you start:

    1. Don't expect an epic change of diet in a span of a week or two. Start small. So I'm not telling you to completely stay away from eating sugary, processed, and all other unhealthy foods, just make sure that you make an effort to eat them less and less each day. Going cold turkey on these would lead to an ugly episode of binge eating.

    2. Look for healthier alternatives and, as much as possible, cook. Go fresh. Eat whole-wheat. Grab those fruits and vegetables. The fresh produce section and nutritional facts label are your best friends.

    3. Make sure to record your food in MFP to keep track of what you're eating, and make it public so your friends can take a look at it.

    4. Move, move, move! But don't go all out this early. Forcing yourself is not a good idea. Take a walk or a jog a couple of times a week, and adjust your speed and frequency as you go on. Or if you're having troubles with public exercising such as myself, home fitness programs are a great help. Maybe start with Turbo Jam.

    Things are going to go well as long as you're dedicated to what you're doing. Support is just a click away in this place. Have fun!
  • Lisa_Dubh
    Lisa_Dubh Posts: 35 Member
    Welcome to the club!
    I consistently put on weight, then lose it, then put it on again
    It can be really hard to keep motivation, but once you get into a good rhythm and start to feel a difference, it's the best feeling in the world
    I would suggest changing your diet so that you can get in your 5 a day, that's helped me a lot
    Change your bread, pasta, rice from white to brown / wholemeal / wholewheat and up your exercise even to 15 mins a day to start :)
    Hope this helps :)
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    I see you made this post about two weeks ago. How are you doing?
  • remeline
    remeline Posts: 1
    I'm 19 and in college tooo.. starting my third semester in September. I'm pretty much floating in the same boat. I have no motivation. Now that summerrs finally here I've decided to give it another go. Good luck!!
  • manimani93
    manimani93 Posts: 12
    Im 20 years old and need to lose about 200lbs. So I def understand what your going through man. I recently started again and need motivation and support.
  • pensierobello
    pensierobello Posts: 285 Member
    Hey, welcome and good luck! I'm starting out too - happy to support you :)
  • czodiac
    czodiac Posts: 18 Member
    Wow, I forgot about this post! Can't believe it's been more than a month already since I've been logging on MFP! I've learned so much this past weeks and I''m doing much better now! I've lost 36 pounds so far!
  • czodiac
    czodiac Posts: 18 Member
    I see you made this post about two weeks ago. How are you doing?

    Wow, I forgot about this post! Can't believe it's been more than a month already since I've been logging on MFP! I've learned so much this past weeks and I''m doing much better now! I've lost 36 pounds so far!
  • brzflapdx
    brzflapdx Posts: 37 Member
    I would only echo what others have said. You are taking the first steps, and there is support out there for you. It is intimidating when you feel you have insurmountable goals, but in seeing the awesome progress of so many on MFP it is within your reach and nothing is insurmountable. You will have ups and downs, but persist and you will see results. I was at 236, and started MFP at 230, and thought losing 30lbs was a hurdle I could not reach, and within 70 days I was down to 214. That was with little exercise, and just healthy eating, and of course reduced calories. I have been motivated by all the people on MFP. Im sticking with it, and know you can!