Server attempting TDEE

I want to try using TDEE but I also use a HRM when working out so I feel better logging calories and eating back what I need to. Anyway, I also waitress 4 days a week and have a messy 5 year old and an even messier other words, when I'm home, I'm usually doing something. Should I put "lightly active" and then log calories for working out and eat those back? I don't feel comfortable with the same calorie goal everyday because I usually only make it to the gym 4 days a week....wouldn't that throw off the days I don't get there?


  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    So that is specifically NOT TDEE method then, that is the MFP method.

    I'd suggest you are even more than Lightly Active according to MFP. Many that get the activity trackers discover that even before they start moving more to get steps, their sedentary 45 hr deskjob and commute was already Lightly Active.

    I'm sure you are Active at minimum.

    With only 33 lbs to lose, you should also select 1.5 lbs weekly loss goal, 2 is too aggressive, and body will probably force you to 1 anyway.

    Change to 1 lb weekly when you hit 20 lbs to go. 1/2 lb at 10 lbs to go.

    Also, you might want to see how much you trust that HRM.

    If it looks good, you don't want to eat back all the calories.
    Because for every hour of your day, you already have an amount of calories you are expected to burn anyway.
    What MFP says your estimated Maintenance is, divide by 24, is the hourly rate.

    The HRM is NOT reporting what you burn on top of that, it has no idea, it's reporting total gross burn. So subtract out that hourly rate.

    Like maybe 80-100 calorie an hour is already planned on being burned.
    HRM says you burned 500 in an hour.
    Log and eat back say 400-420. (whatever your math says)

    And no, the TDEE method does not throw off 3 out of 4 days not exercising. Your exercise is balanced out over the weeks, so are the rest days. The balance for the week is the same.
    Use the spreadsheet on my profile page to see what I mean. Stay on Simple Setup and Progress tabs, following directions given.
  • aleggett321
    aleggett321 Posts: 186 Member
    The TDEE method averages your activity over time, not on a strict daily basis. So, no, only making it to the gym 4 times a week will not throw it off assuming you have been realistic in your activity level.However, if you don't feel comfortable having the same calorie goal every single day then TDEE may not be the best choice for you. You might be happier using the standard MFP approach and eating your calories back. Either way will work over time. Best of luck.
  • Mommy22Angels
    Mommy22Angels Posts: 4 Member
    Ok, that makes sense about my "way" not being TDEE. Maybe I will give it a shot then and stick to the same goal everyday. So, if I workout for an hour, 4 days a week and waitress for around 25-30 week (not moving every second), which activity level do you suggest? I really hope this changes something. I'm pretty sure I'm gaining muscle but need to see more of a change. Thanks!!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    So the spreadsheet on my profile page to get best estimates of everything.

    Because normal TDEE tables assume sedentary with only exercise added on, which in your case is totally wrong.

    Also, the type of exercise matters.

    Do you think you doing 4 days of 1 hr of walking is the same as 1 hr of running or 1 hr of lifting weights?

    And unless you are doing a progressive overload weight lifting routine with minor deficit - no you are not gaining muscle mass.
    Sorry. There are plenty of other body improvements that increase weight.
  • aleggett321
    aleggett321 Posts: 186 Member
    I'd try moderate activity based on what you've said. If you find you're not losing like you hope to you can adjust down, but keep your hopes realistic. A fairly steady loss of .5 to 1 pound a week is a good, safe target.
  • Maleficent0241
    Maleficent0241 Posts: 386 Member
    The TDEE method averages your activity over time, not on a strict daily basis. So, no, only making it to the gym 4 times a week will not throw it off assuming you have been realistic in your activity level.However, if you don't feel comfortable having the same calorie goal every single day then TDEE may not be the best choice for you. You might be happier using the standard MFP approach and eating your calories back. Either way will work over time. Best of luck.

    This. I was actually the opposite - having different calorie goals each day threw me off and made me uncomfortable, so I switched to TDEE and no longer log any exercise in MFP. Whatever works better for you mentally will be fine, but don't use TDEE AND add back exercise or you'll be double counting calories burnt and erasing your deficit.
  • Mommy22Angels
    Mommy22Angels Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for the replies. I just figured my TDEE at 2469, with moderate activity. With -20% I'm at 1975 and with -15%, I'm at 2098. I think I'm just going to stick with 2000 even and see where that takes me. My activity at the gym is at least 30 mintues on the treadmill on a random program, 30 minutes on the elliptical, also with a random program and then I'll do some of the weight machines for about 15 min....most days. Even though my job isn't strength, it's definitely cardio so I want to account for that. Ok, I feel a little better now. Going to start this new way tomorrow and see how things go for the next couple weeks.
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    I do TDEE and I love it! I'm losing weight and eating 500 calories more a day. I have a hard time hitting my calorie goal now because I'm working on fitting lots of veggies in my diet. Before I felt like I was obsessing about food because I would go over all the time. Good luck figuring it out. I used the calculator at fitness frog.
  • snowmaniac
    snowmaniac Posts: 600 Member
    On a related note, if your gym has free weights, especially if it has squat racks and barbells, you might want to consider switching from the weight machines. Free weights have many more benefits to overall strength, health, and fitness than the machines do. Check out a friend of mine who just started the Stronglifts program a couple months ago. If your goal is to lose weight and look fit, see what a busy person (full time nursing student with a job), can do in a fairly short time.