I went over my calories.

This is my third day on MFP. I went over 463 calories (according to MFP) today..did I just mess up my efforts so far because of today?

Yesterday and day before I ate half my exercise calories back..and was still under by like 200 calories.

Today I ate my exercise calories and then some.


  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Just so you know - your eating goal ALREADY has a deficit in it, I'm betting close to 1000 if you selected 2 lbs weekly like majority of women.

    So do eat back all our exercise calories to maintain what might not even be a reasonable goal loss, and your overeating to you goal level still left you at a deficit for the day.

    Just saw goal loss of 10 lbs. You should for sure set your weekly loss to 1/2 lb weekly.

    Or you'll likely just find yourself terrible at compliance for unreasonable goal level and getting up there anyway.

    Might as well feel good about reaching a reasonable goal by getting to eat more.

    If you are of the belief that faster is better, that bigger deficit is better, then why not just stop eating and lose the weight and be done with it?

    Whatever reasons you think of, and likely more, will happen eventually anyway with too extreme a deficit.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    One day won't ruin your diet.

    Also, the calorie goal MFP sets is a goal, not a limit, i.e. You should be aiming to hit it, not stay under.
  • ajamal9
    ajamal9 Posts: 15
    Just so you know - your eating goal ALREADY has a deficit in it, I'm betting close to 1000 if you selected 2 lbs weekly like majority of women.

    So do eat back all our exercise calories to maintain what might not even be a reasonable goal loss, and your overeating to you goal level still left you at a deficit for the day.

    thanks for the reply. So even if I eat the odd 500 calories over the limit Im still good to lose weight?

    Youa re right I am losing 2lbs/week but Im a guy. :)
  • ajamal9
    ajamal9 Posts: 15
    One day won't ruin your diet.

    Also, the calorie goal MFP sets is a goal, not a limit, i.e. You should be aiming to hit it, not stay under.

    thing is that its just my third day. I try to NET 1200 calories, dont know if thats how its supposed to be around here.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    One day won't ruin your diet.

    Also, the calorie goal MFP sets is a goal, not a limit, i.e. You should be aiming to hit it, not stay under.

    thing is that its just my third day. I try to NET 1200 calories, dont know if thats how its supposed to be around here.

    1200 is minimum for a sedentary woman. You are not a woman then. Eat more dude.
  • C3001
    C3001 Posts: 28 Member
    MFP put you at a deficit so you are likely eating around maintenance... (Edit) you are definitely still eating at a deficit now that I see your updates. ;) I look at my weekly calories anyway as I believe many others do as well. If you take a look at those I bet you are very close to goal. No way did you mess up your efforts! Either way, you are here, logging accurately, and learning. I say, great job! Keep it up, some days will be easier than others, especially at first.
  • ajamal9
    ajamal9 Posts: 15
    MFP put you at a deficit so you are likely eating around maintenance. I look at my weekly calories anyway as I believe many others do as well. If you take a look at those I bet you are very close to goal. No way did you mess up your efforts! Either way, you are here, logging accurately, and learning. I say, great job! Keep it up, some days will be easier than others, especially at first.
    thank you sooo much. yeah everyday Im learning something new here. Can you tell me where I can see my weekly calories? thanks again
  • ajamal9
    ajamal9 Posts: 15
    still learning about the MFP system. :)
    One day won't ruin your diet.

    Also, the calorie goal MFP sets is a goal, not a limit, i.e. You should be aiming to hit it, not stay under.

    thing is that its just my third day. I try to NET 1200 calories, dont know if thats how its supposed to be around here.

    1200 is minimum for a sedentary woman. You are not a woman then. Eat more dude.
  • Maleficent0241
    Maleficent0241 Posts: 386 Member
    IMO, your body doesn't think in terms of days so you shouldn't worry about doing so either. If, over time, your calories are averaging out to be less than what you are burning, you will still lose weight. Even if you totally screw up a day (we all have), accept it and move on. As long as you aren't going over by 500 every day (effectively erasing any deficit) you will be just fine.
  • Maleficent0241
    Maleficent0241 Posts: 386 Member
    MFP put you at a deficit so you are likely eating around maintenance. I look at my weekly calories anyway as I believe many others do as well. If you take a look at those I bet you are very close to goal. No way did you mess up your efforts! Either way, you are here, logging accurately, and learning. I say, great job! Keep it up, some days will be easier than others, especially at first.
    thank you sooo much. yeah everyday Im learning something new here. Can you tell me where I can see my weekly calories? thanks again

    Click on the "REPORTS" tab at the top of the page (blue bar).
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    still learning about the MFP system

    How much weight do you want to lose? It sounds as though you've set your weekly weight loss goal too high.
  • C3001
    C3001 Posts: 28 Member
    MFP put you at a deficit so you are likely eating around maintenance. I look at my weekly calories anyway as I believe many others do as well. If you take a look at those I bet you are very close to goal. No way did you mess up your efforts! Either way, you are here, logging accurately, and learning. I say, great job! Keep it up, some days will be easier than others, especially at first.
    thank you sooo much. yeah everyday Im learning something new here. Can you tell me where I can see my weekly calories? thanks again

    Under nutrition there is a daily and a weekly option to view your numbers.
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    This is my third day on MFP. I went over 463 calories (according to MFP) today..did I just mess up my efforts so far because of today?

    Yesterday and day before I ate half my exercise calories back..and was still under by like 200 calories.

    Today I ate my exercise calories and then some.

    Don't worry about it. Going over once every week or so is actually good for your metabolism. Your body needs ups and downs and is engineered to handle them. Just don't let old habits come back.
  • ajamal9
    ajamal9 Posts: 15
    thanks guy for all the replies..yall are awesome.
  • ajamal9
    ajamal9 Posts: 15
    This is my third day on MFP. I went over 463 calories (according to MFP) today..did I just mess up my efforts so far because of today?

    Yesterday and day before I ate half my exercise calories back..and was still under by like 200 calories.

    Today I ate my exercise calories and then some.

    Don't worry about it. Going over once every week or so is actually good for your metabolism. Your body needs ups and downs and is engineered to handle them. Just don't let old habits come back.

    yeah caved into the craving -.- sigh wont happen again..till next week now iA :p
  • Set goal for a male is 1800 calories per day. If you're just getting started, don't sweat it if you go over a little bit. Weight loss happens when you exercise and stick to that 1800 calorie goal. Don't eat back what you're exercising off ????. Just guessing but that goal is probably much less than you were eating prior to starting MFP, small steps lead to large paths. Btw 2 lbs a week is a safe, smart goal.
  • ishari89
    ishari89 Posts: 86 Member
    I've been over three times this week (sometimes over by a 1000), I want to blame PMS but really it was because I let myself eat that much instead of choosing healthier choices and drinking water. I don't think of this as a setback because it didn't ONLY take three days to get to my size. It took years of eating this way to become overweight, a day of overeating isn't going to undo all my efforts. Don't worry about falling off the wagon every once in a while - it happens.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Btw 2 lbs a week is a safe, smart goal.


    For who? Everyone?

    OP mention 10 lb weight loss goal.

    Your other advise is going to be confusing too since NOT the MFP method of keeping a reasonable goal.