One extreme to the other

Hi everyone

I don't know why but I seem to have gone from too many net calories to not enough. I don't feel like I have changed my eating habit at all.

Any suggestions??

Thank Donna-Marie


  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    If you're having trouble eating enough because you feel full, try adding more calorie dense foods to your diet, like nuts and peanut butter.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    It always helps if you make your food diary public, so people can give you better, more targeted advice.
  • I have set my food diary to public, otherwise what would be the point of using this site????
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    It is not public
  • I'm sorry but I have just checked the settings and it is public. What Else Can I Do???
  • mowbry
    mowbry Posts: 60 Member
    Hi, I have just looked at your food diary and may I say you are eating lots of sweet products. Would you try not eating for three hours before you go to bed and in the morning you should feel really hungry and make yourself a good healthy protein breakfast or porridge oats to keep you full until your lunch. Generally, I have eggs and salmon in the morning or porridge oats with some cinnamon and one spoon of splenda if I feel I need something sweet. You could add fruit in it if you wish. Around 12:30 I have a breast of chicken with salads or stir fry veggies and lots of them. Dinner is between 6 and 7pm and again it will consist of meat and veggies or if I am still full I will just drink a protein shake. I drink two litres of water a day plus six cups of decaf tea. When I am at the gym I consume another one litre of water. Most of the time I can stay between 12000 and 15000 calories. Planning your meals is key therefore I cook on a Sunday my lunch for work in the week. I hope this helps you. :-)
  • Thank you that helps a lot.

    I have eaten a lot of sweet things recently due to stress. I am having to change my diet as I have found out I have food allergies and the doctor is trying to find out exactly what foods are the cause. Sweet unfortunately are not one of the allergens :(.

    I also work shifts so my eating pattern is not se in stone.
  • mowbry
    mowbry Posts: 60 Member
    Oh my goodness you poor thing! Shift work is very hard to adjust an eating pattern too. Perhaps someone working shifts may have an better eating plan however with your food allergies you need to be really careful. I hope the results are not too shocking as my friend now has to buy all gluten free and she has a terrible time planning her meals and then cooking food for her family.
  • LauraFouhse
    LauraFouhse Posts: 115
    what works for me is eating every 2-3 hours. Every time I eat I have some source of protein and veggies and occasionally I will throw in some carbs. This keeps me from feeling hungry. It keeps my metabolism going strong. I've been eating this way for 7 months and can't imagine doing anything else. Love it.
  • jenmom2myboys
    jenmom2myboys Posts: 311 Member
    How about trading fruits for cakes.
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    How about trading fruits for cakes.

    Like fruit cake, then you cover both basis...sorta
  • Eating every 2-3 hours is a problem for me when I'm working as we are not allowed to eat at the desk.

    As I said before I have food allergies and at the moment me and the doctors are trying to find out the 'problem' foods.

    I know some fruits groups are 'problem' foods.

    I know it sounds like I am being difficult but honestly I'm not, sorry.
  • jenmom2myboys
    jenmom2myboys Posts: 311 Member
    Instead of beating yourself up then why not wait until you see what your food allergies are and work with your Doctor from there.
  • Ok thanks, so it is normal to lose 2lbs in 4 days?? That is why I asked.
  • jenmom2myboys
    jenmom2myboys Posts: 311 Member
    Your weight can fluctuate 2lbs in a day.
  • WonderWhitney11
    WonderWhitney11 Posts: 78 Member
    Weight fluctuates by the hour! It's all in how much water you drink, as well as how much food you've eaten, and then when you weigh yourself. My suggestion is to weigh yourself once a week at the most, and always at the same time of day.
  • jenn26point2
    jenn26point2 Posts: 429 Member
    You can do any number of elimination diets where you eliminate a food item you suspect as being a problem for a designated period of time - usually 30 days - and then reintroduce it. If that food doesn't cause a reaction, move to the next food. Or you can eliminate ALL the common food allergens (wheat, soy, nuts and dairy) for 30 days, reintroduce them one at a time - for instance, after a 30 day elimination period, eat dairy one time, see if it causes a problem over the next 4 days or so and if not, keep it. If it does, it goes. Then move on to the next food. Try it. Wait 4 days. If no issue, keep it. If an issue arises, it is a problem food and should be avoided. Then move on to the next. This is a much faster way to nail down which one might be causing you issues.

    What symptoms are you experiencing? Digestive? Respiratory? Chronic pain related? Skin related? Knowing this can also help narrow down which food allergen can be causing issues.

    In the mean time, eat calorie and nutrient dense foods if you aren't hungry often enough to reach your calorie goal. Foods like fresh meats, fresh veggies and fresh fruits are all nutrient dense and (some) calorie dense. Feel free to check out my diary for calorie/nutrient dense foods. I eat roughly 1600-2000 calories a day with no trouble.
  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I am not sure you are under eating by as much as you think. I looked into your exercise diary and you are logging things like computer work for a 430 calorie burn!

    The calories used up doing that is already accounted for in your daily activity levels.
  • I think you have mis-read the computer work. The daily activity levels are for sitting down doing nothing. When I am at the computer I am not just sat there, as I work on a very busy reception. This is why I log this as around a 100 calorie burn.

    I know for definite now that bread is one food, I tried cutting it out for a few days and felt fine, the first time I ate it, I knew about it within a few hours :( I am still trying to work out what other foods are a problem.
  • kuolo
    kuolo Posts: 251 Member
    Hi there, I don't think you're undereating so you probably don't need to worry about that. If you have recently cut out bread it might be the reason your calories have gone down though. Have you been tested for coeliacs? Normally if you have a problem with bread it is either wheat, gluten or yeast, all of which you are still eating in other foods, so it might be worth trying to cut them out one at a time for a couple of weeks and see how you feel when you reintroduce them.
    There are more formal elimination diets for common allergens or intolerances that your dr should be able to talk to you about too. As someone else mentioned often the type of symptoms can help indicate what it might be.