Permanent life routine with chronic pain

I have been to MFP on and off for some time. I have decided to revamp my efforts for weight loss. I signed up at SnapFitness and also have hired a personal trainer to help me out. I am 51 yrs old at 250 lbs. and a size 18. I've decided to do this the good old fashioned way. No fad shakes, smoothies or new fangled fitness routines. I am eating smart, eating less and moving more with cardio and strength training. With walking and/or bike riding on my off days from the gym. This will be my permanent life routine. My life change. My trainer said if you want to gain weight, go on a diet. You can lose and lose fast. But old habits can return and you'll just put it all back on again to some degree. I was also doing 1200 cals. a day. I would lose a pound here or there. But my trainer said it is still starvation mode for your body. You need nutrition. Smart calories to burn bad calories. I also have chronic pain with fibromyalgia, arthritis and a torn rotator. My trainer has custom designed a routine for me that I can handle considering all my issues. Including stress and anxiety and insomnia. There is nothing this man doesn't know about me just about. I always thought a personal trainer was out of my reach financially. Shop around if you ever thought about hiring one. I only will see mine once a month at $30 a visit. I can call him as much as I want. I am also needing some friends here on MFP to get to know. I never worried about meeting people here in the past. I'd like to change all that and meet some people for friendship and accountability for one another. I also want to really participate in the message boards and find a group or two to join. Being here will keep me off that drated FB.


  • Limebird
    Limebird Posts: 19 Member
  • doingitforjesus
    doingitforjesus Posts: 13 Member
    Hi and thank you for your friendship. It will be nice to have someone else as support who understands the pain of living with fibromyalgia. I too am just doing this the good old fashioned way. Have to make lifestyle changes. My doctor has me on gluten free as well as avoiding all high fructose corn syrup. She said she has other fibro patients that have cut these things out and it helped so giving it a try. I don't have a personal trainer but did go to physical therapy for a while and she helped me with exercises to do with having fibro. Also have some degenterative disk diseases and a pinched nerve in my neck. We can do this and be strong :smile:
    BARBnKS Posts: 84 Member
    trochelwoman you sound like you have found what so many of us need who have pain to contend with which makes exercising more difficult. Your trainer sounds awesome, wish I could find someone like him! Like doingitfores I went to a physical therapist for awhile after my back spasms subsided for a short time. She showed me some exercises to do that helped for awhile & then it became too much & started having real bad spasms. Bought a new bed that I could lay in that didn't hurt my back so I am now able to sleep better, turn over in it & get in & out of it with less pain. After I've been out of bed for about an hour I can move around & do a few things but I'm almost afraid to start exercising again for fear it will aggravate it again. So right now I find it helps to do leg and arm exercises in the morning before getting out of bed & try to get out & walk some, amazing how far I can go pushing a shopping cart! As we all lose more weight I think it will get easier for all of us to do more!
  • DSFfit
    DSFfit Posts: 133 Member
    trochelwoman you sound like you have found what so many of us need who have pain to contend with which makes exercising more difficult. Your trainer sounds awesome, wish I could find someone like him! Like doingitfores I went to a physical therapist for awhile after my back spasms subsided for a short time. She showed me some exercises to do that helped for awhile & then it became too much & started having real bad spasms. Bought a new bed that I could lay in that didn't hurt my back so I am now able to sleep better, turn over in it & get in & out of it with less pain. After I've been out of bed for about an hour I can move around & do a few things but I'm almost afraid to start exercising again for fear it will aggravate it again. So right now I find it helps to do leg and arm exercises in the morning before getting out of bed & try to get out & walk some, amazing how far I can go pushing a shopping cart! As we all lose more weight I think it will get easier for all of us to do more!

    I struggle with lower back problems and have for years. I literally was on the sofa for weeks with pain. I know everyone is different but it really helped me when my DR advised me to get up and walk as much as possible to strengthen my muscles esp my abs. It helps me a lot whenever my back flares up I walk as far as I can on a flat surface. Good luck, if you try walking be sure you're dr is ok with you doing that.