Weights and no cardio?

I hired a personal trainer 3.5 weeks ago and he told me that he will not put me on a cardio machine. I work out with him 4x a week for slightly over an hour and I have yet to see results! It makes total sense on why he won't put me n a machine but when I had another personal trainer years ago, he used cardio only I did see results. My brother concurs with trainer 1 as he too is a personal trainer (out of state) Confused on what to do, need input.


  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Different trainers have different ideas. if you don't like what your trainer is doing it may be worth looking for another one
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    I like the sound of your trainer - the norm is to palm you off with an hour on various machines. Does he have you do some HIIT after your session or are you maybe getting a bit of cardio in ther already (circuits or whatever)? I'd give it a couple of weeks before judging it - if you're new to strength training or haven't done it in a while, you could be holding on to a lot of water weight. Also, if you're still not happy, you can always do your own cardio, like a bit of walking, swimming or running.

    Like I say, I like the sound of him but I hate cardio - if you're enjoying your sessions and feel like you're getting results (after a few weeks) stick with it. If you preferred what you did before, go back to that guy. I think the main thing is to enjoy what you're doing.

    ETA: I notice you don't log your food - have you got your diet down? You may be eating more than you think as you're hungry from the sessions.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Your trainer should be tailoring your program to your goals not his personal ideology.

    Having said that my personal belief is that he should have you doing both. If weight loss is one of your goals cardio burns more calories and promotes cardiovascular health, weights are better in terms of body composition (and preserving lean muscle mass is important in respect to weight loss as muscle is more metabolically active than fat).

    When you say you're not seeing results do you mean you're not seeing the number on the scale moving? Try taking measurements and judging your progress by how your clothes fit rather than the number on a scale and be patient - it takes more than a few weeks to start "seeing" results from weight lifting (but I'd be willing to bet that you're stronger and fitter than you were when you started).
  • Anniebotnen
    Anniebotnen Posts: 332 Member
    What kind of results are you looking for? What are your goals in working out? Did you tell your trainer what your objectives are? There is a lot of recent research indicating that you can get the same cardiovascular benefits from weight training as from "cardio" so cardio machines are not required for fitness.

    If you are looking for weight loss, you probably will not see much, if any, without adjusting your diet. I saw no entries in your food diary - are you eating at a deficit?
  • spoiledpuppies
    spoiledpuppies Posts: 675 Member
    I've been working with my trainer for a couple of months. At first he said no cardio because basically I'd be asking my muscles to do two different things--conflicting goals. But then he put me on a HIIT routine--so far, particularly designed runs that I should do 1-2 times per week. He's also said that regular cardio can be fine too if it's something I enjoy, but a max of 40 minutes at a time with my heart rate staying relatively low. I find that with the time I'm in the gym for weights along with the HIIT runs, I don't have time for much else anyway now. I trust my trainer too, so I'm following his guidance.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Lift with the trainer and do cardio on your own if that's what you want to do. It's your body
  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
    I hired a personal trainer 3.5 weeks ago and he told me that he will not put me on a cardio machine. I work out with him 4x a week for slightly over an hour and I have yet to see results! It makes total sense on why he won't put me n a machine but when I had another personal trainer years ago, he used cardio only I did see results. My brother concurs with trainer 1 as he too is a personal trainer (out of state) Confused on what to do, need input.

    My old trainer would do weights with me and give a cardio plan for solo time cant you do cardio on your own like hiits?
  • lisaabenjamin
    lisaabenjamin Posts: 665 Member
    Lift with the trainer and do cardio on your own if that's what you want to do. It's your body

    Yep, I think I agree with this. I think weight training and cardio are equally important - cardio is great for burning calories and improving your cardiovascular health, but weight training helps you build muscle which will ultimately help you burn more calories whenever you work out and regardless of what type of workout you do.

    I think if you're new to weight training then it's a good idea to have a trainer to encourage you, push you to go heavier, and most importantly to make sure you have correct form and don't hurt yourself, but you don't need a trainer to do cardio - just go out for a run!
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    No need to pay someone to stand there and watch you do your cardio. Lift with your trainer and do your cardio after or on your off days.
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    I hired a personal trainer 3.5 weeks ago and he told me that he will not put me on a cardio machine.

    Good. Paying someone to watch you on an elliptical or treadmill is a waste of his time and your money.
    I work out with him 4x a week for slightly over an hour and I have yet to see results!

    Seriously, a WHOLE for weeks? Results take some time, and four weeks isn't outside the range of normal for "seeing no result". What results are you expecting?
    It makes total sense on why he won't put me n a machine but when I had another personal trainer years ago, he used cardio only I did see results. My brother concurs with trainer 1 as he too is a personal trainer (out of state) Confused on what to do, need input.

    Keep lifting with the trainer, do cardio on your own.
  • toronto_j
    toronto_j Posts: 206 Member
    My trainer believes in cardio, but I don't do it with her unless we're doing circuit training or another exercise that elevates my heart rate. I do cardio to warm up, then after my strength training, as well as days I don't see her.
  • AwnoldVA
    AwnoldVA Posts: 5
    I need cardio.

    Helps me practice controlled breathing and I personally believe that improvements to your stamina will stay with you longer. Ever stopped pushing weights for over 2 weeks and find yourself fighting an uphill battle to get back? It sucks. Your stamina will still be there and if anything, it'll help you get back to pushing those weights again faster.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I need cardio.

    Helps me practice controlled breathing and I personally believe that improvements to your stamina will stay with you longer. Ever stopped pushing weights for over 2 weeks and find yourself fighting an uphill battle to get back? It sucks. Your stamina will still be there and if anything, it'll help you get back to pushing those weights again faster.
