RMR test - am I doomed? or just out of the average?

I did a metabolic testing today, and I am regretting it. It's completely ruined all the happiness I was feeling with my results, and I"m trying hard to not let it have such an effect. First some stats about me: female, 5'5, 26 years old, currently 155 and goal weight 145. I have been actively trying to lose weight since October. I'm eating 1500 calories a day, and working out 6x a week. I do weights 2x a week, and cardio on fat burning mode 5-6x a week. It has been kinda slow but it's working nonetheless, I've managed to lose about 10 pounds and my clothes fit better, I look better.
So...I went in to get the RMR tested, and guess what? According to the test, I burn around 648 calories a day just by existing. 648?!?!!?! People with my stats are normally around 1000-1500 calories for RMR. And I am young, active, and have been regularly working out for 6 months!! How is that even possible? It's lower than most old people! And something else that doesn't make sense, is that I am losing at 1500 calories/day. So am I burning around 1000 with my exercises and lifestyle? Besides from working out, I just have a desk job so I just sit around the rest of the day.
So I guess...does this mean that I am doomed? I will just not be able to fight against this in 20 years and just become obese. Or are there just people like me who numbers don't really match up?


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I'm not sure why you're even worried about it if you're losing weight @ 1500 calories per day. How did they test this? Something seems off. At any rate, I'm more of a results oriented person and don't put much stalk into anything else. If you're getting the results than why worry about it?
  • FFfitgirl
    FFfitgirl Posts: 369 Member
    I'm not sure what to say but if your losing at the amount your eating,stick with it
  • betsyr13
    betsyr13 Posts: 45 Member
    Yeah, if you're losing, however slowly, eating 1500 a day, then something is off with the testing. Can you have it done again?
  • nespinosa3
    nespinosa3 Posts: 116
    I'm not sure why you're even worried about it if you're losing weight @ 1500 calories per day. How did they test this? Something seems off.

    They tested my oxygen intake/output. They put a mask and just had me breathe into it, relaxed, over 10 minutes.
    And I agree. Something is *very* off. I expected a low number but not a ridiculous number. I'm trying not to worry about it but you know....it does worry me having such a low RMR.
  • beattie1
    beattie1 Posts: 1,012 Member
    You'll just have to keep active! It's obviously working for you :smile:
  • defauIt
    defauIt Posts: 118 Member
    A few thoughts:

    1) Do you have any medical conditions that would be affecting your RMR? Anything like hypothyroidism? That may be a contributing factor for why your RMR is low.

    2) Even with a thyroid condition, 646 seems like an impossibly low number to me. I would say it's more likely to be user error (i.e. the test was done incorrectly and the results are not correct). Based on your numbers alone (just under 0.5 lbs/week lost with what looks like a reasonable deficit which is a great pace) it doesn't seem likely that 656 is accurate.

    3) If the results ARE correct and you were cursed with an abnormally low RMR, you should be super proud of yourself. You're basically playing the weight loss game on expert mode and you're killing it by losing weight, congrats!
  • kuolo
    kuolo Posts: 251 Member
    I would just ignore it and forget about it. My understanding is that it's more complex than that, so chances are that number's a load of rubbish. And as others have said, if you're losing weight and feeling healthy, keep doing what you're doing, it's working for you.

    ETA: Also, yes, it sounds ridiculously low and unlikely if you are losing on 1500.
  • jjkarnitz
    jjkarnitz Posts: 55
    I guess you have to decide if the test is accurate, but regardless, remember: you will increase your RMR as you add muscle. So if you find your weight loss slowing, focus on building lean muscle (heavy weights).
  • nespinosa3
    nespinosa3 Posts: 116
    I guess you have to decide if the test is accurate, but regardless, remember: you will increase your RMR as you add muscle. So if you find your weight loss slowing, focus on building lean muscle (heavy weights).

    And that's exactly what I'm trying to concentrate on...I'm both losing weight but also keeping/building muscle. My body fat went almost 2% down in 3 months (going to retest again in June). And I am very active right now...which is now I understand even less how my RMR can be so low.
    Another thing is...years ago, I did some heavy damage to my body. I was always very insecure about my appearance so I starved myself and yo-yo dieted for years. I'm not sure if this ruined my metabolism and, as time goes on and I keep being active, it'll get better. But I've been very active for the last 6 months :S why hasn't it gone up?? This is just so confusing and frustrating :(
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    can you request a re-test if it bothers you and blow off your self esteem? even with slower metabolism, double the number would be normal...
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    I don't understand what the problem is. You're losing weight at 1500 calories, obviously your RMR is not actually 650 calories/day. The test is not accurate.

    Any other questions?
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I would just ignore it and forget about it. My understanding is that it's more complex than that, so chances are that number's a load of rubbish. And as others have said, if you're losing weight and feeling healthy, keep doing what you're doing, it's working for you.

    ETA: Also, yes, it sounds ridiculously low and unlikely if you are losing on 1500.

    This^^ Number is useless...If I had a 2000 RMR but can't find a way to lose weight, what's it needed for, right? :)
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    This is easy. Test is wrong, what you are currently doing is right. Even I can solve this problem.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    IMO it is borderline criminal to let people do these kinds of tests without the background education to know when they have a wildly inaccurate reading that is almost certainly caused by test error.

    Metabolic testing and body fat testing can be valuable tools--but they are just tools that need to be handled by someone who knows how to use them. I unfortunately do not have access to metabolic testing, but I have done over 10,000 body fat tests. One of the first rules--something that I stress to every new intern or trainer--of a professional doing any kind of fitness assessment is that you have to compare/reconcile the numbers with the person sitting across from you. There have been plenty of times where the numbers seemed off. I always analyze the information in greater detail, and either find an explanation, or explain to the client that you don't have an answer, but there is something wrong with numbers.
  • nespinosa3
    nespinosa3 Posts: 116
    IMO it is borderline criminal to let people do these kinds of tests without the background education to know when they have a wildly inaccurate reading that is almost certainly caused by test error.

    Yeah she made a face and said that she has never seen a number that low for someone my age. Even people older than I am, who have a slow metabolism, they are not at this number. I've been trying to find people with the same issue as I do, but everyone who "had a very very extremely low metabolism according to the test" is still around 900-1000!!!
    They will retest on Wednesday. My only explanation is that my RMR is screwed up because of my restrictive diets for years, and that I just burn much more than average with daily activities and workouts. But I don't even know if this is possible.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    The brain alone needs somewhere between 300-500 calories a day to keep your body functioning. The test was wrong. There are some reasons why it could be wrong.

    1. You ate within 12 hours of getting it done.
    2. You had caffeine within 12 hours of getting it done.
    3. You exercised within 12 hours of getting it done.
    4. You smoked within 4 hours of getting it done.
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    Simple - the test wasn't done properly, or the equipment malfunctioned. Even a slight leak in the seal around your face can throw the numbers out. The person should have given you a retest immediately, and doubled checked everything was setup correctly.
  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    Leonidas_meets_Spartacus Posts: 6,198 Member
    I do Metabolic testing regularly mostly part of Vo2 max and Vco2 tests. They are accurate if done properly. Looks like your test is way off and was done by an amateur who had no clue what he or she was doing. Get a retest and make sure the mask is properly secured.
  • You said "she" said something. Who is "she"? A doctor? A technician? Someone with a license? Why are you asking this question on this board, even? Take it to your doctor and ask for their opinion. I agree with the others, it is silly to even be worrying about. Isn't it obvious to you that the test is off if you're losing weight? Why are you even asking this question? Seriously, I don't get it. Worrying over nothing. Talk to the MD supervising this/your PCP.