short ladies - 1200 cal/day?

Any ladies out there who are similar to my height (5 ft 1 inch)? Do you follow MFP's 1200 cal/day recommendation or has that been unsuccessful for you?

I try my best to stick to the 1200 goal but often I am 100-200 cals over and feel immensely guilty. But ever since trying to stick to 1200, I have finally been seeing some progress on the scale after a 2 month stall.


  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    Since you are short, 1200 a calories a day might work for you.

    If you often find yourself hungry and needing 1300-1400 calories. Then trying making that your goal. Why make yourself miserable? You aren't going to GAIN weight eating 1300/1400calories.
  • GrokGranny
    GrokGranny Posts: 25 Member
    I agree! Although I am a little taller (5' 5) I am losing very, very slowly. I will be 61 this month, so I am older. I am active but at their recommended goal of 1450 cal's the needle is barely moving. Granted, I know I am gaining muscle...and I don't eat back my calories burned but not much is budging. We all have different metabolism's too. But I also need to come to peace with this "rate of loss" thing. Today I lowered it to 1350 and will see if that helps. If not? I'm staying there and the rate it comes off will just have to be the rate it comes off! The hard part is, my cardiologist has me weighing every day and there are wild fluctuations. I need to do this to be on the lookout for Congestive Heart Failure returning (I have and ICD implant.) But...the only number I record is a weekly weigh in on Sunday's.
  • Not sure how much you weigh but I am around 5ft 1 and weigh about 99-101 pounds (trying to lose some fat gain some muscle) I eat around 1200 a day. So if you weigh more than me I'm sure you'll still lose on a little over 1200? I'm barely losing anything on 1200 and find it very hard to stick to it - 1200 is not much food is it :P
  • crys_aintgivingup
    crys_aintgivingup Posts: 115 Member
    Yes I do find myself hungry often. Maybe I should eat a bit more, although I'd really like to aim for a 1lbs/week goal...
    Since you are short, 1200 a calories a day might work for you.

    If you often find yourself hungry and needing 1300-1400 calories. Then trying making that your goal. Why make yourself miserable? You aren't going to GAIN weight eating 1300/1400calories.
  • crys_aintgivingup
    crys_aintgivingup Posts: 115 Member
    Thanks for this! And hats off to you for the hard work. I know how it is to see the scale refusing to budge - the first 2 months I also saw no results at all. I guess we have to just accept the fact that our initial schedules for weight loss are overtly optimistic and that it will be a slow, gradual process.
    I agree! Although I am a little taller (5' 5) I am losing very, very slowly. I will be 61 this month, so I am older. I am active but at their recommended goal of 1450 cal's the needle is barely moving. Granted, I know I am gaining muscle...and I don't eat back my calories burned but not much is budging. We all have different metabolism's too. But I also need to come to peace with this "rate of loss" thing. Today I lowered it to 1350 and will see if that helps. If not? I'm staying there and the rate it comes off will just have to be the rate it comes off! The hard part is, my cardiologist has me weighing every day and there are wild fluctuations. I need to do this to be on the lookout for Congestive Heart Failure returning (I have and ICD implant.) But...the only number I record is a weekly weigh in on Sunday's.
  • crys_aintgivingup
    crys_aintgivingup Posts: 115 Member
    Not sure how much you weigh but I am around 5ft 1 and weigh about 99-101 pounds (trying to lose some fat gain some muscle) I eat around 1200 a day. So if you weigh more than me I'm sure you'll still lose on a little over 1200? I'm barely losing anything on 1200 and find it very hard to stick to it - 1200 is not much food is it :P

    Yes 1200 is so difficult to keep up! I am 132 pounds.

    How come you are aiming for weight loss at 99-101? Shouldn't you be aiming for toning and maintenance instead? I'm just curious.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I'm 5'2. In the very beginning I tried 1200. I was miserable. I upped my calories and lost weight just fine.

    I am currently eating 1700 a day and I exercise 6x a week. I'm still losing weight. Granted I do weigh more than you, but even so, you don't have to be starving to lose weight. If you find you're hungry, don't be afraid to up your calories. As long as you maintain a deficit, you will lose weight.
  • jenmom2myboys
    jenmom2myboys Posts: 311 Member
    Are you eating back the exercise calories?
  • Cynner2007
    Cynner2007 Posts: 46 Member
    I am 4'11 and found 1200 undoable. I upped myself to 1400, work out 5 to 6x weekly and eat back at least half my calories. I am in a much happier place.
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    I'm 5'0 and I'm eating around 1400 calories and I work out 5 times a week. I'm losing weight slowly, but steadily. I tried doing it at 1200 cals and I just felt really bad and moody. I think if you're feeling hungry on 1200, you should up your calorie intake. Also, I'm guessing you have MFP set to 1-2 lbs/week? Try 0.5lbs/week since you really don't have much to lose.
  • janine2355
    janine2355 Posts: 628 Member
    Any ladies out there who are similar to my height (5 ft 1 inch)? Do you follow MFP's 1200 cal/day recommendation or has that been unsuccessful for you?

    I try my best to stick to the 1200 goal but often I am 100-200 cals over and feel immensely guilty. But ever since trying to stick to 1200, I have finally been seeing some progress on the scale after a 2 month stall.

    I am 5 ft 3 inches. I'm 38 years old and weigh 145, but want to get to 130. MFP wanted me to follow 1200 ca/day. I was doing it for like 40 days now, but I got really sick and I think it is because my immune system was low because I needed more "fuel". I went on the community forum here and everyone said that 1200 was way to low. Someone suggested 1400 a day which is what I changed it too, so I will let you know how it goes it you would like. Everyone said they were loosing weight with even more calories than that so I should loose the weight.
  • ColeCake292012
    ColeCake292012 Posts: 247 Member
    When I lost 50 pounds before I got pregnant, I stuck with 1200 calories for months. Then I hit a plateau that just wouldn't budge. My husband suggested that I up my calories and BOOM! I was out of the plateau. Now, I don't know WHY upping my calories to 1400 worked for me, but my body took to it very nicely.

    Now I'm back to lose the baby weight, and I eat around 1600-1800/day. I exercise every day, even if its just light aerobics for 30 minutes, and care for my toddler. I'm doing well, so far.
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    I'm almost 5 feet, 1.5 inches. MFP has never suggested to me to eat at 1200 a day. I'm doing 1450 and am quite happy with that. I'm actually very comfortable with 1400 many days.
  • Not sure how much you weigh but I am around 5ft 1 and weigh about 99-101 pounds (trying to lose some fat gain some muscle) I eat around 1200 a day. So if you weigh more than me I'm sure you'll still lose on a little over 1200? I'm barely losing anything on 1200 and find it very hard to stick to it - 1200 is not much food is it :P

    Yes 1200 is so difficult to keep up! I am 132 pounds.

    How come you are aiming for weight loss at 99-101? Shouldn't you be aiming for toning and maintenance instead? I'm just curious.

    I'm mainly aiming to gain muscle but I'm trying a lose a bit of stomach fat along the way. I find I put on weight very easily if I don't think about what I'm eating so attempting to stick to 1200 at all times is easier in the long run for me.
    I'm not always good at measuring calories so now I think about it I'm sure there's many days I eat more like 1300 or even 1500! So I wouldn't worry too much if you are a bit over your limit some days especially if you're exercising :)
  • Like yourself, I am also only 5'1" and I am using the 1200 calorie a day goal. For the most part I am able to stick with it, but it takes a definite effort to make sure I eat a healthy breakfast and lunch and stick to an early dinner. If you are exercising for at least 20 to 30 minutes a day that helps. I've just recently started and I would say the most important thing is to read the labels on what you are eating and make sure you stick to the serving size.
  • jenniferryan79
    jenniferryan79 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a shorty (5'2) and started my life change at 153 lbs. For 2 weeks now I've done 10 minutes of cardio a day, eaten my 1200 calories, and used my fitbit to measure steps. I've lost 6 pounds and haven't felt like im eating any less than I used to. Im definitely not giving up my favorite foods but I am paying more attention to portion control, and to eating slower so I know when I'm full. I guess 6 pounds doesn't seem like a lot but on my frame I can physically see a difference already which makes me want to continue.

    Io eat back the calories I lose while doing the cardio, and I make sure I eat something about every 3 hours. I try to pack my snacks so that theyre filling, I drink a lot more water and oddly enough Ive found chewing the extra desert gum really helps me get over my sweet cravings.
  • vervegreen
    vervegreen Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 18 and barely 5 foot. At my heaviest (last month) I weighed 158lbs, in 4 weeks i lost 6 pounds. Some days I ate under 1200 (never went under 800 though) and some days I went over (never exceeded 1600) this is because I only went to the gym 4 days a week for 2 hours. The days I went to the gym I ended up below 1200 because after college I burnt virtually all the calories consumed the whole day so when I went home I would eat a small dinner and some fruits and yoghurt. I joined MFP today to see if it helps and it says I have to consume no less than 1200 calories a say, I'm sceptical of it too but I'll give it a go for a week and see i I lose 1.5-2lbs a week and if not I'll go back to my own plan.
  • crys_aintgivingup
    crys_aintgivingup Posts: 115 Member
    Are you eating back the exercise calories?

    Yes, I am. I usually burn between 200-400 calories a day depending on what exercise I do, and I always at least half of it back.
  • crys_aintgivingup
    crys_aintgivingup Posts: 115 Member
    I'm 5'0 and I'm eating around 1400 calories and I work out 5 times a week. I'm losing weight slowly, but steadily. I tried doing it at 1200 cals and I just felt really bad and moody. I think if you're feeling hungry on 1200, you should up your calorie intake. Also, I'm guessing you have MFP set to 1-2 lbs/week? Try 0.5lbs/week since you really don't have much to lose.

    Thanks for this! I haven't been feeling moody but I often wake up in the middle of the night feeling hungry and finding it difficult to fall back to sleep. I suppose I really should give 1400 a try before this leads to a late night binge!!
  • crys_aintgivingup
    crys_aintgivingup Posts: 115 Member
    Thanks so much for all the encouraging and super helpful replies here. After reading your posts, I think I will give 1300-1400 a try instead. It might mean slower weight loss but at least it would feel more doable and I wouldn't be as obsessed with food as I currently am.

    This has been really helpful. Thanks so much once again :flowerforyou: