Binge eating

So I'm not quite sure when I developed binge eating. I want to say last march or February when I began healthy eating in college. I got snacks for my room and then I'd just eat soo much of everything it was bad. So I pretty much had trouble with that all of last year and especially in the summer.... then came back to school again didn't get much snacks and it just depended on if I have stuff in my room. Now I am doing a month(done April 15) of no junk food and started back up just binge eating on pretzels or whatever "healthy snack I had". So I got rid of those snacks and it still happens occasionally. I especially love almond butter or peanut butter. Does anyone have any tips that can help me. I have started to loan out my meals but I don't know. I always seem to be hungry because nothing seems to keep me fulll longer than 2 hours. I know binge eating is about self control which I have a little bit of since I am staying away from sweets/ junk.

Anyways all I really want us a flat stomach. When I stand up my stomach isn't that bad but when I sit down it's hugee. So I eat pretty healthy... Cut sweets out... Exercise 3/4 times a week... Been a vegetarian for 5 years. I hate exercising though I'd just rather eat healthy but it's hard when I binge on random healthy food once or twice a week.

ANY HELP?? Plz & thanks. I'm 5'4" and probably weight 120-130. I haven't weighed myself since July it got really annoying/addicting.


  • terricol
    terricol Posts: 43 Member
    You are not alone with the binge eating. I have done it most of my life. I believe the first step is admitting it to your self. I have tried making a diary of all i eat and why i am eating. That helped for a while and then i became lazy and didn't keep tracking it and now weight has gone back up again. The main thing someone told me is if you have a bad day then draw a line and start again. Sorry not much help but just wanted you to know you are not alone in binge eating. good luck
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    If you Binge, you are probably under eating.. especially if its several items or everything in the house. (not like a trigger food type deal)
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    If you would learn to eat foods you enjoy in moderation as opposed to totally abstaining from them you would be less likely to binge or overindulge. Stop viewing everything as "clean" and "dirty". Track you caloric intake and remain at a deficit and you will lose fat.

    You should also look into heavy lifting to preserve lean mass. Don't know if that will stick though since you claim to dislike exercising.
  • OkamiLavande
    OkamiLavande Posts: 336 Member
    Moderation is key. I've finally gotten under the 130lb mark thanks to not cutting out foods. If you cut out foods for a long period of time, one bite will never be one bite when you try them again. Don't ditch things from your diet and that will eliminate the guilt you feel after binging on the foods you miss.

    Eat more is another suggestion. You probably aren't eating enough if you still binge. I upped my caloric intake once I understood BMR/TDEE and haven't had a binge since. I just measure out portions of the yummy "bad" foods. That way I can have my cake and eat it too.
  • Jodie514
    Jodie514 Posts: 8
    I don't think I'm under eating at all. The thing is when you are eating healthy foods aren't that many calories. There's been times where I have wanted to keep my overall day under 1000 calories. But now I usually have 3 proper meals. With some snacks/ fruits here and there
  • Jodie514
    Jodie514 Posts: 8
    Moderation is key. I've finally gotten under the 130lb mark thanks to not cutting out foods. If you cut out foods for a long period of time, one bite will never be one bite when you try them again. Don't ditch things from your diet and that will eliminate the guilt you feel after binging on the foods you miss.

    Eat more is another suggestion. You probably aren't eating enough if you still binge. I upped my caloric intake once I understood BMR/TDEE and haven't had a binge since. I just measure out portions of the yummy "bad" foods. That way I can have my cake and eat it too.

    But see I've cut out sweets but binge on banana & almond butter. Kashi Cereal with almond milk which I no longer have. Pretzels and hummus. No longer have any pretzels. I don't know. Is 2 tablespoons of almond butter bad because I think that will help me. Also I hate how hungry I get at night. ... But I honestly do eat and have snacks. It's just I don't stay full for long.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    Why did you cut out sweets?

    Open your diary.
  • catofcanals
    catofcanals Posts: 20 Member
    I can relate to this. I'm a college student as well, and I've found that if I don't buy as many snacks for my room, the less snacking I will do. Kind of what you said, but it's true - if I know I have yummy snacks, I will feel more inclined to eat them. So, I've been buying less snacks, and that seems to be cutting my urge to snack.

    Also, I can't live without my sweets. It's just not going to happen. So I fit them into my calorie count, everyday. Even if it's just a small something, I find a way to fit them in! Don't cut out things you love, you can totally fit them in if you try. :)
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I don't think I'm under eating at all. The thing is when you are eating healthy foods aren't that many calories. There's been times where I have wanted to keep my overall day under 1000 calories. But now I usually have 3 proper meals. With some snacks/ fruits here and there
    Limiting your daily calories to under 1000 IS under-eating. That's why you are so hungry. Try to increase your daily calories to at least 1200NET for a week and see how you feel. You may need to go higher. And no, 2 tbs of hummus or almond butter is not "bad".
  • kuolo
    kuolo Posts: 251 Member
    If you are always hungry you are probably not eating enough overall, which can make you want to binge if you do it for long enough. Try eating a little bit more, and more regularly, and never let yourself get really really hungry. (I'm talking genuine hunger not the urge to binge). Some people find that having protein and fat in each meal and snack can help keep you feeling fuller and less likely to binge. But you still need to be eating enough. It might be worth working out your current calorie intake and what your intake should be to maintain, then make sure you hit this goal each day.

    ETA: at your age and weight you need to be eating way more than 1200, especially if your body is urging you to binge already. Aim for maintenance.
  • Jodie514
    Jodie514 Posts: 8
    Why did you cut out sweets?

    Open your diary.
    I wanted to work on my self control. Living in the dorms I have such easy access to sweets and eating whatever I want whenever I want. So I decided to just do a challenge. But okay I will. My diary isn't accurate since I don't include everything because I don't even prepare the food. I just like to get an idea.
  • Jodie514
    Jodie514 Posts: 8
    I can relate to this. I'm a college student as well, and I've found that if I don't buy as many snacks for my room, the less snacking I will do. Kind of what you said, but it's true - if I know I have yummy snacks, I will feel more inclined to eat them. So, I've been buying less snacks, and that seems to be cutting my urge to snack.

    Also, I can't live without my sweets. It's just not going to happen. So I fit them into my calorie count, everyday. Even if it's just a small something, I find a way to fit them in! Don't cut out things you love, you can totally fit them in if you try. :)

    Yeah I understand it's bad to completely cut out things but I will start getting the fiber one brownies when I'm done with this challenge. I don't know if I want to have a cheat day once a week or once every other week. People just don't understand my weakness when I see my favorite desert. I also can't have just once cookie. Plus whenever I come home I just want to eat everything and I didn't even touch any of the junk here just had some chickaboom popcorn.... Almond butter and almonds. ???? way too much of it though.
  • Jodie514
    Jodie514 Posts: 8
    If you are always hungry you are probably not eating enough overall, which can make you want to binge if you do it for long enough. Try eating a little bit more, and more regularly, and never let yourself get really really hungry. (I'm talking genuine hunger not the urge to binge). Some people find that having protein and fat in each meal and snack can help keep you feeling fuller and less likely to binge. But you still need to be eating enough. It might be worth working out your current calorie intake and what your intake should be to maintain, then make sure you hit this goal each day.

    ETA: at your age and weight you need to be eating way more than 1200, especially if your body is urging you to binge already. Aim for maintenance.

    I try to eat something every 2 hours basically and have my meal every 4-5 hours. I've also been during acv water. To try and keep me full for a longer period of time. Nothing ever seems to work though. I'm always thinking about food or a flat stomach. Plus I'm a vegetarian so sometimes I have to stick with salads. I even use regular ranch so idc about those calories when my salad is practically nothing without the dressing.
  • Jodie514
    Jodie514 Posts: 8
    I don't think I'm under eating at all. The thing is when you are eating healthy foods aren't that many calories. There's been times where I have wanted to keep my overall day under 1000 calories. But now I usually have 3 proper meals. With some snacks/ fruits here and there
    Limiting your daily calories to under 1000 IS under-eating. That's why you are so hungry. Try to increase your daily calories to at least 1200NET for a week and see how you feel. You may need to go higher. And no, 2 tbs of hummus or almond butter is not "bad".

    So it's normal to have 2 tbs of almond butter ?? Hummus idc about. I usually don't even measure it out. And I don't aim to have under 1000 calories. That was last year when I would basically binge eat everyday.
  • pandagirl813
    pandagirl813 Posts: 84 Member
    Maybe you should drink more water. I love Lipton Mango Pineapple Iced Green Tea To Go Packets. A large glass( mine holds 2 cups of water) with 1 mixed in will keep me full for a good 2-4 hours. Whenever you get snacks put single servings in Ziploc bags and that might help a little. I would buy at least 1 sweet a week or since your not getting enough calories, try eating 100 calories of extra/fun stuff a day. If you get a bag of candy on sale or something, take enough for the week and then put the rest in the common room for other people to take so you don't eat too much.
  • Tigermum9
    Tigermum9 Posts: 546 Member
    Dieting made my binge eating worse. I now eat what I want and dont find myself rebelling against the 'diet' x