Fat belly, nightmare belly

Hello !
I would like to lose some belly fat and i'm aware of the fact that we can't really know where we're going to lose weight first but that doesn't matter, I just want to feel some improvement. I've been working out for quite sometime and i've always been giving up because i see no results when it comes to my belly. My arms have gone stronger, my legs too and it seems like that belly fat is just sitting there laughing at me and telling me : you'll never approach me.
I've been told that crunches and abs work outs won't really help me if i don't loose belly fat first. I'm not going to a gym mostly because it costs at least 70 Dollars per month and I'm still a student, can't afford that + They're far so ... I only work out at home. And ONLY at home because when i have to go for a run or something, i have to bring my dad with me and he's not always free. (why ? my city is full of dangerous people + if they see you running, it's like they're watching an alien) Any propositions, please ? I reaaaally hate that part of my body.
And here's a picture if you can see it ... Can't figure out how to post a picture here, huh :


  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Research some HIIT routines you could do at home.
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Can you do some workout DVD's at home?
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member
    Continue doing what you are doing - add in some body weight workouts, resistance or weight training. There is no magic fix but strength training will improve your core. I wouldn't say focus on one area, eventually the areas that you don't like now will catch up with the rest. :ohwell:

    edit: you can find some great workouts online for free - fitnessblender is a good one.
  • Imane1996
    Imane1996 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for your replies !

    12by311, thank you i've heard a lot about those, i'm gonna try and add them to my routine.
    Lisa1971, yes, recently i've been doing the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, i'm only on my fifth day but yes, I can do workout DVD's at home.
    knra_grl, i'm in a bad relationship with weights but I'll keep that in mind. And you're right for Fitness Blender's workouts. I like them a lot but sometimes I don't know which one is right for me.