I'm not losing!!

I have been tracking my calories and exercising regularly since March 17th, and I have yet to lose weight. For the past few years I have been hovering between 128lbs and 131lbs and did not exercise much. I am now on 1200 calories a day and have stayed consistently at or under 1200/day... I am also doing cardio workouts regularly... but the scale still says 128-131. Is this normal? I can tell I've lost some fat... my stomach is flatter and my legs look thinner, but I am wondering why the scale's not showing any loss. Will the numbers EVER change? Is this normal? I don't drink enough water and have a tendency to bloat a lot, but really... no change? I'm getting frustrated! Any ideas?


  • struggletodiet
    struggletodiet Posts: 149 Member
    hi what is happening is that you are getting more muscle and toning up so i will not look like it on the scales but like you said there is a difference in you don't worry it will get there, generally you don't lose as much weight as quick the longer you control what you eat. don't worry it will get there
  • pandagirl813
    pandagirl813 Posts: 84 Member
    Struggle is right about you gaining muscle. Measure your waist, hips, arms, neck, and thighs. Measure them again in a month and you should notice a difference. Drink more water and if you don't like the taste then get flavor packets.
  • Beautifulbridgittlee7
    Beautifulbridgittlee7 Posts: 352 Member
    Do your clothes fit well/ If nothing is tight when you wear it, and fits well, that's a good sign?
  • Kenazwa
    Kenazwa Posts: 278 Member
    You didn't state your height. Maybe you're already at an optimum weight. Keep going with the exercising (but don't overdo it), and I'm sure you'll be pleased with the results.
  • kittikat1119
    kittikat1119 Posts: 96 Member
    First, be careful not to go too low on calories. You should be eating AT LEAST 1200 cals a day, plus eating back at least some of the calories you burn from working out. From what you are saying, you are not fueling your body.

    Second, take measurements and don't get hung up on the scale. There are so many examples on this site where women will weigh 10 lbs more than they were and look THINNER. Personally I don't care how much I weigh so long as I look good. Might be wise to re-evaluate what is more important to you, how you look or the number on the scale. :smile:
  • dandilyon1296
    dandilyon1296 Posts: 2 Member
    Some things to consider might be: Potentially not enough calories, possibly too many carbs if you are "carb" sensitive, they can create bloat, eating too many processed foods, which again might cause fluid retention and weight, not enough water will cause fluid retention so definitely up your water intake, other possible food allergies which are creating "bloat" might be possible. Try focusing on healthy lean meat and vegetables for a bit and see if that doesn't "trigger" loss. Make sure to keep your calories at least 1200 to 1400. I know it seems counter-intuitive, but I have seen weight loss when I up my calories if I'm at a plateau as long as I am working out pretty seriously and focusing on "whole" healthy foods and not too many fruits. I'm not an expert, but some things that helped me out.:smile:
  • dandilyon1296
    dandilyon1296 Posts: 2 Member
    I lost 30 lbs using mfp and exercise (turbo-jam, body weight exercise, RIP:60, jump rope and other cardio. I enjoy tennis with my husband at least 3x per week.
  • THANKS everyone! I will try your suggestions. :smile:
  • jordy89x
    jordy89x Posts: 22 Member
    I had the same problem was doing cardio exercises also and eating very healthily, scales didn't show much change though, have you tried jogging/running? From my own experience, that is the only thing that has worked to see a difference on the scales. Oh and just a tip about the water, it is most important when trying to lose weight. Water to us is like petrol for a car, it helps every part of your body function, it'll help burn fat. Try and drink as much as you can. Hope your hard work pays off soon! It'll all be worth it :)
  • motormouse81
    motormouse81 Posts: 23 Member
    I was logging for nearly 3 weeks before I saw a result on the scales even though I was under my daily limits. I think it just took my body a little while to wake up and get with the program! It is a change so give it some time to catch up to you.

    I had a very similar post to you but it did happen for me and I've been losing a bit, going up a bit and loosing a bit more since. I'm up to 6.3kg lost now. Stick with it, every day you change your habits is a positive! The weight will have no choice but to budge. In the meantime you're doing great things for your body! Well done!