HELP! Flat stomach?



  • Hey hey chica. Try Blogilates!! She's got fantastic workouts for your abs, thighs, and butt.

    Watch this:

    Then do these in order:

    If you want more tips, add me as a friend.

    But let me give you advice -- don't put a time limit on things. There's no shortcuts to true fitness. Be healthy, be happy, and have fun doing it. You won't only have the body you've dreamed of after hard work, you will feel great too.

    For more answers this is the perfect thread for all beginners;

    :) Good luck!

    Thank youu! Just subbed to the woment :)
  • orthetiger
    orthetiger Posts: 22 Member

    Not a BIG theigh gap the ones that curvy people have

    lol what does this even mean?

    Here's how you get a thigh gap: Be born with wide-set hips. There is no way to exercise or diet your way to a thigh gap unless it is in the cards for you. Sorry. The minute you give this up, you will feel better about figure out what you can do.


    Don't focus too much on it even IF you have wide hips, because it still may not be possible for you.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Thigh GAP!!! Are you serious. Only necessary for SPONGEBOB!!! That is one of those things either you have it or you don't, its in your genes....

    Not a BIG theigh gap the ones that curvy people have

    Please stop saying theigh gap, or thigh gap. Can you post ONE pic of a curvy person with a thigh gap?

    And here's one more link that I don't think has been posted.
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    Lift weights and hope your genetics give you a thigh gap.
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    Let me rephrase... lift heavy.
  • TheGoodEmu
    TheGoodEmu Posts: 31 Member
    There's a a whole lot of information here, and I don't want to get caught up in precise details.

    I just wanted to second the INSANITY routine - i have been doing it for a few months (not straight - have to take time off for sciatica flares) and I gotta say, it really truly is one of the best workouts out there that will show you fast results, *if you put the work in!*

    Match that with proper nutrition (comes with a food guide that is pretty awesome if you want to use it) and you'll probably have the best body you possibly can by then. Works a LOT of abs/core, so when your fat is gone you'll have nice flat abs there waiting for you. ;-)

    Good luck!
  • gabrielleelliott90
    gabrielleelliott90 Posts: 854 Member
    I would recommend doing the 6 week 6 pack by Jillian Michaels, as she says pair it with healthy eating and you will see changes.
  • gabrielleelliott90
    gabrielleelliott90 Posts: 854 Member
    Blogilates will help too with the thigh gap. I personally think though, as I see people with thigh gaps, that you have to be extremely thin to get one, the people I see with them are extremely thin, probably underweight or verging on it. I would say get to your ideal weight, like me I'm sure you aren't far, and do the blogilates thigh exercises, for the stomach 6 week 6 pack by Jillian michaels. Maybe work on one at the time though or you'll be sore all the time. Do the 6 week 6 pack first, and then see how your body has changed, still not satisfied, keep losing the weight to your ideal then combine cardio with the blogilates thigh exercises.
  • bjg2993
    bjg2993 Posts: 107
    Thigh gap definitely depends on bone structure, not how skinny someone is. I've always had one even when I was verging on overweight because I have wide hips and long legs. It also depends on how weight distributes itself on your body - if you're top heavy or your weight spreads evenly you might be lucky and get one when you've got down to a low body fat percentage. If you're bottom heavy, it's not too likely - sorry.

    Anyway, I'll also contribute in a helpful way and recommend yoga. I'm lazy and hate high impact stuff, and this works wonders if you do it daily - I haven't even reached my goal weight and my stomach is almost flat.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Blogilates will help too with the thigh gap.
    Apart from burning calories; how?
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member

    Work on your posterior chain and hope for the best??

    Also, when people say strength training on here, most (not all) mean lifting weights.
  • Linnaea27
    Linnaea27 Posts: 639 Member
    Hi guys!
    So I'm 147 pounds i was 154 beginning of January!
    I only started jogging around a month and half a go. Was wondering how will i get a flat stomach and toned legs (theigh gap) by August? I have seen a reall big difference alreayd bu thow will i shed pounds quicker?
    If anyone has any tips and tricks please comment!

    Great progress so far! It sounds like if you keep doing what you're doing, you'll lose enough weight to look more the way you want to. Just make sure you're still in a healthy weight range. :) The thigh gap is, I think, not the most realistic of accomplishments when staying healthy. I think fit, healthy people often have some space between their middle thighs, but the "gap" up near your groin I've only ever seen on unhealthy (IMO), super thin individuals. So I wouldn't recommend trying for that!

    That said, I've been surprised that I do indeed have some space between my middle thighs now-- and have since I had lost only about 5 lbs. For me, weight seems to come off my legs and upper body fastest, and to some extent you'll only be able to lose weight in specific places in the pattern your body wants to lose from first. But I do think that my use of leg-heavy exercises like running, riding a bike, and doing weight/circuit training workouts including lots of squats (probably close to 100 squats per session overall, or more) has helped build up my leg muscles some and definitely contributed to changing the shape of my legs for the better!

    As for the flat tummy, well, again it's a matter of where your body decides to let go of the fat first, Tummy is usually the last place to lose fat for us women, but lots of people here seem to have had great success with heavy lifting in that regard.