What's the Deal with Advocare?

A co-worker was bragging about Advocare today, so I thought I'd ask the experts: you! She sure was excited about the products, but she also hit me the "pyramid scheme" pitch. I'm definitely not interested in that mess.

Before you say it, I'm not foolish enough to think that there is a miracle pill or drink; however, if this is something to give a little boost that might assist in weight loss, I may be interested. She bragged about having more energy and simply feeling better...as well as losing some weight. That didn't sound terrible to me, but, again, I'm skeptical.

Has anyone had any experience with this line of products? If so, what can you tell me?

Thanks in advance and please save any lectures you may feel like giving.


  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Don't buy it. Just eat below your calories and you'll get the same result!
  • chelledawg14
    chelledawg14 Posts: 509 Member
    I don't have first-hand experience, but my mom's co-worker who was 22 & already pretty fit started using it. She lost inches to the point of looking like a little kid and felt great, but after eight months give or take, she started feeling "not right". She had become a distributer and ended up going off of it due to headaches, dizziness, etc after months of really liking it. Yes, she did put a few lbs back on after going off of it.
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    A co-worker was bragging about Advocare today, so I thought I'd ask the experts: you! She sure was excited about the products, but she also hit me the "pyramid scheme" pitch. I'm definitely not interested in that mess.

    She is trying to sign you up so she can make money. There is nothing special about it other that what the people who are selling it will tell you.
  • jilljhunter
    jilljhunter Posts: 8 Member
    I was first "turned on" to Advocare a few years ago when I was training for a 1/2 marathon. Advocare offers a line of products similar to what you would find at GNC. They do have a some focused on weight loss, but mainly offer supplements to enhance performance. Advocare also has a 21 day challenge that includes specific products and a meal plan. IMO anyone that eats the meal plan prescribed by Advocare would lose weight (it's very restrictive). I did lose weight and noticed I was able to tone up when using the products. On the down side, they are pricey, but if your someone who is exercising a good bit, it's worth it. I'm actually getting ready to place an order. Products that I really like are Spark (energy drink), Catalast (fat burner to be used pre/post workout), Post workout recovery (good balance of protein/carbs after serious workout), and the multivitamin packs. Check out Advocare's website for a product line. Like you said, there is no miracle pill, but the suggested products do give you energy.
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    I was first "turned on" to Advocare a few years ago when I was training for a 1/2 marathon. Advocare offers a line of products similar to what you would find at GNC. They do have a some focused on weight loss, but mainly offer supplements to enhance performance. Advocare also has a 21 day challenge that includes specific products and a meal plan. IMO anyone that eats the meal plan prescribed by Advocare would lose weight (it's very restrictive). I did lose weight and noticed I was able to tone up when using the products. On the down side, they are pricey, but if your someone who is exercising a good bit, it's worth it. I'm actually getting ready to place an order. Products that I really like are Spark (energy drink), Catalast (fat burner to be used pre/post workout), Post workout recovery (good balance of protein/carbs after serious workout), and the multivitamin packs. Check out Advocare's website for a product line. Like you said, there is no miracle pill, but the suggested products do give you energy.

    Please educate yourself if you are trying to push an MLM scheme. You did NOT "tone up" using the product. That is a lie.

    Second post in 3 years? How is your weight loss going?

    The rest of your post is MLM garbage,
  • jilljhunter
    jilljhunter Posts: 8 Member
    Sorry if you misunderstood - Not trying to push any scheme. There is no product that will help you firm up. Trust me, I was spending the time in the gym. On the other hand, LOTS of athlete's use supplements (hence why GNC is so popular). Advocare is just another distributor (and something I was familiar with although I'm not a distributor).

    Weight loss is going just fine, thanks for asking. Just recently returned to MFP because the Weight Watcher meetings in my area were cancelled.
  • Shaylaurkoski
    Shaylaurkoski Posts: 16 Member
    I have a friend who lost over 100 lbs using their products in the last year. . . . . .I think I look better than she does and she weighs at least 20 lbs less than me. Reason: she relied on the products and the restricted diet to get her results without intense work out therefore she is "thin" but definitely not "fit" she almost looks sick to me because of it. . . . .Like a stick! That is why I will keep doing what I am doing (counting calories and exercising) until I get to my goal. I think that I will feel better knowing at the end of my weight loss journey that I did it on my own! I may have only lost 35 lbs in the last year (fell of the wagon for a while) compared to her s100 but I don't mind at all. She also keeps trying to get me to spend the $300 or whatever to sign up or get the starter kit. Not my thing anymore! I've tried plenty of fad diets and never had any luck. Even when I "fell off the wagon" at the end of last year. . . I really did not gain much weight back I just didn't loose any. . . . That to me says I am doing something right. I am not saying that they're products are all junk . . .I've heard great things about spark and some of their snack/protein bars but I do fine with my coffee and proper nutrition.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I just want to know which pill is the one that makes you prey on your friends and try to get them to waste their money too?
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    What you can buy with the money you're using for Isagenix, Advocare, etc.

    College tuition
    2 weeks in a disney world resort
    Christmas presents
    workout equipment
    Gym / studio membership
    braces for your kids
    private school tuition
    new furniture
    iPhone 5S
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    I think the deal is that they are preying on people who have good intentions (usually); they want to get healthier, they want to lose weight, ect.
    But what I don't like about it is that you can get the same effect for MUCH less by cutting calories, learning to eat within your macros, exercising, and making better lifestyle decisions.

    I talked last night with my friend about this, and we came to the same conclusion: programs like Advocare, Slimfast, Special K, Herbalife, ect are getting people stuck in a loop. They see results with the product (at a heavy investment), then gain all the weight back after they end the program and return to old habits. It's a never ending cycle, and they're making tons of money off of it.
  • anaconda469
    anaconda469 Posts: 3,464 Member
    In my opinion, there just isn't a magic pill or supplement to make the weight just go away. I tried all of that and got caught in the trap of spending a ton of money on pills and supplements and my weight just yo yo'ed. Plus a lot times this stuff made me sick. Once I found MFP and became aware of things like portion control, logging daily, and an exercise plan, the weight came off. I am not quite there yet but I now spend my money on my bicycle and a gym membership.
  • lyndseyallie
    My sister sells it and lost a lot of weight off of it. I use herbalife and have had good results.
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    In my opinion, there just isn't a magic pill or supplement to make the weight just go away.

    But...but...jilljhunter just said they have a pre-and post-workout product that burns fat! I wanna get me some! ;-)