Flat Stomach after TWIN C-Section? Please help!

Hi! I had twin boys in Dec and am trying to lose the "pudge". I need help with workout ideas to concentrate on my abs. I have a daughter as well, and am a stay at home mom with ZERO time to go to the gym right now. What can I do at home? Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated! :D


  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    as a SAHM try some of the you tube work out videos , jililan michaels, leslie sansone , some of the belly dancing ones , etc .
    I know its is going to be hard ,
    i dont know how you can even imagine it .
    When i had my twins i didnt even think of anythinkg like moving till they were 6 months,

    5 months of bedrest turned me into oatmeal!!

    obviously the usual , weigh and measure, chances are you may have diastasis recti , which is a separation of the abdominal muscles, , it can take a year or even two to have those tendons / muscles recover,
    the closer to full term/sized you made it the more work it is for your body to recover.
  • hoperochelle11
    hoperochelle11 Posts: 37 Member
    Thank you so much! I will definitely check out the you tube videos. I have always liked Jillian Michaels. I really appreciate the advice.
  • Bounce4
    Bounce4 Posts: 288 Member
    I had full term twins as well. First - I think your body may continue to change (or go back to normal really) for another few months. My hips didn't go back to their normal size for 7-8 months. i didn't have a c-section though so I can't speak to that specifically.

    You could add in some exercise (anything you want really - it will all help) 3-4 days a week. My core muscles were so weak. If you google some core muscle workouts there are lots online and they would also help so you don't strain your back in the next couple of years - which is common for all mom's much less mom's of twins. Don't over exhaust yourself or you'll be miserable. Stay flexible - it is imperative with twins, as I'm sure you've already discovered, lol. If it is a rough week don't beat yourself up if you sleep instead of work out. Sleep is important too.

    Are you doing the calorie counting here? That will help the most IMO.
  • hoperochelle11
    hoperochelle11 Posts: 37 Member
    Thank you for your advice :) I honestly didn't have a strong core prior to my pregnancies. Google is definitely a great idea, I really don't need to do any more harm to my back than I already have lol. Yes, I am doing the calorie counting via MFP. I really prefer to have everything rolled into one app lol.