Another Update!

Hey guys havent been on so long, probably because this site is for counting calories. (Who cares about them anymore lol!) Ive been on my anorexia recovery for a long time and my starting weight was 81 lbs at 5'1 (Yikes anorexia does screw with your head... i look back now and understand i was a conplete twig!) And now im....... 97 lbs!!! Im still aiming for over 100! I am completely recovered from anas ways :) In fact... i just had some chocolate coverded pretzels and that would have been like a complete mental break down if i would have just nibbled one.. I love my body much more than i was back then. And just to throw one more happy moment in here, might be a little gross but oh well, since i lost so much weight i lost my period D: BUT I GOT IT BACK!! I was so happy!! That actually means that im healthy and recovered!

Sorry about my blabbering but im so happy :)
Never thought id recover, but you CAN recover! Its hard but you can do it! Kick Ana's butt!


  • Praying_Mantis
    Praying_Mantis Posts: 239 Member
    Go Katie!
  • Zbugsmom
    Zbugsmom Posts: 19 Member
    Really happy for you!!
  • matt6050
    matt6050 Posts: 56 Member
    Congrats!! I love hearing stories like this on my own road to recovery: they inspire me and spur me to work harder to reach my goals, Thank you and congratulations again!
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member