What do you like to put into your green smoothies?

Hiiii guys. I don't know about you, but I'm not a huge fan of salads. I like them, but I won't eat them everyday-- I feel like a rabbit. I'm more into steamed vegetables and green smoothies. I like throwing in some steamed kale/baby spinach into my smoothies and usually add a cup of orange juice and a little bit of frozen fruit.

These are mostly natural sugars, but is there any way to make them a teeeny bit cleaner?

What do you guys like putting in your green smoothies? I've tried soy milk, but is there anything else that would be good to add?

Thanks for your input. :)


  • nangytime
    I've been pretty religious with my green smoothies for the past 3 months ever since I bought a nutribullet. My basic recipe goes like this: 2 large handfuls of greens (I normally do raw organic baby spinach and baby kale), 4 frozen strawberries, 4 chunks pineapple, 1/2 banana, 1 T. ground flax seed and fill it up to the max line with water and blend away.

    I also have enjoyed switching up the fruits with blueberries, apples, mangos, and green grapes. I think you'd get a lot more nutrients into your green smoothies if you kept your greens raw. If you have strawberries, pineapple or banana in there, the flavors of the fruit are strong enough to mask any "vegetable" taste.
  • Togi11
    Togi11 Posts: 20
    I freeze everything - spinach , cut it up fresh and freeze + bananas and blueberries. I also put in lots of flax and nutritional yeast. Sometimes a bit of smooth tofu and a half avacado.
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    I prefer almond milk or coconut water over juices since it's easier to fit into my daily goals. Usually almond milk because I love the texture that it gives. But I do like a little bit of lemon juice. I usually freeze individual portions of 1/4 of a banana, 1/4 cup of berries, 1 cup of Kale, and a squeeze of lemon juice. Then I blend that with a cup of almond milk and a scoop of vanilla whey protein (sometimes I'll add some plain Metamucil too). I have it after my morning workouts. The banana makes it very creamy, the berries sweeten it, and the vanilla whey gives it almost a milkshake flavor. It's very yummy. I can't even taste the kale.
  • eelamme
    eelamme Posts: 1,135 Member
    Lots and lots of spinach!!!
    Frozen blueberries, peaches, strawberries, bannanas. Maybe a cup all together of the mix.
    One cup plain greek yogurt.
    Flax seed.
  • DeMarraDontStop
    DeMarraDontStop Posts: 342 Member
    I use mostly frozen fruits (berries, kiwi,) & spinach & banana too but I usually add unsweetened almond milk! I'm actually doing an April green smoothie challenge! Check out this site, they have wonderful clean smoothies! Good luck! ! http://simplegreensmoothies.com/30-day-challenge
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    I will put anything I find in my fridge in there (within reason). I have no recipe it's just what looks like it is needed to meet my macros or will make it taste better. Things I add for taste reasons are cashews, avocado (which I can't stand to eat on it's own), apples, carrots (in a fruit based smoothie). Really anything that looks good. Smoothies are for experimenting.
  • KDar1988
    KDar1988 Posts: 650 Member
    One of my favorites is....not green tho....
    1 cup frozen blueberries
    1/2 to 1 frozen banana
    small container of greek yogurt (blueberry or vanilla)

    For my green:
    couple handfulls of spinach
    frozen green grapes
    frozen pineapple
    frozen banana

    I would like to up the veggies in the green, but not sure what combo works best. My coworker says it should be a ratio of 3:1 (3 veggie to 1 fruit). I use a nutribullet and absolutely love it!!
  • mbitely2004
    mbitely2004 Posts: 66 Member
    I start with 8oz of green tea and 2 cups raw kale, blend it to a juice then I add 2 cups frozen strawberries or whatever other fruit I want. I love love love using green tea as a base just because Im not a huge fan of almond milk or other bases.
  • angel5561
    angel5561 Posts: 142 Member
    Never thought of using green tea good idea :) I blend mine with water usually milk or almond milk I like to add cocoa powder vanilla natural nut butters such as peanut or almond pb2 protein powder vanilla or chocolate greek yogurt plain yogurt spinach kale mixed berries pineapple papaya you can add green powder supplements something I want to try pumpkin puree with pumpkin pie spice banana apples and cinnamon your only limited by your imagination :)
  • doctorsookie
    doctorsookie Posts: 1,084 Member
    Bumping for green smoothie ideas.
  • SKME2013
    SKME2013 Posts: 704 Member
    400g spinach
    Kale- not too much
    Leftover veggies from night before, e.g. aspargus, broccoli, peas, brussel sprouts (cooked)
    Half cup blueberries (frozen)
    Unsweetened vanilla almon milk


    Protein powder
    Chia seeds
    Flax seeds
    Tsp homemade peanut or almond butter
    1/2 banana
    Frozen chunks of pine apple, raspberries or mangoes

  • strive2behealthy
    strive2behealthy Posts: 74 Member
    You all rock!! Thanks for the ideas.

    I read a few articles (and spoke to my doctor) that you should really steam your kale before throwing into the blender. The oxalic acid in raw kale can lead to muscle weakness.



    I don't think it hurts to throw raw kale into smoothies, but I think it might take a toll if you are religious about your green smoothies and drink them everyday.
  • mveach0822
    mveach0822 Posts: 19 Member
    Fruit: Mango, mixed berries, banana (always), granny smith apple (most of the time), peaches, pineapple, pretty much any fruit I am in the mood for. frozen and fresh.

    Veggies: Spinach (most of the time), sometimes kale.

    Liquid: Water, Almond Milk, Soy milk, a tad bit natural pineapple juice

    Almond butter (just started adding)

    Alternate between flax seed, chia seeds, and pysillium husk

    Sometimes protein powder, very green supplement

    I just discovered an amazingly awesome and sweet smoothie:

    1 ripe banana
    3 dates
    2 cups spinach (cannot taste)
    2 tbsp flaxseed

    I LOVE my Nutribullet.
  • Lannister80
    I really don't like smoothies much if they don't have something green in them....they're just too sweet!

    I always put a huge handful of spinach in mine....sometimes I get the Trader Joe's Power to the Greens which is a blend of spinach, kale, and chard.

    My base is Silk unsweetened plain almond milk (the 30 calorie kind), Natural Factors whey vanilla protein powder, either 1 tbs of chia seeds OR 2 tbs of blueberry golden milled flax seed, half a frozen banana, 3/4 cup of frozen strawberries, and 1 tbs of Smart Balance peanut butter. I drink that all morning at work and it really fills me up nicely till lunch. Plus, I like frozen fruit because then you don't have to use ice.
  • nangytime
    That's so good to know! Thanks for the information, what did you end up taking away from that second link? It seems to me like there are really benefits and downsides both raw and lightly steamed kale/spinach/other cruciferous vegetables.

    I haven't noticed a weakening of my muscles, but do you think it's more of a long term problem that can occur?
  • strive2behealthy
    strive2behealthy Posts: 74 Member
    No problem! I try to research nutrition as much as I can. I have a hard time trusting things, but that's just me.. lol. :)

    As for muscle weakness, I'm not too sure! I, myself, haven't experienced it but I'm not religious about drinking them everyday, so I'm not positive whether the effects would be long term. To be honest though, I usually don't have time to steam my kale in the morning so I end up throwing it in raw, but I'd definitely make it a habit to start steaming if you are drinking them every day.