Looking for friends to motivate and be motivated :-)

Hi I am Amy, I live in Australia, Im 27 and I have 6kg to lose to get down to my 52kg goal. I am looking for some MFP friends to share this experience with, I could definitely use some accountability-buddies! I have used MFP half heartedly on and off for a couple of years but have decided to start fresh now and have a proper go at making it work. If you are interested let me know, I would really appreciate it :-)


  • Hey ! I live in America, I am currently 17 but will be 18 in a month. Trying to lose weight for my self-esteem, prom and health. I am starting my Work-Out / Weight Lose plan later on today.. I've been on and off of MFP as well.. and i need some one to help me work through this weight lose process. I will add you as soon as i figure out how lol ok ? :)