This is hard...

So I did really well the first few months and more I'm into month three its getting harder (no s£#%, Sherlock!) And I'm struggling with motivation. I originally wanted to lose 28lb from jan6th to may 6th but it's note looking not likely. I've lost 15\16 but have not really dropped in the last month. I know this is normal and I know I'm feeling what millions of mfp-ers do ask the time but it's just annoying me today. I've decided to have a naughty day (as it's wrestlemania) but in reality it's probably just like one of my normal days per change. I'm looking much better, feeling much stronger but now I'm not just greedy for food but greedy note for results too. Lol. It's hard because I've realised I love this new way of life and it's now me forever and I can have a naughty day (heck, I'm 30 in a few weeks time and I have to, and I mean have to celebrate Eurovision and then it's my dad's 60th) but my bad days now are like my old normal days. Onwards and upwards. So many fancies for the future. Not fondant ones, mind you, T25, Brazil butt lift and weight lifting fancies lol ... But for today... A 4am bedtime, a few beers (american of course) and watching ripped tanned men fighting each other in the squared circle (that clubs as exercise for me, right?!)


  • conniehv40
    conniehv40 Posts: 442 Member
    give yourself today! You seem to know how to do this!! Giving yourself a day off of anything, is not a bad thing!

    Get back on track early next week and you will be much better off for doing so!

    great job on the weight loss!
  • motormouse81
    motormouse81 Posts: 23 Member
    You have to know when to give in and give in early before a binging episode starts in. That way you can better control how much 'bad food' you eat. Instead of binging and eating a massive packet of chips you get yourself a smaller one on a day you've exercised. And focus on eating it and eating slowly so you enjoy it. I used to scoff a big packet of salt & vinegar chips pretty quickly. I was pining for them so bad but then an MFPer said - just go eat a small packet. It was like huh, this is ok, it's not going to break the bank. And the packet lasted about as long as the big packet did! It removed the forbidden fruit for me and I haven't had to have it since but I know that if I do it's no big deal