Do morbidly obese people loose fast. did you.

I AM 377.2 . I have lost 20 pounds in the past 34 days. But now its slowing down even with alot of excercise...
I have stopped smoking and drinking when i started loosing my weight. Is my body maybe stressed. IDK. I am so new to this

How long did it take you to lose the weight.
how much did you lose
and did you lose faster the bigger you were.

Thanks :)
add me if you like


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    The first month is always the fastest. This is mostly water weight.

    As I got smaller weight loss did slow down a bit. I'd say just aim to lose 2lbs per week. Until your weight loss comes to a complete halt (scale stops going down for a month or more) there really isn't any reason to be concerned. 20lbs in 34 days is extremely fast. I wouldn't expect that kind of weight loss to continue.
  • eluna72
    eluna72 Posts: 13 Member
    I weighed 350 lbs when I started on March 3rd and I lost 25 lbs by April 1st. I'm pretty sure I've only lost 1-2 lbs this week and I'm ok with that. :-)
  • Sobus76
    Sobus76 Posts: 242 Member
    i started on september 8th of last year, i lost about 30lbs the first month, 50lbs by the end of the year had a couple set backs with thanksgiving and 2 vacations, but got right back on the horse. I've had a couple setbacks this year so far, mainly parties, weddings, superbowl, but i keep going afterword and not staying off the wagon. The weight will go back on faster then you lost it, at least in my experiences. but now im down 70 in almost 7 months, so 10lbs a month average to me is good. but yeah starting out you'll lose a lot because of water, it'll slow down. how much depends on your diet and exercise, on weeks i do what i need to with MFP i'll lose 2lbs. if i work out like i should that number can double.
  • Tigredia
    Tigredia Posts: 107 Member
    I just lost that amount in three months. I started at 298. I lost the most in the first month. It has slowed down to about 8 pounds a month. The good thing is you are burning lots more calories right now compared to a 150 pound person. Just keep logging your food and exercise. Did you get your BMR so you know how many calories you should be eating?
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    I started at 485lbs. In the first two weeks, I lost 17lbs, and another 8 or so in the next two weeks. Then it slowed down, to a stop.

    Since you've pretty heavy, I'll tell you what I learned through my experience. MFP, the much touted "scooby calculator" that people post on these forums, and other websites that use standard calculators, they aren't going to be accurate. They aren't designed for people who are very overweight.

    After several weeks of being stalled, I broke down and got a 24/7 calorimeter. Not a HRM or a pedometer, a tool that literally measures my personal burns to the minute. I adjusted my intake to those numbers, which were almost 1000 calories off from the calculators, and I began to lose 4-6lbs a week.

    It is true that the very heavy person can potentially lose a lot of weight a lot faster than smaller people. It's due to the caloric burns we generate through daily living and the very high exercise burns we get when we exercise. Most people on my friends list have to workout three hours to match what I do in an hour.

    Get your numbers, get the plan down, and eat enough. There are going to be people that tell you that it's fine for you to cut to 1200, but it's not. I promise you, it's not.
  • LynndaMaree
    LynndaMaree Posts: 88 Member
    What is a calorimeter and how does it work? Never heard of that one. Thank you.
  • alright girlfriend, you are doing great! not only because you've already lost some weight, but you've stopped smoking too?

    my goodness, you're awesome.

    so, some things to keep in mind:

    1) are you doing cardio, weight training, or both? both is the best to lose weight... you build your muscle (which does make you gain) but it burns the fat for you even when you're not exercising! win win here : )

    if you do decide to lift weights, hey, you don't have to go into body builder mode, just some 5 lb dumbells will burn your arms, core, legs, you'd be amazed.

    2) yes, a lot of the initial loss is water weight. you will plateau as you continue your journey, you've just got to push through those moments. never, ever give up. you've done so much just by committing yourself to a healthier lifestyle now.

    ah, gotta run, but best wishes and hope all is well
  • eluna72
    eluna72 Posts: 13 Member
    Get your numbers, get the plan down, and eat enough. There are going to be people that tell you that it's fine for you to cut to 1200, but it's not. I promise you, it's not.

    This right here. GREAT advice. At my weight I think I'd be suffering if I ate only 1200 calories per day!
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    I started out at 268. I think I lost about 40 pounds in the first three months. That's nice, because it's very motivating. After that I generally lost a pound or two a week. I knew that it would likely slow down though, so I was expecting it. The last few months I only lost around 1/2 pound a week.
  • Rainboots80
    Rainboots80 Posts: 218 Member
    My husband started out at 372 and in the past two months has dropped to 317. I think the more you have to lose the faster it is lost.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Yes, much faster at first.