Bound and determined and modifying macros

Hey guys, I've been on here off and on for a few monthtd I recently was diagnosed as pre-diabetic. I was prescribed Metformin and it's helped a lot. I always associated my manic behavior to hormones, but since focusing on my diet being balanced and eating regularly throughout the day, along with regular cardio and the medicine, I feel like I'm stuck on the upswing. Honestly I fear the inevitable low so much that I'm starting to get a bit obsessed with keeping within my macros.

That's really the only negative feelings have toward my lifestyle change, as my husband is in culinary school and we come up with the healthiest meals that taste a million times better than the processed stuff I always made for our family because it was "easier". I'm determined now to find a good balance, as staying under my calorie goal is very easy now.

I've downloaded the macro app to find a good balance, but I've been having trouble keeping my fat under. I try to find alternative fats that are good, like my new love affair with avacado and flax seed, but I keep ending up going over. Should I modify my goals?
